
New research: The reason for eating oily "high-fat foods" is not the tongue, but the intestines and brain

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Dr. Zhang Zhiying

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In northern China, people in many regions love to drink broth and food made from animal offal, such as "lamb intestine soup", "lamb haggis soup", "beef offal soup" and "stewed soup". In areas that love to eat this kind of food, the incidence of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction will increase significantly, so there are many people with stents in these areas.

New research: The reason for eating oily "high-fat foods" is not the tongue, but the intestines and brain

After eating sheep intestine soup for a long time, many people have a heart attack

But, you know what? The love of this kind of food may not be determined by the human tongue, but by the human intestines. Today, Dr. Zhang Zhiying will tell you the profound reasons behind this, and you must read it carefully. #谣零零计划#

When it comes to eating oily "high-fat foods", many people will blame their tongues, because those oily "high-fat foods" make humans love to eat more and more, and the more they eat, the more delicious they are. However, a recent foreign study found that in fact, the reason behind this is likely to be caused by a specific connection between the human gut and the brain, and it is this connection that makes people crave high-fat food. The long-term high-fat diet is the black hand behind many people's final occurrence of serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

New research: The reason for eating oily "high-fat foods" is not the tongue, but the intestines and brain

The victim complained

This study was discovered by foreign researchers through the study of mice, researchers at the beginning of the mouse to provide water containing oil, which is equivalent to the human drink of "sheep intestine soup", "haggis soup", "beef offal soup", "boiled" and other broth, a few days later these mice have a strong preference for this water containing fat, and even some mice do not drink for a day to feel uncomfortable. At this time, the researchers tried to block the ability of the mice's tongue to taste fat, but the mice's desire to eat high-fat food was still very strong.

New research: The reason for eating oily "high-fat foods" is not the tongue, but the intestines and brain

Mice also love to eat high-fat foods

Later, researchers discovered that it was the gut that produced specific brain circuits that drove animals' intense cravings for fat. When the researchers further blocked this pathway from the intestines to the brain, the mice soon began to dislike fatty foods. It can be seen that the reason behind many people in real life who especially like to eat high-fat "oily" foods is not the tongue, but some connections between the intestines and the brain.

New research: The reason for eating oily "high-fat foods" is not the tongue, but the intestines and brain

The connection between the gut and the brain

At this point, many people may say, "What's the use of studying these biological mechanisms?" Shouldn't eat, shouldn't drink, research in vain, isn't it good to eat and drink? Actually, this perception is very wrong. Because only when we have a clear understanding of these biological mechanisms, can we think of ways to intervene and effectively save those people who have a bowl of "sheep intestine soup, haggis soup, beef offal soup, stewed soup, and finally waiting for you" in the morning. It can also be said that there will be more ways to save people who have difficulty controlling high-fat foods.

New research: The reason for eating oily "high-fat foods" is not the tongue, but the intestines and brain

Finally, I hope that human science will develop as soon as possible and develop to a stage where hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can be more effectively controlled, after all, there are about 400 million people with dyslipidemia around us. More and more thorough research on blood lipids must be one of the best weapons to save these people. Are you right?

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New research: The reason for eating oily "high-fat foods" is not the tongue, but the intestines and brain

For more health knowledge related to "diet and blood lipids", you can click on the "Stay away from high blood lipids, doctors teach you how to eat" column below:

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