
It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

author:Zhong Haoqi

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Text: Zhong Haoqi

Editor: Zhong Haoqi

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make


On the road of life, is there always such a person who will accompany you across the ditches and hurdles and walk hand in hand with you to the other side of happiness?

How many twists and turns does a woman have to go through before she can reap the double harvest of career and love?

Let's walk into the story of Li Xiaoran and witness her legendary life of pursuing dreams and reaping happiness.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

Ordinary Girl Extraordinary Dreams

Li Xiaoran, a girl from an ordinary family, has shown extraordinary artistic talent since she was a child.

When she was in school, she was active on the stage of various theatrical performances, and her talent and beauty made her a "little sister" in the eyes of her classmates.

Whether it is poetry recitation, sketch performance, or dancing and singing, Li Xiaoran can always win bursts of applause with his outstanding performance.

Her teacher once predicted that this girl would become a great person in the future and would shine in the entertainment industry.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

Despite his ordinary family background, Li Xiaoran has a dream of becoming an actor.

After graduating from high school, she resolutely applied for the Beijing Film Academy and started her own acting career.

With her infinite love for performance and unremitting efforts, Li Xiaoran stood out from many candidates and successfully stepped into this coveted palace of art.

In 1994, Li Xiaoran, who was only 20 years old, made a successful debut with "Big Husband", and since then he has been in the entertainment industry.

This drama gave the audience their first acquaintance with this young and beautiful girl, and her performance was also eye-catching, so there was a rising star in the film and television industry.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

Acting career is thorny and smooth

Fame is not achieved overnight, Li Xiaoran has spent more than 20 years practicing his dream of being an actor step by step.

She knows that in this competitive industry, only by continuously improving her acting skills can she be invincible.

Therefore, she humbly learns from her predecessors, studies each role diligently, and strives to present it in front of the audience in the best condition.

She has starred in many popular film and television works such as "With You in This Life" and "Celebrating More Than Years", creating a screen image that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and her acting skills are becoming more and more mature.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

In 2018, she played a woman who unfortunately became a single mother in "With You in This Life".

In order to raise her son, she worked alone in the city, and the maternal love she showed moved countless audiences.

Li Xiaoran played this role very well, and she vividly showed the difficulty, strength, and greatness of a mother, which is unforgettable.

This role also won Li Xiaoran countless praises and established her status in the entertainment industry.

In 2020, Li Xiaoran changed her weak image in the costume drama "Celebrating More Than Years" and turned into a heroine, showing her heroic side between the sword dance and gun shadows.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

This challenging work made the audience's eyes shine, it turned out that Li Xiaoran could still control such a sassy and heroic role.

She not only has outstanding martial arts skills in the play, but also won the audience's applause with her clever mind.

No matter what kind of role, she is lifelike under Li Xiaoran's interpretation, and she is also known as the "big peach" with her superb acting skills and outstanding beauty, and has become a goddess in the hearts of countless fans.

She used her strength to prove that an actor, as long as he is willing to work hard, he will definitely make the role shine.

Emotional twists and turns

However, on the road of love, Li Xiaoran's footsteps have experienced several twists and turns.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

She first fell in love with Zhang Tao, an insider, and the two thought that they could go through their lives hand in hand, but they parted ways due to disagreements in life concepts.

On the day of the breakup, Li Xiaoran burst into tears on the spot, and the feeling of her heart being like a knife made her difficult to calm down for a long time.

But instead of being discouraged by this, she picked herself up again and set off again.

Later, she and Li Ming, a business talent, achieved positive results.

Li Ming's appearance once made Li Xiaoran believe in love again, and the two also made a promise to stay together for life.

However, the difference in reality still makes the relationship end again.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

Faced with another frustration in love, Li Xiaoran chose to temporarily close his heart and devote himself to his career.

The failure of the two relationships hurt Li Xiaoran's heart, and once made her lose confidence in love.

Every time in the dead of night, she thinks, can an older and unmarried actress like herself still meet the person she likes?

She began to wonder if marriage and family were unattainable luxuries for actors.

Although the days of being alone are lonely, at least there is a career as sustenance, Li Xiaoran moved forward silently alone, and poured all his energy into acting.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

再遇真爱 情定终身

Just when Li Xiaoran's career was in full swing and her emotions were at a low point, Xu Jianing's appearance brought a turning point in her life.

Xu Jianing, a successful man with a successful career, has been Li Xiaoran's friend for many years.

Although the two are of the opposite sex, there is a tacit understanding and understanding between them that transcends gender, and this spiritual fit makes each other cherish.

In the face of the frustrated Li Xiaoran, Xu Jianing gave the most sincere care and encouragement.

He often appeared when Li Xiaoran was in a low mood and took her to see this wonderful world.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

Accompanied by Xu Jianing, Li Xiaoran gradually walked out of the haze of emotions and regained confidence in life.

The two got to know each other more and more in getting along, and feelings grew unconsciously.

They were pleasantly surprised to find that the person who knew them best had always been by their side.

Finally, on a romantic night, Xu Jianing plucked up the courage to confess his heart to Li Xiaoran.

He looked at Li Xiaoran's eyes affectionately and told her that for so many years, he had been waiting, waiting for her to come out of the emotional predicament, waiting for her to accept new love.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

When Li Xiaoran heard these words, complicated emotions surged in his heart.

She knew that the man in front of her was a person worth entrusting her life.

In this way, under the witness of Starlight, the two established a romantic relationship and opened a new chapter in their lives.

The wedding of the century set sail happily

On May 15, 2024, Li Xiaoran and Xu Jianing held a grand wedding in an ancient castle in Belgium.

The castle is full of flowers and guests, a festive and peaceful scene.

Li Xiaoran was wearing a wedding dress worth tens of millions, like a princess in a fairy tale, and her graceful figure attracted everyone's attention.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

And Xu Jianing is like a handsome prince, with a tall posture and a happy smile, greeting his bride.

At the wedding scene, family and friends gathered to witness the union of the couple.

Li Xiaoran and Xu Jianing made a vow to be with each other for a lifetime in the sacred church.

At that moment, Li Xiaoran burst into tears.

Recalling the past, she was filled with emotion.

Along the way, she has experienced too many hardships and tribulations, but she has also reaped career achievements and sincere love.

Now, with Xu Jianing's company, she feels extremely down-to-earth and happy.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

This day is destined to be the best memory of her life.

At the wedding, Li Xiaoran was moved to tears, recalling her bumpy emotional experience, she sincerely sighed that on the road of life, she finally met the soul mate who was willing to accompany her through the second half of her life.

From now on, with the support of her husband, she will devote herself to her career and life with more enthusiasm.

She knows that no matter what the future path is, with Xu Jianing by her side, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome together.

At this moment, Li Xiaoran felt unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make


Li Xiaoran's life is a story of dreams, perseverance, setbacks and success.

She has created a brilliant career with perseverance and hard work, and has also found true love with optimism and wisdom.

Her legendary experience tells us that there is no eternal trough in life, as long as you have hope and are down-to-earth, happiness will eventually come.

Let us bless the newlyweds, wish them a wider and wider road of love, and the future road of life will always be accompanied by flowers and sunshine!

It turns out that Li Xiaoran is the big "peach", no wonder the rich man will give her 500 million for her to make

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