
Dongfeng Motor participates in the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking activity

author:Kawazuki Samurai

On May 17, the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking event was held in Wuhan. Hosted by the Hubei Provincial People's Government, with the theme of "Manufacturing Leaders, Helping New Quality Productivity", this docking event aims to promote the technological transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, cultivate and develop new quality productivity, and provide strong support for the construction of a manufacturing power. As a pioneer in the central enterprises and manufacturing industry in Hubei Province, Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dongfeng Motor") has reached a number of signing results on the spot, and promoted the successful holding of special activities in the automotive industry, promoting industrial upgrading with practical actions and fulfilling responsibility.

Dongfeng Motor participates in the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking activity

Zhou Zhiping, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Dongfeng Motor, delivered a speech

At the opening ceremony, Zhou Zhiping, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Dongfeng Motor, delivered a speech, he said that Dongfeng Motor will resolutely implement the major strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to promote new industrialization, adhere to innovation-driven, focus on high-end, intelligent, green, industrial safety and cluster construction, cultivate and expand new quality productivity, accelerate the construction of world-class enterprises, help the transformation and upgrading of Hubei manufacturing industry and high-quality development, and strive to promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Hubei. Accelerate the construction of an important strategic fulcrum for the rise of the central region and contribute more to the construction of a manufacturing power and an automobile power.

Active and in-depth docking to lead the upgrading of the industrial chain and supply chain

In this docking event, Dongfeng Motor joined hands with 80 partners to participate, signed contracts with 21 strategic partners, promoted partners to release 3 technologies and procurement needs, and actively and deeply connected with the supply chain industry chain to promote win-win cooperation.

Dongfeng Motor participates in the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking activity
Dongfeng Motor participates in the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking activity

Dongfeng Motor participated in the signing ceremony of the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking activity

At the main venue of the docking event, Dongfeng Motor reached three signing results, including signing a strategic cooperation agreement with China Logistics Group Co., Ltd., and a procurement cooperation agreement with China Baowu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. and Sunwoda Electronics Co., Ltd.

At the special event for the automotive industry, Dongfeng Motor reached strategic cooperation with 18 companies, including Honeycomb Energy Technology Co., Ltd., China Automotive Chuangzhi Technology Co., Ltd., and Neusoft Reach Automotive Technology (Shenyang) Co., Ltd., with cooperation projects covering key areas such as intelligent networking, intelligent driving, and electrification. By carrying out precise and in-depth supply and demand docking and signing cooperation, Dongfeng Motor leads the continuous upward development of the automotive industry chain and supply chain.

Dongfeng Motor participates in the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking activity

Dongfeng Motor promoted the successful holding of special events for the automotive industry

At the scene, Dongfeng Motor also promoted key products, including the Mengshi 917, the 2024 new VOYAH Dreamer, the new VOYAH FREE, the VOYAH Chasing Light PHEV, the Dongfeng Nano 01, the Dongfeng Fengshen L7, the Dongfeng Yipai eπ07 and eπ08, as well as the full range of Dongfeng medium and heavy commercial vehicles and light commercial vehicles, fully demonstrating the strength and style of Dongfeng Motor's simultaneous development of passenger and commercial vehicles and the full development of the new energy track.

Adhere to innovation-driven, cultivate and expand new quality productivity

In recent years, focusing on new industrialization, Dongfeng Motor has actively grasped the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, accelerated the "three-year action of transformation and upgrading", actively cultivated and expanded new quality productivity, and accelerated the construction of a world-class enterprise. Not only that, Dongfeng Motor will also take Hubei as a strategic location, better play a leading role, promote industrial innovation and development around the "five focuses", and contribute to the transformation and upgrading of Hubei's manufacturing industry.

Dongfeng Motor participates in the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking activity

Dongfeng Mengshi brand leads the Chinese brand upward

Focusing on high-end, Dongfeng Motor leads industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, strengthens the transformation and application of innovation achievements, develops the luxury brand Dongfeng Mengshi and the high-end brand Dongfeng Lantu, drives the industrial chain value chain to the high-end, promotes equipment renewal and process upgrading, and improves the upgrading of the industrial base and the modernization of the industrial chain.

Focusing on intelligence, Dongfeng Motor actively lays out the intelligent network business, improves the overall R&D level, makes full efforts in the "second half" of intelligence, deeply implements the all-round and full-chain industrial base reengineering project, and gives full play to the amplification, superposition and multiplication role of digital technology.

Focusing on greening, Dongfeng Motor has built green products, green manufacturing and green value chains, and fully completed the strategic layout of new energy brands, products, key assemblies and core technical resources.

Focusing on industrial safety, Dongfeng Motor coordinated development and safety, took the lead in establishing a technology innovation consortium for the automotive specification chip industry, promoted the improvement of the resilience and safety of the industrial chain and supply chain, accelerated the construction of key projects such as batteries, electric drives, and electronic controls, and continued to promote the strengthening of the chain, the stability of the chain, and the extension of the chain.

Dongfeng Motor participates in the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain and supply chain docking activity

Dongfeng Mach electric hybrid PHREV has created a number of industry firsts

Focusing on the construction of industrial clusters, Dongfeng Motor fully cooperates with the construction of the "Wuxiang Shisui" national advanced manufacturing cluster, supports Hubei to build a trillion-level automobile industry, and helps local economic development.

The east wind is sailing well, and we will go to the new journey to achieve good results. In the face of the new trend of the development of the automobile industry, Dongfeng Motor has always adhered to the concept of openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and is committed to symbiosis, win-win and integration with industrial chain and supply chain enterprises, accelerating the creation of a new ecology of the automobile industry with global competitiveness, helping the efficient connection of domestic and international markets, and contributing to the construction of an automobile power.

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