
I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

author:Rolls royce
I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

In the live streaming world, the anchor's name often becomes their second face.

Recently, the well-known anchor Pan Pan suddenly announced that he had changed his name to Xu Guixiang, which caused a lot of waves among netizens for a while.

Panpan, this name has a lot of fame in the live broadcast industry, not only because she is Dong Yuhui's university alumnus, but also because of her true temperament and unremitting efforts in the live broadcast.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

Panpan and Dong Yuhui have a deep relationship, and the two are not only alumni in college, but also good friends in life.

Dong Yuhui once served as a witness at Panpan's wedding, which shows the deep relationship between the two.

When Panpan first stepped into the live broadcast industry, Dong Yuhui gave her a lot of help and support, allowing her to gradually find her own style in front of the camera.

The passage of time has witnessed the gradual rise of Panpan in the studio with Hui.

With the wonderful presentation of each live broadcast, her voice and image have become more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and her influence is in full swing.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

The audience was attracted by her friendly and natural live broadcast style, as if they were listening to an old friend's story.

It is especially worth mentioning that even Dong Yuhui's "mother-in-law", those enthusiastic fans who have always been by his side, have also switched to Panpan's command and become her loyal followers.

Panpan's live broadcast room has become their daily must-see program.

But just when everyone was immersed in this joy and anticipation, Panpan suddenly dropped a bombshell - she decided to change her name.

This decision has undoubtedly caused a lot of waves in the fan base.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

While many people were surprised, they couldn't help but be more curious and concerned about this favorite streamer.

Panpan's move undoubtedly added a strong touch to her career.

Panpan's decision to change his name was far from an impulse for a while.

Behind this name, there is a heartwarming story.

Xu Guixiang, this poetic name, actually originated from the creativity of her roommates in college.

They were inspired by Panpan's birth in August, thinking of the osmanthus flowers that bloomed at that time, and the fragrance that drifted in the wind, so the stage name "Xu Guixiang" came into being.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

This name is not just a simple label, it carries the youthful years spent with Panpan and her roommates, those laughter, tears and dreams.

At the same time, it also symbolizes Panpan's osmanthus-like qualities: although the appearance is simple and unpretentious, the heart exudes a charming fragrance.

Every time this name is mentioned, it seems to evoke that wonderful time on campus, which makes people yearn for it.

Panpan's name change caused heated discussions on the Internet, and the comment area was instantly "fallen" by netizens' messages.

Some netizens ridiculed: "Panpan has become Xu Guixiang, is this going to transform into a culinary anchor?" Some netizens also expressed their support: "Guixiang, this name is good, has a traditional beauty, and is more in line with Panpan's temperament."

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

Despite the differences of opinion, everyone was full of curiosity and anticipation for Panpan's new name.

In the live broadcast, Panpan is famous for her large amount of food, and sometimes she can even eat five bowls of rice at a meal, so she is nicknamed "Xu Wudun" by netizens.

It is enviable that no matter how much she eats, her figure always remains slim.

This has also become one of the hot topics among netizens, some people ridiculed her as a "foodie anchor", and some people praised her "not fat" physique.

In addition to her name and appetite, Panpan's frankness and kindness at work are also one of the reasons why she is loved by everyone.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

Whether it is the interaction with the audience in the live broadcast room, or the getting along with colleagues in life, she can give people a sense of intimacy and warmth.

This sincerity and kindness make her stand out in the highly competitive live streaming world.

Panpan's name change is not only a new beginning, but also an upgrade of her personal brand.

From Panpan to Xu Guixiang, what has changed is only her name, but what has not changed is her enthusiasm for work and love for life.

In this seemingly small change, we see an anchor's exploration and breakthrough of self-image.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

The name change is undoubtedly a huge change for Panpan.

On the Internet, many voices are intertwined, and some netizens are worried: Can the new name "Xu Guixiang" carry Panpan's existing popularity and audience base? The name "Panpan" has been deeply rooted in people's hearts like a brand.

But Panpan, she not only stands up with her name, but also convinces people with her strength.

Needless to say, she quietly showed a more exquisite professionalism in the live broadcast, and every communication with the audience seemed so sincere and cordial.

In front of the camera, every smile and every word she says seems to carry a warm power, penetrating the screen and reaching people's hearts.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

It is this kind of charm from the inside out that makes the name "Xu Guixiang" not only not burdened by the old name, but glows with new brilliance in the hearts of the audience.

She explained with practical actions that the name is just a logo, and the real core is her heart that is consistent, loves live broadcasts, and cherishes the audience.

Because of this, whether it is "Panpan" or "Xu Guixiang", she can win the applause and love of the audience.

Panpan's name change is not just a name change, it contains many considerations behind it, such as the shaping of personal branding, the pursuit of self-worth and the adjustment of market positioning.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

In this seemingly simple change, we see a streamer's thoughtful and courageous attempt at his career.

"Xu Guixiang", this name is now shining in the live broadcast industry, like a new star.

She interprets the connotation of strength and charm with her actions, and lets people see that the real brilliance is not just attached to a name.

In front of the camera, she is conscientious, pursues perfection in every detail, and goes all out in every live broadcast.

Her enthusiasm, like the summer sun, is warm and blazing, illuminating the hearts of every audience.

I can't laugh! Panpan rebelled today, and Xu Guixiang was floating all over the screen. The comment section fell

Her smile, like a spring flower, blooms in everyone's field of vision, bringing endless joy and joy.

The audience witnessed her growth, from Panpan to Xu Guixiang, not only the change of name, but also the process of her self-transcendence.

In the process, the positive energy and warmth she exudes, like a magnetic field, attracts more and more people to get closer.

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