
Tomorrow, March 12, "Closed Day", reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 5 things

author:There are three lazy sheep and three less

Hello everyone, I am your old friend, today we will talk about the day of March 12th. Some friends may not know much that this day is called "closed day" in the tradition of our ancestors. What is a closed day? Actually, it means that you have to pay a little attention to this day and don't touch those unlucky things. Although we are all modern people, some old rules still make sense, especially our middle-aged and elderly friends, who usually like to pay attention to traditions. Today, I will tell you about what you must avoid tomorrow, March 12. Blessed people, leave a sentence in the comment area: "One shun and one hundred shun, the Bodhisattva blesses", for themselves, for their children, and for the whole family to receive blessings.

Tomorrow, March 12, "Closed Day", reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 5 things

1. Don't move

Moving can be big or small, especially on the day of "closed days", as the old saying goes, "it is not advisable to move on closed days". Why? Because our ancestors paid attention to feng shui, the aura on this day is not very stable, and it is easy to destroy the aura when moving, which is not good for the family. Besides, moving is a big project, and if something doesn't go your way, it's even more uncomfortable. If you really have to move, pick a good time, either in the morning or in the afternoon, and try to avoid noon.

Second, don't move the ground

What is groundbreaking? It's just building or ploughing the land and farming. Breaking ground on this day, as the old saying goes, is easy to affect the fortune and health of the family. We Northeast people pay attention to a safe life, so don't break ground on this day, especially for big projects such as building houses and building roads. If you catch up with the farming, try to avoid this day, don't farm tomorrow, and start again the day after tomorrow, it's not much worse.

Tomorrow, March 12, "Closed Day", reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 5 things

3. Don't get married

Weddings are important events in life, and they are auspicious. Although the wedding on this day looks very lively, in the eyes of the older generation, this day is not suitable for marriage. Closed days, pay attention to closed doors, weddings are such a festive thing, let's pick a good day. If it's really a day, try to keep it simple and don't overcomplicate it.

4. Don't borrow money

Borrowing money on this day is said to affect financial luck. We Northeast people pay attention to a lot of money, don't borrow money on this day, and don't lend it to others. If you really need to borrow money urgently, you must also remember that the money you lend must be kept in an account to avoid trouble in the future. When it comes to borrowing money, try to pick a weekday.

5. Don't visit the sick

Visiting the sick was originally well-intentioned, but when I went to the hospital to visit the patient on a closed day, it was easy to bring back the sickness, which was not good for myself and my family. If a relative or friend is really hospitalized, then make a phone call to say hello and wait for this day to visit. We Northeast people pay attention to harmony and beauty, and it is always right to pay attention to this kind of thing.

Tomorrow, March 12, "Closed Day", reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 5 things


Having said all this, do you think this old rule is interesting? In fact, these customs are handed down by our ancestors, and some of the truths are quite scientific. As modern people, although we don't have to follow the old rules in everything, there are still some taboos that we can pay attention to, and we can feel at ease. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that tomorrow is the "closed day" of March 12, no matter how busy you are, try not to make taboos in these five things.

Okay, that's all for today, we'll see you next time, remember to follow me, let's talk about more interesting folk customs!

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