
At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

author:Sweet love science


At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

In the clear northern night sky, Orion may be hidden behind the dark background of the setting of the blunt moon, and the location of our asteroid is only 1,350 light-years away.

With this magnificent nebula visible in the Northern Hemisphere, the Orion Nebula can be seen with the naked eye without astronomical tools such as sieves.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

As the youngest nebula in the Milky Way, the Orion Nebula is a natural focus, not only because it is only more than a thousand years old, but also because it represents the "original" appearance of the solar system that has not been completely obscured by interstellar matter.

Although our understanding of the solar system and even the universe is limited to the complex composition of matter, the new insights that can make scientists laugh must be the silent power of moisturizing things.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

What details can the Webb telescope's high-resolution photograph of the Orion Nebula reveal?

What information does this bring to our cognition?

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

1. The primitive solar system.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

The Orion Nebula is 1,350 light-years away, which means that it took 1,350 years for its light to reach Earth.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

The so-called Orion Nebula is actually based on the Modrifze 457 nebula with the Hubble number, which can be abbreviated as a huge nebula group of M42, and Hubble's M number is the most direct source of the celestial objects discovered by the Hubble telescope in astronomy.

Perhaps the nebula itself is not so striking, but the order of the M number interstellar matter is closely related to the position in the Milky Way, and its design is not all in one place, but is arranged one by one according to the location, size, distance, and other factors of the objects.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

The number of M42, which literally shows that this is a galaxy discovered by Hubble that is by no means herringbone, does not mean that this galaxy is more attractive than the Hot Type 7 quasar.

In the most vivid group of nebulae in the Milky Way, the age of the nebula usually determines its integrity and star formation activity.

It is the continuous stellar formation activity that makes the Orion Nebula as white as flour and has a vigorous vitality.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

When the Orion Nebula was discovered by scientists in the West, this scattered mass of primordial material had already been illuminated by the blazing brilliance of stars in the star-forming region, so the Orion Nebula as a whole was only a slowly compressed interstellar gas, and the morphology of this nebula could not be summarized into a complete nebula.

Therefore, M42 is not the whole of the Orion Nebula, let alone all the star-forming activity in it, but it is still the youngest nebula we can observe, and certainly the most active.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

Whether or not it is active is not only reflected in the blazing light, but also affects the interstellar matter around it, but Orion is a very special being.

Apart from this silent sunlight, people do not feel any other energy from this nebula.

The warmth of the sun, the moisture of the rain and dew, etc., which people can experience, are the joys bestowed by the spirit of all things in the human world, but scientists can be full of praise for nature to cover up the resources that have been exhausted by our human beings.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

Even if it is just the incredible amount of energy that the sun is constantly emitting, we need to spend a lot of scarce resources to obtain, and the energy from the nebula must be unimaginably powerful.

However, this is still a one-way transmission of information, and if we humans want to get information from the nebula, then it is undoubtedly crossing the river by feeling the stones, not only because of the remoteness of the nebula's location, but also because it is a kind of existence without communication channels.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

2. Orion quadruple constellation.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

Whether it is the sun, the moon or even the earth itself, it is a cosmic object that conforms to people's daily cognition, but just on an asteroid that we usually call "dangling", the process of star formation has made people feel terrifying.

Because people's eyes are very fragile, the Orion Nebula may be a direct dazzle for many people, but it also "feels a little familiar" with the geographical name of Mars in the solar system, the Orion quadrangle.

The only connection between this constellation and the Orion Nebula is their name, but under the high-definition photography of the Webb telescope, scientists also found a presence on the Orion Nebula that was called the Orion Quadruple on Earth through the matching star map.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

However, the Orion quadrat constellation was usually on Earth in the twentieth century, and because it is considered to be the most striking star cluster in the night sky during the northern hemisphere winter, it shines like "Pleiades" in the eyes of most computer gamers.

Therefore, as early as around 1700, contemporary astronomers in Europe discovered the Asteroid Orion running in the night sky through telescopes, and learned through observation that it left the orbit of the Orion family.

However, this star occupies a position not far from the quadrat star group in the solar system at a position of thirteen light-years from the Earth, and it was not until the 50s of the 20th century that scientists measured its mass and surface temperature to determine which galaxy the star came from.

The Orion Quadrat is one of the most massive stars in the solar system, and the closest star to us besides the Sun.

In ancient times, the Orion clan suddenly dissolved at the same time, so it was also called the "Soul Breaker" in the constellation, but the existence of its quadruple constellation further proves that Orion is better suited for hiding than hunting.

The metaphor of the hunter being better suited to hiding than hunting may be a bit insignificant, but the message is very interesting.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

Aside from being hidden, people can't actually imagine that the Orions have any more advanced abilities, so the Orions have always been a cautious existence.

In the Orion quadruple constellation, except for α2, which is formed by two white dwarfs that overlap very closely, the other three are formed by proton fusion, and whether it is the blue supergiant that has become unusually bright due to frequent supernew explosions or the radiation of the two white dwarfs, it has brought a lot of interference to the surrounding environment.

At a distance of 1,350 light-years from Earth, Orion in the Webb telescope allows people to see the pristine solar system

It is precisely because of this O-type star with an unusually large mass in the Orion Quadruple Cluster, and perhaps because this flame giant star releases too much energy, that the Orion people at that time could see the Orion constellation at night on the same as the solar system.

3. Orion θ2A.

However, the name was given by the Orions, so after the Orions disappeared, the Orion planet was restored to its natural tranquility.

Although the Orion Quadruple is very bright thirteen light-years from Earth, the Orion constellation is obscured by nebulae, so it is not very famous, and the Orion "Pleiades" is famous for its name, but the Orion humans are nowhere to be found.

However, as the youngest nebula ever recorded in the Milky Way, it waits day and night for its compatriots with the word "Orion", but they have no "home".

But "home" has never been a place for people to live in this nebula, so a hundred light-years away from this thin white nebula using the Hubble telescope, scientists have discovered that the intense ultraviolet light emitted by the stars of the Orion quadrat group controls the space inside the Orion family.

For more than 30 years, scientists have often used the Webb telescope for long-exposure observations, and through spectrograms, they have found that the Orion Cloud is a very active region, and due to the extremely complex morphology of this nebula, its shape changes frequently.

And in the center of the Orion Nebula, in addition to the active stars, there is also a very unique star "Orion Theta 2A".

Although the brightness of this nebula is very low, after special observations, scientists have seen one of the most ultraviolet-light type B stars in this nebula on Earth.

But its brightness is obvious enough for one to see from Earth through the naked eye.

But there are so few stars in the vicinity of this B-type star that scientists believe that the B-type star is actually an isolated star.

This type B star is produced by a star with a mass five times higher than the Sun, so it has a very short lifespan, only about two or three million years, in which the star will complete the process of helium burning through methods such as proton-proton chains.

Orion Theta 2A is a star very close to our solar system, and it can be said that in this nebula it has not yet undergone the process of star formation, and has not yet obtained the history from Mars to Lingyus.

Perhaps it is because of this that this star is very ordinary, and the radiant energy from the nebula is the same as that of the stars in other tetragrams, which only illuminates the nebula with its own light.

But the NIRCam mid-infrared instrument carried by the Webb telescope is very powerful, and it can unravel the mystery of the star-forming regions.


The Orion Nebula can be described as a mysterious nebula, and under normal circumstances, scientists use the Webb telescope to photograph the Orion Nebula in high definition, and the capture of its static beauty is obtained.

But if someone observes with their hearts and looks closely, they will still find very interesting phenomena, and it is precisely for this reason that the Orion Nebula is the focus of scientists' attention day and night.

The shape of the Orion Nebula is complex, and although it is a nebula, the details that can be observed are not only the shape of the nebula, but also the birth zones of stars in the nebula, and the flow of interstellar matter.

Therefore, the novelty of the Orion Nebula, unveiled by the Webb telescope, is very valuable, as it is a clue to our understanding of the origin of the solar system.

The Orion Nebula, as a very young star, has not yet formed a solar system in its vicinity, and similarly, its star clusters have not yet formed.

Therefore, from the solar system that has not yet formed in the Orion Nebula, we can see how the sun and the solar system have changed.

Although the Orion Nebula is very, very far away from us, we feel its beauty from the digital image in the middle of the Orion Nebula, and we get information from this beauty, which gives us a deeper understanding of the origin of the universe and a deeper understanding of the evolution of the universe.

And with the continuous improvement of infrared detection technology, the birth of the Webb telescope is expected to allow scientists to reach a higher level in the field of star birth and discover more hidden objects.

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