
Peking University professor Wu Hemao died of illness, and after receiving a tenured teaching position in the United States, he resolutely returned to Taiwan and the mainland to teach

author:Monk History Great Star Sphere

Wu Hemao: Returning from overseas, he devoted his life to academic and education

In the ocean of knowledge, there is a soul master that we can never forget, and his name is Wu and Mao. His life is like an epic of ups and downs, spanning both sides of the strait, leaving many awe-inspiring footprints.

Professor Wu Hemao, this name may not be unfamiliar to some people, but for many more, he is an academic giant who hides behind the scenes, quietly dedicated. He was born in Taichung, Taiwan, which is his hometown and the starting point of his academic journey. Later, he embarked on a journey to the United States, where he studied economics at Stanford University, where he eventually earned his master's and doctorate. At that time, his name had already begun to make its mark in the academic world.

However, just when many thought that Professor Wu would continue his academic career overseas, and perhaps even leave his mark there, he made a surprising decision to return to Taiwan, to the mainland, and to bring his knowledge and experience back to the land he loved so much.

You know, getting a tenured faculty position overseas is something that many scholars dream of. But Professor Wu Hemao chose to give up all this and return to the East to start another journey in his life. Many people may ask, why did he do this? Is it because he has more ambitions, or is it because he has deeper feelings?

In fact, the reason why Professor Wu Hemao chose to return to the East is very simple and pure. He hopes to use his knowledge and experience to help more people and influence more people. He believed that knowledge was a priceless treasure and that education was the best way to pass on that wealth.

After returning to Taiwan, Professor Wu began his teaching career by holding important positions at National Taiwan University and then at the Academia Sinica. His classes are always full of energy and passion, and he uses his own way to guide students into the world of economics and make them feel the charm and power of this subject.

However, Professor Wu and Mao were not satisfied with this. He is well aware that although Taiwan is rich in educational resources, there is still a certain gap between Taiwan and the mainland. So, in 1997, he made another important decision - to come to the mainland and bring his knowledge and experience to more students.

On the podiums of Nankai University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University and Guanghua School of Management of Peking University, Professor Wu Hemao brought a wonderful academic feast to the students with his profound academic vision and exquisite teaching skills. He is not only an academic mentor to his students, but also a life mentor to them. He used his own experiences and stories to tell students to have the courage to pursue their dreams and face challenges.

In Professor Wu's classes, students can not only learn a wealth of knowledge, but also feel his love and dedication to scholarship and education. He always encouraged his students to think more, explore more, not be afraid of failure, and dare to try. He believes that only those who have experienced failures and setbacks can cherish the taste of success and victory more.

In addition to his significant contributions to teaching, Professor Wu has also made outstanding achievements in academic research. He devoted his life to the study and promotion of general equilibrium theory and game theory, and used the perspective of microeconomics to explore major issues such as macroeconomics, finance and China's economic transformation. His academic papers have been published in many core journals at home and abroad, and have had a profound impact on the academic community.

Peking University professor Wu Hemao died of illness, and after receiving a tenured teaching position in the United States, he resolutely returned to Taiwan and the mainland to teach

However, after Professor Wu Hemao had dedicated his life to academic and educational careers, illness ruthlessly took his life. In the early hours of May 3, 2024, this great soul mentor left us forever. His passing has made the entire academic community and the students of Guangzhou University feel sad and regretful.

But what we need to know is that the spirit and philosophy of Professor Wu Hemao will be passed on forever. His life is the best interpretation of academic and educational career. He told us through his actions that knowledge is a priceless treasure and that education is the best way to pass on this wealth. His life is like a textbook full of wisdom and strength, which is worth learning and inheriting from each of us.

So, how did Professor Wu choose to return to the East after his outstanding achievements overseas? In fact, his decision was not made overnight. During his years of studying abroad, he deeply felt the differences and collisions between Eastern and Western cultures. He saw the prosperity and progress of Western countries, as well as the potential and hope of Eastern countries. He knows very well that as a Chinese, he has an unshirkable responsibility and mission to bring his knowledge and experience back to the motherland and contribute his strength to the development and progress of the country.

In the process of educating students, Professor Wu also has many unique methods and experiences. He always emphasizes the need to cultivate students' independent thinking ability and innovative spirit. He encouraged the students to read more, think more, and practice more, and not be bound by the constraints and limitations of tradition. He believes that only people with independent thinking ability and innovative spirit can be invincible in the future society.

In addition, Professor Wu also attaches great importance to communication and exchange with students. He always patiently listens to the students' ideas and opinions, and gives them timely guidance and help. He believes that only by establishing a good teacher-student relationship can we better promote the learning and growth of students.

Today, although Professor Wu has passed away from us, his spirit and philosophy will forever be etched in our hearts. His life is like a magnificent epic, inspiring us to constantly pursue knowledge, keep improving, and keep innovating. Let us always remember this great soul teacher, Professor Wu Hemao!

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