
Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In a humble town, Li Daqiang is busy preparing ingredients for the lunch rush in his small restaurant.

Li Daqiang is an ordinary chef with 10 years of cooking experience, and although his restaurant is small, he is loved by the townspeople because of his excellent cooking skills.

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

Today, he decided to research some information about healthy eating and wanted to adjust the menu to make the food healthier.

"I've heard that eating pork liver is bad for the heart, is it true?" Li Daqiang muttered to himself as he flipped through a list of ingredients from a supplier. This question has been bothering him because one of his restaurant's signature dishes is stir-fried pork liver.

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

In the afternoon, an old friend of his, a retired doctor with 30 years of clinical experience, Zhang Weimin, came to the restaurant for dinner. Dr. Zhang ordered a cup of green tea, and Li Daqiang took the opportunity to ask him about his doubts.

Zhang Weimin smiled slightly and began to explain: "Although pork liver is a good source of iron, it is also very rich in cholesterol and saturated fat, which may not be too good for heart patients. ”

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

Especially if you already have heart disease or high cholesterol problems, you should limit your intake of these foods. "Are there any other foods besides pork liver that people with heart disease should avoid?" He asked curiously.

Dr. Zhang nodded and continued, "Actually, in addition to pork liver, there are several foods that should also be eaten less. For example, red meat and full-fat dairy products are also sources of high cholesterol and saturated fat, and long-term consumption of large amounts may also increase the risk of heart disease. ”

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

Li Daqiang wrote down this information, and he decided to look up more information online later. Dr. Teo adds, "Also, overly processed foods, such as cooked and canned foods, are often high in sodium and are not good for heart health. ”

After getting Dr. Zhang's advice, Lee began to plan to redesign his menu, and he wanted to introduce a series of healthy dishes that are low in cholesterol and fat. He began researching how to replace some of his red meat dishes with tofu and chicken, considering adding more fresh vegetables and whole grains.

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

His restaurant attracts not only existing diners, but also many new customers who are conscious of healthy eating. During a dinner rush, a regular customer, Lao Zhang, a retired elderly man with a history of heart disease, was very satisfied after trying the tofu and vegetables on the new menu.

He said to Li Daqiang: "This tofu and vegetables are so delicious, I was worried that the taste would be very light, but I didn't expect it to be so delicious!" ”

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

Li Daqiang responded with a smile: "We have specially added some natural flavors and herbs, which can not only increase the flavor, but also help digestion and be kinder to the heart." ”

In a meeting with a supplier, Li Daqiang decided to source some organic vegetables and meat, which not only ensures the freshness and nutrition of the ingredients, but also avoids excessive pesticides and additives, which are heart-friendly changes.

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

He also began to place booklets about food nutrition inside the restaurant for customers to read and understand the link between food and health. The response from the customers was enthusiastic, and they felt that they were enjoying the food and being doing a health education at the same time.

One night, a regular customer named Wang Ming asked a question while chatting with Li Daqiang after the meal: "Boss Li, I see that you rarely use pork on your menu, mainly chicken and fish. ”

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

I know it's better for the heart, but I'm curious, does eating a little pork once in a while really have that much of an effect on people with heart disease?

Li Daqiang thought for a while and replied: "Actually, it's okay to eat a little pork occasionally, the key is to look at your overall diet and the parts of the pork." The lean part of pork is actually not high in fat, and it is also rich in high-quality protein and vitamin B1, so it is okay to eat it in moderation. ”

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

But if you already have heart disease, you should try to avoid high-fat parts, such as pork belly. And, in general, increasing your intake of fish and chicken and decreasing your intake of red meat is good for heart health.

Such conversations have become the norm in Mr. Li's restaurant, where he is not only a chef, but also an advocate of healthy eating. His restaurants don't just serve food, they offer a lifestyle inspiration that allows people to enjoy good food while also being healthy.

Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

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Should you eat less pork liver if you have a bad heart? Doctors warn: If you want heart health, touch these 3 foods sparingly

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