
A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

author:Seventy-three became the Monkey King

A woman in Anhui shared that she made nutritious meals for her children every day, which won many onlookers and heated discussions among netizens. A recent video has attracted great attention, and the copywriting she wrote for this video is - it turns out that the core of treating picky eaters is stirring, and if you can't recognize it, you can't pick it out!


After watching the video, netizens ridiculed, "At first, I thought you were going to wash the pot and cook", "If you don't say it, I thought it was dog food", "I'm sorry, the child always thought he was making dog food before he appeared on camera"......

This session of netizens knows how to comment, I want to die of laughter in the comment area:

Hahaha, you're pretty miserable, isn't this just like that dry old man, who only talks about matching and not about taste......

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

Hahaha, Chinese is really broad and profound~

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

Hahaha, don't say it, what we ate once was this virtue, and I thought it was delicious~

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

If the dog sees it on the side, he is really ecstatic, and Ma Ma has made me a big meal again~

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

Especially the eggplant rice bowl, every time you eat it, stir it and stir it, it looks a little black and not good-looking, but it is delicious without delay! At least it's much better than tossing out a good-looking look but not tasty~

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

Its dog is drainage, used to make money, not really cherished at all. But the dog is really not so fragile, what do we eat with my golden retriever, he eats, he is still fat and strong, and he is a tyrant in the village~

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

She's just a good child, and the average child must ask you to pick it out little by little, which is very annoying......

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

It's also carefully matched and then done to divide it.,Overall, I can experience that I've cooked is actually quite tired.,I have to toss for a few hours [tears]

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

It shows that the nutrition of eating is really balanced! It's not blind~

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

Hahaha, how presumptuous are you...... [tears run]

A mother made a nutritious meal for her two-year-old child, and finally knew why she was called a dog, and the comments died of laughter

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