
Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

author:What is worth buying

This content comes from @What is worth buying APP, and the views only represent the author's own |Author: Jia Jia is not at home

Entering May, a large number of Golden Pillow durian are on the market, there are many varieties of durian, and the most delicious durian in this month is the Golden Pillow Durian in the eastern production area of Thailand. The flesh is dense and thick, and the fruit is fragrant, and the bite is very satisfying. However, what is prohibitive is not the price of hundreds at every turn, but the real money that buys revenge durian. Today, from the skills of selecting durian and distinguishing the varieties of durian, I will talk to you about how to choose durian!

Since the golden pillow is the most widely used durian on the market, the skills of selecting durian, taking the golden pillow as an example, can be used to buy the love lotus of your dreams after learning. Let's take a look at what a qualified Golden Pillow Durian looks like first?

The shape is full, the buttocks are round, the skin is thin and the flesh is large, the meat yield is high, the flesh is fragrant and glutinous, the fruit is thick, and the fruit is fresh but not ripe

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

This kind of durian is actually not difficult to choose, the difficult thing is to pick out the one that repays the favor from a pile of B and C fruits. Today, share 5 tips to choose the one with the most pulp out of a pile of crooked fruits!

Tip 1: Judge the flesh and size of several pieces by the fruit type, or even be bold and don't look at the fruit shape, as long as the fruit room is full, the bigger the better

(1) When we buy durian, Wufang meat is excellent. If you want to have a big meat, you must choose a full house, if you can't make five rooms full, then four and a half rooms are also a good choice.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

(2) Don't choose a slender durian shape, choose a round and short round buttocks, and try to avoid durians with pointed buttocks and slender fruits. The long meat has more skin and more skin, and the short and fat meat has more skin and less skin.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

(3) The choice of durian does not have to choose the fruit type is Zhouzheng, if the skin of the fruit is thin, three of the rooms are large and full, two rooms are small and full, and the fruit must be of a strange shape, then it may also be a good durian. Its appearance doesn't say anything.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)
Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

Tip 2: Choose a thin skin, look at the thorns

The denser the spines, the thicker the skin. The larger the chassis, the thicker the skin.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

Durian thorns are creamy and pointed, and the thorns are sparse between them, and the slender skin will be thinner. Pyramid-like and fine thorns, most likely thick-skinned. It turns out that as long as the skin is thin enough, it must have a high meat yield. The thin skin is one of the important factors for a high meat yield.

Cream spikes: Many people don't quite understand cream spikes, cream spikes are whipped cream, and the tip is a little slanted. It is shaped like a herringbone or an ingram.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

Pyramid thorn: Pyramid thorn has a heavy foundation, the thorn is not very sharp, and the skin of this fruit is generally very thick.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

Tip 3: The stalk is fresh and stout

When choosing durian, you must look at the freshness of the fruit stalk, the most common is the roadside special, almost every time you can see that the fruit cake is dry, and even some are moldy. At that point, the fruit cake indicates that the durian is very fresh, and the taste of the flesh is greatly reduced.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

The stalk is very strong, which means that the fruit is more nutritious and the flesh will taste better. In particular, the fruit stalk is very thick, but the fruit is not particularly large.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

Look at the color of the fruit stalk to determine whether it is ripe. There will be turmeric powder or turmeric powder when ripe, and the ripe one is the color of the log.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

Technique 4: Poke and pinch to judge raw and cooked

When choosing durians, you can feel the softness and hardness of durian skins by poking the skin of the durian and pinching the tips of the two durians. When it feels soft, you can basically tell that the durian is ripe.

Five steps to choose a durian to repay the favor and say goodbye to the overturned car (textbook-style pictures and texts combined with intuitive sharing)

Tip 5: Smell your butt

We can pick up the durian and smell it on the butt of the durian, the ripe durian, or the full-scented durian, and smell its fragrance is very strong. If you get closer, you can only smell a faint smell, which means that the durian is not ripe, or the taste of the durian itself is not so good, and it is likely to be raw or dead.

The basic skills are not absolute here, the more experience you have in buying and driving, the less the probability of overturning.

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