
The latest upgrade of the scam, aimed at office workers! Receive these "reminder" instructions......

author:Ping An Jilin

After a grandmother in Baoshan District, Shanghai answered a local call, the fraudsters asked her to cooperate with the remote control of funds on the grounds that her ID card and mobile phone number were stolen, and she was finally defrauded of 4 million yuan!

Start with brainwashing

Empty your money bag step by step

Cases of telecommunications network fraud have occurred frequently in recent years

The means are full of tricks, and it is impossible to prevent them

Shanghai Advanced Worker

Yang Wenqing, captain of the Ninth Team of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Pudong Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau

He has been a police officer for more than 20 years

Perennial battles are at the forefront of the fight against telecom network fraud

In the past three years, he has led a team to crack more than 1,000 cases of wire fraud

Stop loss of more than 200 million yuan

In so many cases he has handled,

What types of scams are most likely to lure people into falling for them?

Is there any language or element,

Going off the alarm as soon as you hear it?

Today is World Telecommunication Day

Let's listen to what Officer Yang has to say

It is hoped that through the popularization of such common sense, if everyone can be more vigilant and precautionary, the incidence of fraud cases may also be reduced.

New Upgrade!

Two new types of scams have been emerging recently

Scam 1: Pretending to be a public prosecutor

The "police" came to withdraw cash

The latest upgrade of the scam, aimed at office workers! Receive these "reminder" instructions......

Yang Wenqing told reporters that the recent high-frequency fraud is to impersonate public prosecutors and law enforcement personnel to commit fraud after dialing the citizen's phone through FaceTime, and the victims are mostly middle-aged and elderly. Scammers use remote control software to let people bind their bank cards to mobile phones using Android systems, and then transfer the money away.

Moreover, in recent months, there have been cases of cash withdrawals made by foreign fraudsters. Because, after the public security department established a communication side protection network, the scammers could not transfer the money through remote control, so they would send young people to pretend to be police, use verification to withdraw cash, and then exchange the money into virtual currency to transfer out of the country.

Scam 2: Hack into the company's mailbox

Sending a "receive subsidy" email tempting to be fooled

The latest upgrade of the scam, aimed at office workers! Receive these "reminder" instructions......

Another type of case that has recently begun to increase is mainly aimed at office workers.

Criminals specifically steal the company's internal mailbox and send a link to receive subsidies in the name of finance or personnel, and some people think it is a link sent by the company, so they fill in personal information and bank card information, and the money is transferred.

Tricks for the elderly:

Investment, financial management, emotional dating

In addition to impersonating public security fraud, Yang Wenqing said that investment and financial management fraud is also a type of fraud that middle-aged and elderly people are easy to fall for. Have spare money and want to increase your wealth through financial management? Watch out! It is very likely that you will click on the fake APP set up by the fraud target.

The latest upgrade of the scam, aimed at office workers! Receive these "reminder" instructions......

In addition, Yang Wenqing reminded that middle-aged and elderly people are also prone to suffer losses in terms of emotions and friendships, so everyone must keep their eyes open and be vigilant.

Young people and children are also targeted!

Part-time swiping and customer service refunds are all scams

The latest upgrade of the scam, aimed at office workers! Receive these "reminder" instructions......

Teens are easily scammed in online games

There is often a view that only the elderly or people with low education will be involved in telecommunication network fraud, and they will not be deceived if they are young and have a clear mind.

In fact, there are people of every age who have been scammed. Yang Wenqing said that for 13 and 14-year-old children, scams often occur in online games. When a child sells gaming equipment or a gaming account online, the criminal will appear as the purchaser and commit fraud by setting up a fake transaction link.

Young people are prone to fall into scams such as swiping orders and impersonating customer service

Most of the victims targeted by swiping orders and impersonating customer service are young people.

■ Many job seekers will look for jobs and part-time opportunities online, and they will fall into the trap if they are not careful, such as asking for tasks and swiping orders. Scammers use the gimmick of "zero investment, high returns, and daily settlement" to publish part-time information on the Internet, and after defrauding trust by returning the principal and commission immediately after the first few swiping, they induce them to increase the principal investment, and then refuse to return the money on the grounds that the packaging task is not completed, and finally block the victim.

■ Sometimes, scammers will use online shopping scenarios to impersonate customer service, pretend to be refunded, and then send a "strange" refund link to lure people into the game.

Receive these reminders and pay attention to them

In the face of a myriad of scams, how can ordinary citizens avoid falling into traps, or what can be done to identify them?

Yang Wenqing said that the most important thing is not to take it lightly! Because, many people don't realize that they have been deceived at first, especially the scam impersonating the public prosecutor's office, you may really think that you are cooperating with the public security organs or government departments to investigate. Therefore, you must keep a clear head, and if you have any doubts, you should report them to your family, friends or community police in time.

During the May Day holiday just past, they received a case in which a 70-year-old man living alone in the jurisdiction was defrauded of a lot of money by a phone call pretending to be a public prosecutor.

The old man actually had doubts, but because he had no relatives around him, he did not report the situation to the community police or neighborhood committee cadres in time. It wasn't until an old classmate made an appointment for dinner that he mentioned that the police had come to look for these situations, and after being reminded by his classmates, he realized that he might have been deceived, so he went to the police station to report the case.

Yang Wenqing reminded that when encountering a suspicious situation, it is necessary to communicate with the people around you in a timely manner, as the so-called "the authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear".

He pointed out that the Ministry of Public Security has established an anti-fraud early warning system, and the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau has also established -

■ Door-to-door dissuasion

■ 96110 telephone discouragement

■ The working mechanism of SMS reminder and dissuasion.

If citizens receive these reminders, proving that they may be being deceived or have a potential risk of being deceived, they must pay attention to it and report the situation to the community police in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary economic losses.

Everyone has a little more awareness of prevention

Telecom fraud may be less common!

Source: Shangguan News

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