
The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

author:Dr. Huang of the Department of Pediatrics

I remember one outpatient clinic where an anxious mother came to my office with her 7-year-old daughter.

The little girl was pale and thin, a little shorter than children of the same age.

My mother anxiously told me that the child usually has a bad appetite, often complains about tiredness, and has barely grown in height in recent months.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

I carefully inquired about my child's eating habits and found a shocking fact:

Almost every day, the little girl's breakfast consisted of pancakes, fruits, or fried dough sticks and soy milk bought from a street stall.

One, here are 4 types of breakfast that children should eat less

1. The first of the junk breakfasts - greasy and heavy-flavored fried food

Children tend to have no resistance to those crispy and delicious fried foods;

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

However, the high fat and calorie content of these foods will not only increase the burden on children's stomach, but also affect their intake of nutritionally balanced foods.

Long-term consumption not only easily leads to obesity, but also damages the spleen and stomach, affecting normal digestion and absorption.

2. Sweet Trap - Sugary drinks and desserts

In order to put their children in a good mood in the morning, many parents often prepare some sugary drinks or desserts for their children for breakfast.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

However, too much sugar can not only trigger tooth decay, but also cause blood sugar to rise rapidly and then plummet, making a child's learning efficiency in the morning greatly reduced.

What's more, a long-term high-sugar diet can affect the child's endocrine system and hinder normal growth and development.

3. Nutritional imbalance - a single convenient fast food

The fast-paced life has led many families to choose instant noodles, instant porridge and other fast foods as their children's breakfast.

While these foods are convenient and quick, they are extremely low in nutritional value and lack essential nutrients for children's growth, such as protein, vitamins and minerals.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

With this as a staple food for a long time, the child's body is like a small sapling lacking nutrients, which is difficult to thrive.

4. Cold drink ice products - the "cold evil" attack in the early morning

Some children like to have an ice-cold drink or an ice cream in the morning to refresh themselves.

However, TCM believes that the morning is the time when the body's yang energy begins to rise;

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

At this time, eating raw and cold food will damage the spleen and stomach yang qi, resulting in indigestion, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

In the long run, it will not only affect the child's appetite, but also may cause a series of chronic diseases.

Second, what can children eat for breakfast to promote development?

Protein-rich foods

Protein is an essential nutrient for the body to build and repair, and it is especially important for children who are growing up.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

For breakfast, you can choose protein-rich foods such as eggs, milk, yogurt, and tofu.

Foods high in calcium

Calcium is essential for bone development.

Preparing calcium-rich foods for your child, such as dairy products, dried fish, green vegetables, etc., can help healthy bones and teeth.

Whole grains

Whole grains such as whole-grain bread, oats, and brown rice are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates;

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

Provides a steady source of energy and aids in digestive health.

Fresh fruit

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, etc.;

These are all essential nutrients for a child's growth. Prepare some fresh fruits for breakfast, such as bananas, apples, oranges, etc.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in healthy fatty acids, vitamin E, and minerals, which are beneficial for brain development.

However, it is important to choose unsalted or low-salt varieties and control the portions.

Adequate hydration

Maintaining water balance is also one of the important factors in promoting the healthy development of your child.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

Make sure your child drinks enough water for breakfast or includes water-dense foods, such as fruits and vegetables, in their diet.

Third, is there any easy way to make children fall in love with eating vegetables and fruits?

Educational guidance

First, explain to your child the importance of fruits and vegetables to the body and the nutritional value they provide.

Giving children an understanding of the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables can help them develop healthy eating habits.

Fun presentation

Make interesting shapes of fruits and vegetables, or grab your child's attention with a colourful presentation.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

This method can make children interested in fruits and vegetables, so that they are willing to try and taste them.

Participate in the production

Involve children in the process of selecting, washing and preparing fruits and vegetables;

This can increase their interest and love for fruits and vegetables.

By being hands-on, children develop more emotional connections with food.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

Role model

Parents' behavior has a great influence on children. If you eat more fruits and vegetables yourself, your child will learn as well.

Through the example of parents, children can be motivated to develop good eating habits.


Do not rush things, but gradually increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables in your child's diet.

You can start with the vegetables and fruits that your child is most interested in, and then gradually expand the range;

Let the child gradually adapt and like more vegetables and fruits.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of garbage breakfast hurt the spleen and hindered development, and many children eat and buy it every day

Mix and match

Mix fruits and vegetables with your child's favorite foods;

For example, make vegetable and fruit salad, vegetable and fruit pizza, etc., so that children can unconsciously accept and like vegetables and fruits.

Reward system

Establish a reward system to encourage children to try and eat fruits and vegetables.

When a child reaches a certain goal, appropriate rewards can be given, such as extra playtime, a small gift, etc.

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