
The "Hu Hansan" are back again, how did they fight back? They have three-plate axes

author:Monk History Great Star Sphere

"Hu Hansan" reappears in the rivers and lakes, how do they play new tricks?

Oh, friends, have you heard? "Hu Hansan" these guys actually appeared again! However, this time they are not the same old and do something to rob and grab, but to engage in new tricks, playing with high technology and the Internet. It's so infuriating and annoying!

Speaking of these "Hu Hansan", they are very cunning. In the past, they may have appeared in film and television works as bully landlords, which makes people hate it at first glance. But now they are no longer so simple and rude. They have learned to use modern technology and online platforms to quietly change the social climate and make it difficult for people to guard against it.

The "Hu Hansan" are back again, how did they fight back? They have three-plate axes

First of all, they played the trick of "stealing beams and changing pillars". Did you know? They no longer directly deny the great achievements of New China, which is too obvious and easy for people to see through. They have now learned to create a "fog of history" and confuse the public with some so-called "academic research" and "historical truth". They will tell some historical events in an ambiguous way, making people confused about the truth and even beginning to doubt the glorious history of our great motherland. This kind of method is so cunning that it makes people gnash their teeth!

Also, they played the trick of "wanting to catch and indulge". In the past they might have attacked our heroes and leaders directly, but now they don't. They began to challenge our beliefs with "questioning" and "exploring" tones. They'll say, "Oh, these heroes have their shortcomings, and they can make mistakes." "They are trying to convince people that the heroes who have contributed so much to the country and the nation are not perfect and may even be problematic. This kind of method is really infuriating!

What's even more excessive is that they also played the conspiracy of "borrowing a knife to kill". They no longer personally defend the evil forces of the old society, but use some netizens and media who do not know the truth to spread false information. They will post some specious "evidence" on the Internet, saying that so-and-so historical events have been distorted and the truth has been obscured. They deliberately create rumors and controversies to make people mistakenly believe that certain historical events have been misunderstood or the truth has been covered up. This kind of method is really infuriating and vomiting blood!

The "Hu Hansan" are back again, how did they fight back? They have three-plate axes

These modern versions of "Hu Hansan", their methods are really becoming more and more cunning. Instead of blatantly provoking and causing chaos as in the past, they are using modern technology and online platforms to spread false information and mislead the masses. Their existence is like an undercurrent, quietly changing the atmosphere of society.

So, how do these modern versions of "Hu Hansan" play with these new tricks? What is their real purpose?

In fact, these "Hu Hansan" are not a group of real historical figures, but those who try to disrupt social harmony and spread false information in real life. They may be some people with ulterior motives, or they may be netizens who have been brainwashed by some extreme thoughts. They use modern technology and online platforms to mislead the masses and undermine social stability and development by publishing false information and creating rumors.

The "Hu Hansan" are back again, how did they fight back? They have three-plate axes

The reason why they are doing this is to undermine the harmony and stability of our society. They may feel that their views are correct and want to spread false information and create controversy to get more people to accept their views. But they ignore the fact that there is only one truth! The disinformation and rumors they spread will only make people more confused and confused, and will not have any positive impact on the stability and development of society.

So, we need to be vigilant at all times! Don't easily believe unsubstantiated information and rumors. We must learn to look at problems with rational thinking and a scientific attitude, and not be easily misled by some extreme ideas and false information. At the same time, we must also actively spread positive energy and true information! Let more people know the truth and know the truth!

Here, I would like to remind you in particular! If you see some specious information or hear some irresponsible remarks on the Internet, you must stay calm and rational! Don't believe it easily! Learn to use your own wisdom and judgment to distinguish between truth and falsehood! At the same time, we must also actively report those who spread false information and create rumors to the relevant authorities! Let them be punished as they deserve!

The "Hu Hansan" are back again, how did they fight back? They have three-plate axes

In short, it is not a good thing for "Hu Hansan" to reappear in the rivers and lakes! We need to be vigilant at all times! Don't be fooled and misled by their new tricks! Let's work together! Let the society become more harmonious, stable and beautiful!

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