
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad

author:Motivated little Ah Xing
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad
The number of words of a married man, collect it, it's sad


The night is like ink, and the neon lights of the city flicker outside the window. Zhang Tao sat at the desk, and the pen in his hand could not be left for a long time. There was a hint of exhaustion in his eyes, and there were indescribable complex emotions.

"Tao, what are you busy with so late?" His wife Li Ting's voice came from the bedroom, gentle with a hint of concern.

Zhang Tao raised his head and barely squeezed out a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that there is something at work." He tried to hide his inner turmoil, but his voice was a little hoarse.

Li Ting walked over and gently stroked his hair: "Don't be too tired, your body is important." Her words were like a spring breeze, but they couldn't dispel the haze in Zhang Tao's heart.


Zhang Tao is a married man who has been married to his wife Li Ting for five years. They used to be college classmates, from campus romance to marriage hall, all the way through ups and downs, but their feelings for each other have always been the same. However, as the years passed, the pressure of life made Zhang Tao feel more and more heavy.

He is a middle manager in a large company who has to deal with a variety of complex work and interpersonal relationships on a daily basis. He worked hard and fought for his family and future. However, as he rose through the ranks, he found it increasingly difficult to balance work and family.

He often worked late into the night and missed dinner with his wife; He was so busy entertaining clients that he neglected to accompany his children's growth. He felt like a never-ending spinning top, pushed by the pressures of work and life to spin constantly.

Whenever there is a dead of night, Zhang Tao always thinks of the past days. He and his wife walked along the tree-lined avenues of the campus together, holding hands and connecting hearts; Together, they are planning a blueprint for the future, full of longing and hope. However, everything had changed now, and he felt that he was getting farther and farther away from the self he once knew.

"Am I really happy?" Zhang Tao often asks himself. He found himself pursuing career success while ignoring the essence of life. He felt his heart grow empty, as if he had lost something important.

He began to reflect on his lifestyle and values. He realized that his family was his most important asset, the most precious part of his life. He decided to adjust his lifestyle and rediscover the happy self he once was.

He began to work fewer hours and spend as much time as possible with his family. He and his wife cook, watch movies, go for walks, and enjoy rare time together; He plays games, reads, travels with his children, and feels the warmth and happiness of his family. He found that these simple happiness were what his heart really desired.

Over time, Zhang's life has changed dramatically. A smile reappeared on his face, and his heart became more fulfilled and satisfied. He understood a truth: family and happiness are the most important pursuits in life.

Inner Monologues:

"I used to get lost in the pursuit of my career and lose sight of the essence of life. However, now I understand that family and happiness are the most valuable treasures in life. I want to cherish the people in front of me and cherish every happiness. I want to make my life better and make my family feel my love and warmth. ”


Zhang Tao's story makes us think deeply. Are we ignoring the essence of life while pursuing career success? Are we neglecting the feelings and needs of our family members? Let us cherish the people in front of us and cherish every happiness. Let's embrace life with love and warmth, and make our lives more beautiful and fulfilling.

Finally, please like, follow, and bookmark this article. Let's spread positive energy together and let more people understand the importance of family and happiness. Let's work together for a better life!

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