
China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024

author:China Business Intelligence Network

China Business Intelligence Network News: In April, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.7% year-on-year (the growth rate of added value is the actual growth rate after deducting price factors). On a month-on-month basis, in April, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 0.97% over the previous month. From January to April, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.3 percent year-on-year.

China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics, China Business Industry Research Institute

In April, the added value of the mining industry increased by 2.0 percent year-on-year, the manufacturing industry increased by 7.5 percent, and the production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water increased by 5.8 percent.

In April, the added value of state-controlled enterprises increased by 5.4% year-on-year; joint-stock enterprises increased by 6.9 percent, and foreign-funded enterprises and enterprises with investment from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan increased by 6.2 percent; The private sector grew by 6.3 per cent.

In terms of industries, in April, 36 of the 41 major industries maintained a year-on-year increase in added value. Among them, the coal mining and washing industry increased by 1.5 percent, the oil and gas extraction industry increased by 0.7 percent, the agricultural and sideline food processing industry increased by 1.2 percent, the wine, beverage and refined tea manufacturing industry increased by 3.8 percent, the textile industry increased by 6.6 percent, the chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industry increased by 12.3 percent, the non-metallic mineral products industry decreased by 1.5 percent, the ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 2.0 percent, the non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 11.4 percent, and the general equipment manufacturing industry increased by 3.7 percent. The manufacturing of special equipment increased by 2.0 percent, the automobile manufacturing industry by 16.3 percent, the railway, shipbuilding, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing industry by 13.2 percent, the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry by 5.8 percent, the computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry by 15.6 percent, and the electricity and heat production and supply industry by 5.7 percent.

China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024

In terms of products, in April, the output of 386 out of 619 products increased year-on-year. Among them, steel was 116.52 million tons, down 1.6% year-on-year; cement 173.95 million tons, down 8.6%; 6.5 million tons of ten non-ferrous metals, an increase of 7.0%; ethylene 2.49 million tons, down 7.2%; 2.346 million automobiles, an increase of 15.4%, including 831,000 new energy vehicles, an increase of 39.2%; power generation was 690.1 billion kilowatt hours, an increase of 3.1%; The crude oil processing volume was 58.79 million tons, down 3.3%.

In April, the sales rate of industrial enterprises above designated size was 97.4 percent, down 0.1 percentage points year-on-year, and the export delivery value of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 1,232.8 billion yuan, up 7.3 percent year-on-year.

China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024
China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024
China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024
China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024
China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024
China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024
China's industrial value-added above designated size increased by 6.7% and manufacturing increased by 7.5% in April 2024

For more information, please refer to the "Research Report on China's Intelligent Manufacturing Market Prospects and Investment Opportunities" released by the China Commercial Industry Research Institute, and the China Commercial Industry Research Institute also provides industrial big data, industrial intelligence, industry research reports, industry white papers, industry status certificates, feasibility study reports, industrial planning, industrial chain investment map, industrial investment guidelines, industrial chain investment investigation & promotion meeting, "15th Five-Year Plan" and other consulting services.

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