
Fill the gap in the country! The technical achievements related to raw eggs have reached the international advanced level

author:Consumer Quality Newspaper

Not long ago, #大陆杂交水稻亲本种子被盗取#事件登上热搜 touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of netizens. The reason why this incident caused a sensation is that the parental seeds are the paternal and female parents that can produce seeds, the most core breeding materials in the mainland, and the scientific and technological achievements researched by Yuan Longping and generations of scientists with great efforts, which are related to China's food security and seed source security.

Fill the gap in the country! The technical achievements related to raw eggs have reached the international advanced level

Agriculture is a strategic industry related to food security and food safety. As one of the world's largest agricultural producers, China's overall strength in agricultural science and technology has entered the forefront of the world in recent years, and in addition to the innovative achievements of rice and wheat that have attracted worldwide attention, the mainland's leading advantages in the fields of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, and the quality and processing of agricultural products have been very obvious.

Not long ago, the mainland achieved another major breakthrough in agricultural science and technology!

The Sichuan Provincial Rural Science and Technology Development Center hired seven professors from Huazhong Agricultural University and Sichuan Agricultural University in the field of egg and food science to form an expert group to jointly score and evaluate the results of "Key Technology Innovation and Application of Safe Production and Processing of Raw Edible Eggs" jointly completed by Fengji Food Group Co., Ltd., Sichuan University and other units.

After comprehensive evaluation by experts, it was determined that the technological innovation and application achievements related to raw edible eggs, such as "safe production technology system for raw edible eggs", "technical system for improving the processing characteristics of raw edible eggs and egg products", and "key technical system for antibacterial storage and transportation guarantee of raw edible eggs", are outstanding in innovation and have reached the international advanced level as a whole.

Fill the gap in the country! The technical achievements related to raw eggs have reached the international advanced level

It is well known that eggs and egg products have always been products with high levels of Salmonella. There have been many public health safety incidents of large-scale Salmonella infection at home and abroad, and the source points to eggs. How hard is salmonella control? In the whole link of egg production and sales, such as seed source, feed, hatching, breeding, chicken house environment, personnel flow, egg production, packaging, transportation, etc., it is almost pervasive and very good at "latent". Once an egg containing Salmonella enters the home, it can survive for 3~4 months in a low temperature environment even if it is placed in the refrigerator, and it may contaminate other ingredients.

It is understood that the technical achievements related to raw eggs awarded this time not only establish a healthy breeding model for raw and fresh eggs, but also improve the prevention and control system of Salmonella in eggs; We have developed a special feed for laying hens with enterocactacteridin, probiotics, and Chinese herbal extracts as raw materials, which improves the taste of eggs and reduces the fishy smell. At the same time, it has also achieved innovative application breakthroughs in the protection of fresh egg antibacterial storage and transportation, and the improvement of egg product processing characteristics.

Technological progress is often inseparable from product demand and market feedback. In recent years, the category of raw eggs has developed rapidly in China, and the raw egg brand "Yellow Swan" of Fengji Food has always maintained the attitude of a category pioneer, ranking first in the country in terms of sales of high-quality eggs for three consecutive years.

Although it has long been firmly in the first camp of the category, Yellow Swan is still committed to improving the technical "gold content" of the category, from leading the establishment of the first domestic group standard for raw eggs formulated by production, learning, research and business, to now the relevant technical achievements have reached the international leading level...... From the experience of Huang Swan, it can be seen that only when the product has strict standards to follow and the core technology realizes independent innovation, can a category be invincible in a diversified consumer environment.

Fill the gap in the country! The technical achievements related to raw eggs have reached the international advanced level

So what is the significance of the technological advancement of raw eggs for ordinary people?

In fact, most people often fall into a "misunderstanding": even if eggs have salmonella, it doesn't matter if they are cooked and eaten anyway. As everyone knows, once the egg is overheated, the taste will be choking, and the protein digestibility will be lower. Children and family members don't like to eat, and nutrients are wasted.

Is there a way to keep the nutrients intact and look good? Of course, the soft-boiled egg method is the perfect balance of nutrition and deliciousness. However, the production of soft-boiled eggs should not be overheated, which puts forward higher requirements for the safety and quality of the eggs themselves.

Fill the gap in the country! The technical achievements related to raw eggs have reached the international advanced level

As the pioneer and leader of China's raw egg category, Yellow Swan has been committed to promoting the relevant technological progress of raw eggs in recent years, fully ensuring that eggs do not contain Salmonella from the whole link of production technology system, and making more nutritious and tastier eggs a new quality standard for eggs.

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