
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization

author:Meng Qing, a management expert

Organizational health is broken down into three core concepts...

  • Consistency: Do all members of the company agree on the vision, strategy, culture, and values of the organization?
  • Execution: How does an organization execute its strategy? Can the organization accomplish its necessary tasks, given the capabilities and incentives it has?
  • Innovation: How can organizations understand, interact, respond and self-debug in the face of their own situation and external environment?

Organizational Health Essentials:

The health performance of one of the tissues in this survey is good, mainly due to the following characteristics:

  • Consistency: The organizational strategy is clear, but the participation of employees in setting the direction of development is not enough and the awareness of the strategic vision needs to be improved; In terms of leadership, the challenging leadership style is prominent, encouraging employees to accept challenges and break through themselves, but leaders rarely consult their subordinates before making important decisions. In addition, management needs to be strengthened in creating a culture and atmosphere of openness and trust;
  • Execution: Outstanding management and control ability; In terms of accountability system, clear objectives and results accountability and a clear link between performance and appraisal results have been established, but the delegation of authority is insufficient; In terms of capacity development, the ability to absorb talents is insufficient, and attracting talents plays an important role in improving the vitality of the organization, which may become a bottleneck restricting the development of the organization in the future. The incentive mechanism needs to be improved, the financial rewards do not meet the expectations of employees, and the non-material incentives are not fully used;
  • Innovation: The overall performance of external orientation is good, but there is still room for improvement in customer orientation; In terms of innovation and learning, bottom-up mechanisms and processes need to be improved, and knowledge sharing within the organization is limited.

The full version can be downloaded at the end of the article, and the details are as follows:

McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization
McKinsey: Reporting material on the health of an organization

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