
In summer, these dishes should be eaten often, and it is good to eat them according to the season

author:Ji food culture
In summer, these dishes should be eaten often, and it is good to eat them according to the season

【Stir-fried pork slices with fungus mushrooms】


Male chef autumn fungus 35 pieces pork (lean) 100 grams

100g white mushrooms 1 tablespoon light soy sauce

2 tablespoons cooking wine 1 gram salt

Appropriate amount of green onion and ginger 15 grams of cooking oil for banquet friends

4 small red chili peppers and 2 grams of starch


Wash the ingredients.

The male chef soaked the autumn fungus in warm water for half an hour.

Cut the tenderloin into thin slices, cut the red pepper into sections, shred the green onion and ginger, and marinate the meat slices with salt, starch and cooking wine for 5 minutes.

Remove from the oil pan, put in the meat slices when the oil temperature is 50% hot, stir-fry until the color turns white, and then put it out for later use.

Do not pour out the oil left in the pot, heat it again and put it in the fungus and stir-fry it for a few minutes.

Add the white mushrooms and red pepper and stir-fry until soft.

Finally, add salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce and stir-fry for a while.

In summer, these dishes should be eaten often, and it is good to eat them according to the season

【Steamed vermicelli with garlic and cabbage】


2 Chinese cabbage hearts and 15 grams of chopped pepper sauce

Appropriate amount of garlic paste 100 grams of vermicelli

10 grams of cooking oil and 1 gram of chicken essence


Prepare the ingredients, take only the cabbage sum, chop the garlic into minced pieces, and soak the vermicelli in hot water until soft.

Put water in a pot and bring to a boil, add the washed cabbage and cook for about 3 minutes

Blanch the cabbage in cold water, squeeze out the water, stack it on a plate, and spread it with vermicelli.

Top with minced garlic and chopped pepper paste.

Put the chicken essence in the cabbage, then evenly pour the cooking oil, and put the plate into the steamer of the steam for about 10 minutes.

In summer, these dishes should be eaten often, and it is good to eat them according to the season

【Maruko Teitama】


200 grams of pork and rice, 1 gram of salt

5 grams of light soy sauce and 5 grams of cooking wine

10 grams of white sugar and 10 grams of vinegar

2 grams of chicken essence and an appropriate amount of cooking oil for banquet friends

Appropriate amount of green onion and ginger


Prepare paper towels, ingredients, meat and rice are ground with pork sandwich meat, and paper towels are clean and soft, moist and unscented.

Finely chop the green onion and ginger, add starch, salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, sugar, and chicken essence to the meat filling.

Stir the minced meat in one direction, add the green onion and ginger and mix well.

Start frying meatballs, wash the pot and wipe the water with clean kitchen paper, be sure to wipe dry, otherwise it will explode if you put oil in it.

Heat the oil until it is 50% hot, add the meatballs, which can be rolled by hand or scooped with a spoon, as you like.

When fried until golden brown, take out the meatballs with chopsticks and place them on gentle kitchen paper to absorb the oil.

Put the oil for the fried meatballs in the pot into a bowl, leave only a little base oil, add vinegar, sugar, light soy sauce, water to boil, put in the fried meatballs and cook on high heat for five or six minutes, add some chicken essence after the juice is reduced.