
It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

author:Longbao gourmet kitchenette

After the summer, the high temperature is hot, and there will be a rainstorm from time to time, so the hot and humid weather is not only easy to be tired and sleepy, but also easy to be "entangled" by moisture. In summer, the humid climate, eating too much meat, staying up late to sleep, irregular work and rest, etc., are all sources of moisture, and excessive dampness is easy to hurt yang energy. Many people think that spring is the key period to get rid of dampness, but it is not. Compared with spring, summer is easy to sweat, and the moisture in the body is discharged with sweat, which is the best time to remove dampness.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

In the traditional food culture that has been passed down for thousands of years, people have always paid attention to eating according to the season. Under the premise of moderate amount, you can eat more dampness in summer, and the most important thing to eat at this time is not bitter gourd and cucumber, but the inconspicuous one. There is some truth to the old saying "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer without a doctor's prescription". Summer is the best time to eat ginger, and the period from the beginning of summer to the dog days is the harvest period for young ginger. At this time, the young ginger tastes better and is not as spicy as the old ginger.

Like old ginger, young ginger contains protein, polysaccharides, vitamins and a variety of trace elements. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ginger has the effect of dissipating cold in the warmth, relieving surface sweating, dispelling wind and dehumidifying, and eating some ginger regularly can promote the discharge of moisture from the body, and has a good relieving effect on cold, cough and other symptoms caused by cold. In addition, ginger can also promote appetite, aid digestion, and have a good effect on relieving stomach discomfort, indigestion and other problems.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

The efficacy of young ginger and old ginger is basically the same, but the side effects of young ginger are small, and it is suitable for daily dietary conditioning. The common practice of young ginger is to cook, but eating too much at one time may cause irritation. If you want to eat ginger to regulate your body, you can try to make young ginger into ginger candy snacks, insist on eating a few slices a day, after a period of time, the moisture in the body is discharged, and the whole body becomes relaxed.

The following is to share with you the method of ginger candy, the ingredients that need to be prepared are: 350 grams of tender ginger, 5 grams of salt, and 200 grams of white sugar.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

Wash the young ginger, remove the red part and drain the water.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

Thinly slice the ginger, salted for 20 minutes, and discard the spicy juice. Cut the ginger about 2 mm, slightly thicker than a coin, don't cut too thin.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

Wash the tender ginger with water several times, drain the water, add white sugar, stir well, and marinate until soft.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

Pour the ginger slices and sugar water into the pot together, no need to add water, heat and bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium heat and cook until the sugar water becomes less, and turn it from time to time. It is recommended to fry ginger slices of sugar in a non-stick pan to avoid the syrup sticking to the pan and wasting.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

When white sand appears on the side of the pot, turn to the lowest heat at this time, and stir-fry more frequently.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

Boil the sugar water in the pot dry, the ginger slices stick together, turn off the heat and continue to fry, don't worry, and don't add water.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

Fry until the ginger slices are scattered, and the sand on the ginger slices appears, which means that the ginger slices are fried with sugar. After about 10 minutes of sautéing, the ginger slices are cooled and then packed in a sealable jar or sealed bag. Counting from the pot of ginger slices and sugar water, the time is half an hour, and the most important thing is to turn off the heat and fry for 10 minutes.

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed!

It's the best thing to eat in summer! Insist on eating a few tablets every day, the moisture will be discharged, and the whole body will be relaxed! If you like what I shared today, please bookmark, light up "watching", and at the same time "forward" to share with other friends, "follow" Longbao food kitchen, you can see more food practices. Longbao gourmet small kitchen has original pictures and texts, and theft must be investigated!

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