
I often make it after the beginning of summer, it tastes better and healthier than milk tea!

author:The food life encyclopedia of the baby gecko
I often make it after the beginning of summer, it tastes better and healthier than milk tea!

Hello dear friends, I'm a little gecko. It's my habit to use simple words to introduce delicious food. With the thunder of the beginning of summer, we ushered in the hot summer. In this season, relieving the heat has become a compulsory course for everyone. Today, I would like to share with you a sweet mung bean paste that I often drink after the beginning of summer, which not only clears away heat and relieves heat, but also has a delicate taste, which is much healthier than milk tea on the market!

A blend of food and culture

In traditional Chinese culture, mung beans have always been regarded as a good way to relieve the heat. Since ancient times, there has been a folk saying that "eating beans in summer is better than eating meat". Mung beans not only have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, but also help our body maintain water balance in the hot summer. Boil mung beans into a sand and add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to make a delicious sugar water. This sweet water not only carries people's desire for coolness, but also reflects the breadth and profundity of Chinese food culture.

I often make it after the beginning of summer, it tastes better and healthier than milk tea!

Preparation of mung bean paste

Next, I'm going to walk you through how to make this delicious mung bean paste.

Method 1: Traditional slow cooking

1. Soak the mung beans overnight ahead of time so that they are easier to cook.

2. The next day, put the soaked mung beans in a pot and add enough water.

3. After the heat is boiling, turn to low heat and simmer slowly until the mung beans are soft.

4. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, stir well, and cook until the rock sugar is completely melted.

5. Finally, ingredients such as lotus seeds and lilies can be added according to personal taste to add taste and nutrition.

Although this traditional slow cooking method takes a long time, it can retain the nutrients and original flavor of mung beans to the greatest extent.

I often make it after the beginning of summer, it tastes better and healthier than milk tea!

Method 2: Pressure cooker quick method

1. Soak the mung beans in advance as well.

2. Put the soaked mung beans in a pressure cooker and add an appropriate amount of water.

3. Cover the pot and cook under pressure for 10-15 minutes.

4. After relieving the pressure, open the lid of the pot, add rock sugar and stir well.

Although this method is quick, it may have a slightly inferior taste to the slow cooking method.

Change and innovation

In addition to the traditional mung bean paste, there are also some innovations and changes we can make this sweet water more colorful.

Method 3: Add coconut milk

After the mung bean paste is cooked, you can add an appropriate amount of coconut milk and stir well. The sweetness of coconut milk combined with the delicacy of mung bean paste creates a unique taste.

Method 4: Pair with fruits

You can put the boiled mung bean paste in the refrigerator and then add the sliced mango, pineapple and other tropical fruits to make a cool mung bean paste fruit scoop.

Method 5: Add nuts

Adding some nuts to mung bean paste, such as almonds, walnuts, etc., not only adds flavor but also increases nutritional value.

Method 6: Make mung bean paste ice cream

Put the boiled mung bean paste in the ice cream maker and follow the instructions, and you will soon have a delicious mung bean paste ice cream.

Method 7: Pair with refreshments

Mung bean paste can also be used as a dessert for afternoon tea, with some Chinese refreshments such as xiao long bao, mooncakes, etc., to enjoy a leisurely afternoon.

Method 8: Make mung bean paste popsicles

Pour the boiled and cooled mung bean paste into the popsicle mold and put it in the refrigerator to freeze it to make mung bean paste popsicles, which is a good choice for summer heat.

Life Tips:

1. Mung bean paste is best cooked in a casserole or crockpot, which can better retain the original flavor of mung beans.

2. The amount of rock sugar can be adjusted according to personal taste, or you can try to use brown sugar or brown sugar instead, which will have different flavors.

3. When boiling mung bean paste, you can add a small handful of rice, so that the cooked mung bean paste will be thicker.

4. Mung bean paste can not only be drunk as sugar water, but also as a raw material for facial masks, which has the effect of beauty and beauty.


Dear friends, food not only nourishes our body, but also nourishes our soul. In this hot summer, a bowl of sweet mung bean paste can not only bring us coolness, but also allow us to find a trace of tranquility and sweetness in our busy life. Hopefully, these tips and tricks will bring a touch of coolness and beauty to your lives.

"The taste of the world is refreshing." May we all find joy and fulfillment in life in good food. Pay attention to the little gecko, the delicious recipes are endless, let's explore more possibilities and enjoy more beauty in the world of food!

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