
Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

author:Hot-blooded strawberries

In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has lasted for more than a month, both sides have paid a heavy price.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

The fierce fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas in the Rafah Belt is shocking and exposes a serious tunnel problem. After the war, Israeli forces began their investigations and discovered a staggering number of tunnels, many of which led to neighboring Egypt. This not only highlights Hamas's underground warfare capabilities, but also exacerbates the instability in the region.

According to Israeli investigations, they found more than 700 tunnel shafts in the Gaza Strip, about 50 of which lead to Egyptian territory. These tunnels are well-constructed, accessible and clearly planned and constructed over a long period of time. Hamas uses them as the main means of hiding and transport. Some analysts believe that they have provided Hamas with valuable cover and logistical supplies during the conflict.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

The Israeli military side was extremely shocked and outraged by this. They believe that this is irrefutable evidence that Hamas is deliberately creating confrontation and that it is a serious violation of international law and humanitarianism. Therefore, the investigation and disabling of these tunnels will become a top priority for the Israeli army.

However, the project will be a daunting challenge. The tunnels are criss-crossed and the structure is complex, making it difficult to completely eradicate them in a short period of time. In addition, the extension of some of the tunnels into Egypt is bound to lead to diplomatic disputes. The Egyptian side has indicated that it will actively cooperate with the Israeli army's actions.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

Hamas, on the other hand, has been rather lukewarm in its response to the tunnel problem. They claim that these facilities exist solely for self-defence and are forced to adopt the way of survival under the blockade of the Israeli army. Moreover, Hamas has vowed to protect these "underground fortifications".

The reason for the existence of tunnels is rooted in long-term conflict and antagonism. The Gaza Strip is considered "the largest prison in the world", and its inhabitants live in dire straits. Hamas's need to survive and rebel has led to the creation of these tunnels. From this point of view, to solve the tunnel problem, we must start by resolving the root cause of the contradiction.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

Tensions in the Middle East seem to be plunging into a new vortex. Israel's representative at the International Court of Justice in The Hague recently hinted that Hamas may have the support of external forces, which is undoubtedly a major accusation against the Palestinian Authority.

The Egyptian government has firmly denied this and has strengthened the deployment of border defences. It is not difficult to see that once there is substantial progress in the results of the investigation, it will have an impact on Egyptian-Israeli relations and may even further worsen the situation in the entire Middle East region. As a major country in the region, China attaches great importance to this incident and continues to pay close attention to it.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

As everyone knows, the contradictions between Israel and Palestine have a long history, and there are serious differences between the two sides on the issue of territorial sovereignty. Hamas, as one of the main Palestinian armed forces, has long been regarded by Israel as the "number one public enemy". The Israeli representative's public accusation of external support for Hamas in an international forum is undoubtedly a means of exerting pressure on it.

As one of the main Palestinian armed forces, Hamas has long been regarded by Israel as the "public enemy number one". The confrontation between the two is constantly escalating, and large-scale military clashes occur from time to time.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

Hamas, with its influence in the Gaza Strip, has repeatedly launched rocket attacks against Israel, while Israel has launched severe strikes against Gaza with its military might. The relentless attacks and counterattacks have put the already war-torn Palestinian civilian population in dire straits.

This time, the Israeli representative's public accusation in an international forum that Hamas has external support is undoubtedly a means of exerting pressure on it. But fundamentally, unless the two sides can really sit down and resolve core issues such as territorial ownership, border demarcation, and refugee resettlement, it will be difficult for Hamas to settle for such accusations.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

In fact, Hamas's survival and development in the Gaza Strip is inseparable from the funding it relies on from countries such as Iran. Iran, as a great power in the Middle East, has been going further and further down the path of confrontation with Israel. As an important ally of the United States in the Middle East, Israel will naturally continue to be under pressure and threats from Iran and other countries.

From this perspective, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has escalated into a contest between regional and even global powers. The turmoil in the Middle East not only affects the lives of the local people, but also affects the interests of all countries in the world. As a permanent member state, China has always called for dialogue and negotiation to resolve this unresolved conflict in a peaceful manner.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

However, the Egyptian government, which is Hamas's most important neighbor, has firmly denied this. In fact, the relationship between Egypt and Hamas has always been a complex entanglement of interests.

As an Arab State, Egypt naturally does not want to see the Palestinian Authority further marginalized. But at the same time, Egypt does not want the situation in its border areas to deteriorate. As a result, Egypt has had to strike a balance between maintaining regional stability and supporting the rights and interests of the Palestinian people.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

Coincidentally, the "old partners" of the United States and Israel also seem to be planning for the next move. Everyone knows that the Trump administration has been quite tough on the Palestinian issue. If the Israeli accusations are further confirmed, it is likely to create a pretext for the United States and Israel to join forces against Hamas.

Of course, in addition to the "old unpopular friend" of the United States, there are also some Arab countries that may also be involved in this farce behind the scenes. For example, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries have long held an unfriendly attitude towards Hamas. If they were to implicitly support Israel's allegations, the consequences would be conceivable.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

The turmoil has exposed the intricate entanglement of interests in the Middle East. The interests of all parties are intertwined, and no one is willing to give in easily. For China, which is at a geopolitical crossroads, safeguarding regional peace, opposing unilateralism, and supporting the legitimate rights and interests of the Palestinian people are the general directions we need to adhere to.

In the face of this farce, we hope that the international community will maintain an objective and calm attitude and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation. For any country, armed confrontation is never a good solution to the problem.

Outburst! What does Israel want to do? The Israeli side called Rafa found about 50 tunnels to Egypt!

Only through mutual respect and peaceful coexistence can the situation in the Middle East be eased. As a responsible major country, China is willing to continue to play a constructive role and contribute to the Middle East peace process.

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