
Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

author:Leisurely drifting bottle entertainment
Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!
Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Text: Leisurely drifting bottle entertainment

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Nortel was a good buddy during his time

Who would have thought that the two popular actors on the screen today, Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei, actually started as classmates and friends at the Beijing Film Academy? From that moment on, they were affectionately called "Zhang Zhou Brothers" by the people in the hospital. Unexpectedly, a few years later, not only have they become famous, but they have also married their own families, but the brotherly friendship between them is still the same.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei can be said to be good buddies who have been hooking shoulders and inseparable since their freshman year. The personalities of the two of them are very different, Zhang Songwen loves to talk and laugh, and is outgoing, while Zhou Yiwei is introverted and old-fashioned. But it is precisely because of such differences that they can complement each other more than enough and become the unique "confidants" in each other's lives.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Recalling that when he was in school, Zhang Songwen was a living treasure with super popularity, and he was surrounded by a large group of friends everywhere. But his friendship with Zhou Yiwei is the most intimate. As long as they see the figure of the two walking side by side, everyone will joke that "the conjoined people are haunted again".

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Zhou Yiwei has been an introverted child since he was a child, but fortunately, he met Zhang Songwen, a "social expert", and slowly opened up his inner world. Zhang Songwen also often talked about Zhou Zhouwei, saying that he was verbose, calculating, and living like an old man, but he couldn't hide his appreciation and love for this "good old man" at all.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

I have suffered a lot when I joined the group for filming

After graduating from Beiying, Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei broke into the showbiz together. can be two "yellow-haired girls", but the beginning of life was not smooth. Although the two are young and beautiful, and their talents are outstanding, due to their lack of experience and connections, they are often "brushed" by the directors and producers of the crew, and they can't get the ideal role. Sometimes although I am selected, the salary is too low to make ends meet.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

In Beijing, the expenses of renting a house and buying food add up to two or three thousand yuan per month, but the income of Zhou Yiwei and Zhang Songwen sometimes does not even reach this amount. The two young people can only make do with their lives and live a life of "eating soil and pecking at the end".

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Fortunately, at this time, they still help each other. When one person is short of money, the other will "lend a hand" in time. Zhang Songwen once got a good salary, and immediately transferred half of it to Zhou Yiwei, so that he could take a breath. And Zhou Yiwei always calculates the rest of the money carefully, leaving it for Zhang Songwen to add clothes and buy household goods for the future.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

In this way, they took care of each other, and they slowly survived the most difficult years. Later, when the two of them became famous and became prosperous, no one would believe that they were so unknown back then, and even food and clothing were a problem.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

can't stop people's "jealous plot"

The reason why Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei's friendship is so deep may have a lot to do with the fact that they have always been "singles" all these years. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and Zhou Yiwei met his current wife Zhu Dan during a crew shooting, and it was love at first sight, and the two fell in love and got married.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

I thought that after marriage, there was true love, and brotherly love should always "rise all boats", right? Who knew that Zhu Dan actually had a "jealous" mood towards Zhang Songwen. Every time Zhang Songwen called, Zhou Yiwei would definitely have to talk for more than an hour. Sometimes at two or three o'clock in the morning, Zhu Dan could still hear her husband's deep voice echoing in the living room.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Later, Zhu Dan couldn't help but joke, and said with a smile: "There is only 'Zhang Songwen's in-laws' around our family, and you are really fetters to 'fox friends and dog friends'!"

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

As soon as Zhou Zhouwei heard this, he shook his head with an astringent face, indicating that Zhu Dan had misunderstood. But having said that, looking at the bickering appearance of this "old husband and wife", it is clear that they are "secretly happy to blossom there".

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Poor Zhu Dan, she couldn't have imagined that even the string of wooden beads carved by herself was worn around her neck all the time, just like the obsidian necklace given by Zhang Songwen.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

The sympathy of old classmates

However, there is one thing that makes Zhu Dan very gratified, that is, no matter what suspicions she has about her husband, Zhou Yiwei has never "dropped the price". You must know that even Zhang Songwen himself was bluffed by Zhou Zhouwei's straightforward personality.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Once at the recording site of the show, Zhang Songwen subconsciously wanted to praise Zhou Yiwei's good acting skills, but he didn't expect Zhou Yiwei to interrupt him expressionlessly: "Acting skills are not enough, so I will say this." I'm not good enough. Zhang Songwen was stunned by what he said, and then laughed and said to others: "Just this kid, he will never show mercy to himself."

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Zhu Dan watched from the sidelines, feeling a little relieved. Because in her opinion, the reason why the friendship between Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei has been maintained to this day is precisely because they have never been hypocritical or have never concealed themselves. Two people talk about everything, and they can understand each other's thoughts at a glance, and this tacit understanding is the result of many years.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Zhu Dan thought, maybe he was too careful at the beginning. After all, true friendship is a love that is difficult for anyone to give up. In fact, a large part of the reason why Zhou Yiwei and Zhang Songwen were able to establish such a deep friendship is that they are both from the same cradle - the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

As classmates, the two have a high recognition of each other's talents and artistic pursuits. Zhang Songwen was amazed by Zhou Zhouwei's unique understanding of the role, and often said: "As long as you look around, you can vividly show a person's heart."

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

And Zhou Yiwei particularly appreciated Zhang Songwen's skills on the spot, once when the two cooperated, Zhou Yiwei deliberately suddenly added a new action in the performance, and Zhang Songwen was able to adapt to the situation, not chaotic, and cooperate instantly. "If this is a different actor, I'm afraid it will overturn." Monday said heartily after the incident.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

This sympathetic friendship is destined to be difficult for others to shake. As Zhang Songwen often said: "Brother, it is the kind that can be naked on you."

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Friends in adversity accompany each other all the way

However, the friendship between Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei was not all smooth sailing, and they also went through the most difficult time. It was the first few years when the two had just stepped into the entertainment industry, and the acting road was difficult and the income was meager.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

For a while, they were even on the verge of "not being able to eat". In order to make ends meet, Zhang Songwen had to work as a temporary worker, such as working as a fitness instructor for a while. Zhou Yiwei lives on the little money his parents call every month.

Those days were so poor that the bodies of the two young people could not bear it, and they had several serious illnesses one after another, and they almost collapsed.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Just when they were desperate, a phone call from their hometown rekindled their hope for life. It turned out that a distant cousin of Zhang Songwen worked a little in his hometown, saved a sum of money, and decided to use part of it to fund two young people to tide over the difficulties.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

As soon as this life-saving "green banknote" arrived, Zhang Songwen did not hesitate to give half to Zhou Zhouwei, so that he could also catch his breath. The two of them helped each other in this way, and finally survived the most difficult years. It wasn't until later that their careers gradually got on the right track, and their friendship became more and more indestructible.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

From Infernal to Homely

Now, although Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei have started their own families and formed their own small families, the friendship of the "iron buddies" has never dimmed. Interestingly, even at their age, the "inseparable" mode of getting along between the two people is still the same as when they were young. For example, Zhang Songwen is still like before, often calling Zhou Zhouwei in the middle of the night, just to chat with him about the current situation.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

Zhu Dan was speechless, he only felt that these two "bad fates" were like a pair of inseparable "gummy candy". But when she saw that Zhou Zhouwei heard this, her eyes were full of relief, and she was relieved.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

In this way, the friendship between Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei has gone all the way from "infernal" to "homeless". Once, they were as close as a pair of "conjoined babies"; And now, although they each have their own small families, the friendship of the "old iron" has always been consistent and unmoving.

Zhu Dan publicly "Little Three", tearing up the "love rival", claiming: Zhou Zhouwei's favorite, there are others!

For them, no matter how the surrounding environment changes, the other party will always be the unique "confidant" in each other's lives who can see each other sincerely and without pretense. This friendship is tempered enough to overcome any test of time and reality.

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