
The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Zhang, 58, is an accountant next year, and he has always been very proud of his precision and meticulousness.

But lately, Mr. Zhang has begun to feel that something is wrong with him. When he came home from work one day, he suddenly felt dizzy and thought that it was probably because he was working too late today. However, two days later, Zhang suddenly collapsed at home and was declared to have died suddenly due to a cerebral infarction after first aid failed.

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

Zhang's story next year has sparked a lot of discussion in the community, especially among the middle-aged crowd. Everyone is beginning to realize that some seemingly harmless small habits in life may bring a lot of hidden dangers to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

Doctor Li Hua said that although many people know that factors such as hypertension and diabetes will increase the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, there are also some less conspicuous lifestyle habits that also need everyone's attention.

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

Dr. Li Hua mentioned that there are long periods of sitting still. In his experience, many seemingly healthy middle-aged people sit in the office for long periods of time due to their work and have little physical activity, which is a great burden on the cardiovascular system.

People who are inactive for long periods of time have more than twice as many cases of heart disease as people who are constantly active. Neglect of mental health. Zhang next year was under tremendous work pressure during his lifetime, but few measures were taken to alleviate it.

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

Over-reliance on caffeine. Excessive caffeine intake, especially for people who don't have a very good heart, can cause irregular heartbeats and even heart disease.

In Zhang's case, these three questions are included in his habits. Although each one seems inconspicuous individually, it cumulatively poses a fatal threat to his cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

Dr. Li Hua emphasized that the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is not only about paying attention to obvious risk factors, but also about these details that may be overlooked in daily life.

After the death of her husband, Zhang's wife hopes to reduce the occurrence of similar tragedies by raising public awareness of health. "We always feel that tragedy is far away from us until it happens to us," she said. Hopefully, you can learn from next year's example and make some lifestyle changes. ”

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

Zhang's case next year serves as a cautionary tale especially for those who are exposed to stressful environments, sit for long periods of time, and suffer from coffee addiction, to realize that a healthy lifestyle is far more important than it seems.

A patient asked a question: "Doctor, can you tell us more about why psychological stress affects cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health?" Dr. Li Hua explains, "Prolonged psychological stress causes our bodies to produce more hormones. ”

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

"These hormones can increase the pressure on the heart, speed up the heartbeat, raise blood pressure, and cause heart disease and cerebrovascular disease in the long run. Therefore, we should not only pay attention to physical exercise, but also not neglect mental health care. ”

More and more people are starting to pay attention to one topic - invisible sugar in the diet. Dr. Li Hua pointed out that although everyone knows that eating too much sugar is not good for health, even if you don't eat sweets directly, there may be a lot of sugar hidden in your daily diet.

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

Dr. Li Hua explains, "Many people like to eat packaged foods, condiments, and even low-fat foods that we think are healthy actually contain quite a lot of added sugars. ”

"These invisible sugars are the invisible killers of our blood sugar fluctuations, and consuming too much for a long time will increase the probability of cardiovascular disease."

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

Dr. Li Hua gave the case of one of his patients, Mr. Li, because he liked to eat processed foods, and the hidden sugar in these foods was far more than he expected. Mr. Li originally thought that he rarely ate sugar directly, but through the guidance of his dietitian, he was surprised to find that his daily sugar intake was more than twice the recommended value.

After adjusting his diet to reduce these hidden sugars, Mr. Li's blood sugar levels have improved significantly, and his heart health has also improved.

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

In response to this problem, Dr. Li Hua suggested that when buying packaged food, you must read the food label carefully and pay attention to the sugar content in it.

He emphasized: "In fact, many natural foods have a natural sweetness, and we can use these foods to replace high-sugar processed foods, which can not only satisfy the taste, but also protect our cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems." ”

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

At a community event, a resident asked, "Doctor, can you elaborate on how to control sugar intake through your daily diet?" ”

"We need to understand which foods are high in sugar, such as common drinks, desserts, and sauces that many people don't pay attention to. We can replace commercially available sweet sauces with sauces made from natural ingredients, canned fruits with fresh fruits, etc. ”

The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later

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The 58-year-old uncle was dizzy and thought he was tired, and died suddenly of cerebral infarction 2 days later