
Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

author:Big head talks about literature

1. Bright stars encounter lonely moments

Ms. Peng Yu, a well-known and respected veteran performing arts giant, has brought us many excellent works close to real life and touching on the TV screen, such as "A Family in the Northeast", "Romantic Things", "Qing Officials Difficult to Decide Family Affairs" and "Sister Idler", etc., and is especially good at creating the gentle and powerful character image of "mother", so she has won the reputation of "mother professional" in the minds of the audience.

Looking back on Ms. Peng Yu's experience when she was young, it can be said that her career is thriving and thriving. Since participating in the movie "Don't Forget" in 1964, her fame has risen rapidly like a torch that suddenly ignited.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

However, unexpectedly, at the golden stage of her career development, an unexpected "cold snap" swept in 1966, which hit her hard. As a literary and art worker, Peng Yu and her husband Zhao Wenxin were both defeated and forced to go to the countryside to undergo a decade-long labor reform, thus wasting precious youth.

By 1977, when the artists were able to return to work, Ms. Peng Yu had reached the age of 41. At this time, the children are all adults, the eldest daughter Zhao Lingqi has entered the marriage hall, and the youngest daughter Zhao Jiaqi has also had a boyfriend.

Fortunately, the two daughters, like their parents, chose to devote themselves to the theater career and joined the Harbin Drama Theater family. The family performs a wonderful play together on stage and has a happy time.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

Time is like an arrow, time flies, and in a blink of an eye, 1988 came to an end, but the good times of love between husband and wife suddenly came to an end. Mr. Zhao Wenxin unfortunately suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was paralyzed in bed, and Ms. Peng Yu's tears fell to the ground like broken pearls.

At the age of 54, in order to take care of her paralyzed husband, she resolutely gave up her career, retired early, and devoted all her energy to taking care of Mr. Zhao Wenxin's daily life.

Day after day, year after year, Ms. Peng Yu always stayed by the sickbed, taking care of Mr. Zhao Wenxin, and eight years passed quietly. In the end, Mr. Zhao Wenxin passed away due to organ failure, leaving Ms. Peng Yu alone to face endless loneliness.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

When Ms. Peng Yu held the ring given by Mr. Zhao Wenxin before her death, her eyes were full of tears, and her 61-year-old life fell into an unprecedented abyss of loneliness. Although as an actor, she has played the role of "mother" countless times on the screen, but now this old actor who has experienced vicissitudes has also become a widow.

Second, the fetters of youth tug at two heartstrings

To uncover why Ms. Peng Yu seems so lonely and tired as she turns 61, we need to further explore her and her late husband Zhao Wenxin's twists and turns, and turn the clock back to 1954.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

At that time, Peng Yu, who had just entered the twentieth year of youth, had already emerged in the Harbin Repertory Troupe and became a high-profile professional actor.

Zhao Wenxin can be described as a flawless man, he not only has a handsome appearance, his noble character is impeccable, and his superb acting skills are even more admirable, and he is undoubtedly the embodiment of Peng Yu's ideal partner.

The two young people found that deep emotional resonance in each other's eyes, and the flower of love quietly bloomed in Peng Yu's heart. However, in those days, they could not walk the streets hand in hand as freely as they do today.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

In that era of advocating sincerity and openness, Zhao Wenxin, with his unique courage, did not hesitate to invite Peng Yu to the park after only two months of contact, and expressed his heart to her in person: "I love you deeply and desire to spend the rest of my life with you, are you willing?" Faced with this sudden confession, Peng Yu was shocked, but deep down he had already developed a deep affection for this young man with a bright smile.

For the next three days, they spent almost all of their time in each other's company: boating on the lake, watching movies, and sharing food. Once, before watching a movie, Peng Yu inadvertently glanced at the commissary a few more times, and Zhao Wenxin immediately walked into the store to buy a pack of fruit candy that was not cheap, although he had not tasted one, he carefully took the candy paper that Peng Yu had eaten and treasured it.

At the end of the movie, the bag of candy had been eaten cleanly, and Peng Yu's heart was also moved by this sincere and romantic straightforwardness, so she decided to officially start this beautiful relationship with Zhao Wenxin.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

In 1954, in their best youth, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, and soon after, they ushered in a small family full of warmth: at the end of 1954, their eldest daughter Zhao Lingqi was born; Two years later, their youngest daughter, Zhao Jiaqi, was born.

A happy married life, as well as two lively and lovely children, together constitute a happy family picture.

The responsibility of the family has inspired Peng Yu and Zhao Wenxin to work more firmly. Peng Yu, in particular, at the peak of her career, became famous for her outstanding performance in the work "Don't Forget".

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

However, the good times were short-lived, and the special movement that began in 1966 shattered their peaceful lives and forced them to be sent to the countryside for a decade.

As a model of parental affection, Zhao Wenxin and Peng Yu's family life should have been full of happiness and satisfaction. However, fate played tricks on them mercilessly, and one day in 1988, Zhao Wenxin suddenly suffered a catastrophe and immediately fainted to the ground, white foam appeared in his mouth, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

After being sent to the hospital for a detailed examination, he was diagnosed with paralysis caused by cerebral hemorrhage, which made Peng Yu's originally happy life collapse in an instant.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

Zhao Wenxin, who was once heroic, can only lie quietly on the bed now, and his vitality is gradually fading. Seeing her once beloved partner become like this, the pain in Peng Yu's heart was indescribable.

Her heart seemed to be hollowed out, and only endless grief remained.

In the face of such a huge blow, 54-year-old Peng Yu resolutely decided to retire early and devote himself to taking care of the paralyzed Zhao Wenxin. She firmly opposed her daughters' proposal to hire professional caregivers, insisting on taking care of Zhao Wenxin herself and becoming his "life assistant".

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

"If we are looking for a nanny, we can't be too demanding of others, after all, we are not relatives, and we may be negligent. It's better for me to do it myself, and my lover will be more adaptable. Peng Yu said firmly.

Since then, Peng Yu has lived a long and arduous life. She is like a tireless machine every day, and the focus of her life completely revolves around taking care of Zhao Wenxin: from early morning to late at night, from diet to daily life, dressing, feeding, turning over, massaging, handling trivial affairs such as urine and urine for Zhao Wenxin...... These were all things that Zhao Wenxin had done for her personally, and now they all fell on Peng Yu's shoulders.

Sometimes, Zhao Wenxin would be confused in bed, and her eyes would reveal helplessness when she saw his wife. Peng Yu could only endure the pain in her heart and hugged him gently.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

In this way, day after day, year after year, Peng Yu took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her paralyzed husband alone. There is only one small room in the home, Zhao Wenxin has been bedridden for a long time to occupy most of the space, and Peng Yu lives in a cramped living room.

Whenever she heard Zhao Wenxin's moaning or cry for help at night, she would immediately get up and go to check. Sometimes it's just a matter of feeding water and turning over, and sometimes it's a matter of patient comfort...... Struggling with illness and monotony in life, Zhao Wenxin became more and more dependent on his wife's company and care.

In the name of his wife, Peng Yu poured all her physical strength and patience into guarding her paralyzed husband with all her might. She is like a tough tree, supporting the burden of the whole family with her strong arms.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

After eight years of time, until Zhao Wenxin unfortunately passed away due to organ failure, Peng Yu tearfully sent his beloved to the other side, and his grief was moving.

When she carried the ring given by Zhao Wenxin before her death, the tears that had been piled up in her heart poured out like a torrent at this moment.

Part 4: A Turning Point in Life: Love and Affection Go hand in hand

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

After Zhao Wenxin's untimely death, Peng Yu fell into endless loneliness and pain, shutting himself in that cold door every day, his eyes were full of gloomy and sad looks, and his smile had become a distant memory.

Watching her mother play the image of a happy "mother" countless times on the screen, but now she is full of devastation, this experience has undoubtedly hit her hard, how can she bear it?

As the eldest daughter, Zhao Lingqi has been promoted to a national-level actor and has been performing in various crews for a long time; Although Zhao Jiaqi lives in the bustling capital Beijing, she can't always be by her mother's side.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

Watching her mother gradually depressed, as if she had lost contact with the world, Zhao Jiaqi felt deeply guilty, thinking that she was a "derelict daughter" and ignoring her mother's loneliness and loneliness.

However, one day, Zhao Jiaqi unexpectedly heard the laughter and laughter coming from the home of her mother and uncle Chen Jiurong, and she couldn't help but have mixed feelings in her heart. In years, she had rarely heard her mother laugh so heartily.

"I thought, maybe my mother needs the company of a peer who can give warmth and love at all times!" Zhao Jiaqi thought to herself.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

So, a bold idea gradually formed in Zhao Jiaqi's mind: Why not let her mother enter the palace of marriage again? Moreover, there is an ideal candidate in front of me - Professor Chen Jiurong, the husband of my father's own sister.

At first, Peng Yu was shocked and even a little resistant to her daughter's proposal. However, Zhao Jiaqi patiently persuaded and spoke with facts: "You see, my uncle is also alone, and the two elders of the same age know each other very well, isn't it very suitable to become a husband and wife?" ”。

As time passed, Peng Yu was gradually moved by her daughter's sincerity. If you think about it, the brother-in-law of the deceased husband is indeed a pretty good choice: they are of the same age, their family backgrounds are quite similar, and their former partners have also passed away, and they have been raising two children alone for many years.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

What's more important is that as an in-law, Chen Jiurong has long been aware of Peng Yu's behavior, and there is still a bit of estranged family affection between the two.

Under her daughter's deep love and understanding, Peng Yu regained her confidence in life. The care and care of a family member has changed her concept dramatically.

Part 5: Uncle's Background Revealed: The Key to Solving Doubts

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

Readers may be puzzled as to why the two daughters regard Professor Chen Jiurong as the ideal partner to introduce to Peng Yu. Next, let's dissect this uncle's extraordinary background in detail!

It turned out that Professor Chen Jiurong was an outstanding expert in brain surgery, and he once held a teaching position at Shenyang Medical University, which can be regarded as an authoritative giant in the field of medicine. Moreover, he and Ms. Peng Yu have both passed the age of sixtieth birthday and are the same age.

Even more coincidentally, there are striking similarities in their family experiences.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

Chen Jiurong's wife died many years ago, leaving him alone to raise his two young sons, and he never considered remarrying for many years. As the brother-in-law of Ms. Peng Yu's deceased husband Zhao Wenxin, Chen Jiurong knows the personality of his sister-in-law well and always gives him a very high evaluation.

In the eyes of her daughter Zhao Jiaqi, Chen Jiurong is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. First of all, he and his mother are in the same year, and it is the sunset time of his life, and he needs the care and companionship of others.

Secondly, as a family, my mother and uncle are not strangers to each other, but they are more familiar with each other and more psychologically accepting of each other.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

More crucially, there is a subtle and unique bond of kinship between them. Although he is a brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Chen Jiurong is only Peng Yu's husband and has no blood relationship with Peng Yu.

So, in the eyes of the daughters, they are actually very compatible.

Considering various factors, the two sisters, Zhao Lingqi and Zhao Jiaqi, unanimously agreed that Chen Jiurong was undoubtedly an excellent partner for her mother Peng Yu to continue her life journey. So, with the support of the children, the daughters began to actively match their mother and introduce her lifelong partner.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

Sixth, spend the afterglow years together

Under the careful arrangement of the daughters, the two families who had been separated for many years finally established contact again. After months of invitations and meetings, Ms. Peng Yu, 67 years old, and Professor Chen Jiurong gradually sparked a spark of love.

With the full support of their children, the couple, who are entering their old age, bravely enter the palace of marriage and build a new family together.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

After their marriage, Ms. Peng Yu and Professor Chen Jiurong entered a new chapter in their lives, and they loved and cared for each other. Despite their advanced age, their relationship is as close as that of a young couple, day and night.

When our veteran actor Ms. Peng Yu is busy filming in various places, we will see her husband, Mr. Chen Jiurong, always silently carrying his suitcase, following his wife's footsteps without hesitation, and going to various crews rain or shine.

No matter how bad the environment is and how far away it is, he always sticks to his duties and resolutely accompanies his lover, lest she feel any discomfort when Peng Yu is on vacation, the loving couple will spend their time in their own warm home and enjoy that quiet and beautiful life.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

If they find life a bit boring, Ms. Peng Yu will propose to return to Mr. Chen Jiurong's hometown, the beautiful Shenyang, to live for a while. Because there are his relatives there, he can enjoy the warmth of family to the fullest.

In this way, they shuttled back and forth between Beijing and Shenyang, without any burden, and were free.

In her daily life, Ms. Peng Yu is always happy to take on household chores. Whether it's buying fresh ingredients, cleaning the house, cooking food, drying clothes, knitting sweaters, and more, she has a lot of fun doing it all.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

What is even more admirable is that Mr. Chen Jiurong is not fighting alone, he always actively participates in housework, sharing the burden with his wife, Ms. Peng Yu is in the kitchen with great enthusiasm, and Mr. Chen Jiurong is outside carefully taking care of the drying clothes; Sometimes, Ms. Peng Yu is diligently cleaning, while Mr. Chen Jiurong is patiently washing clothes and repairing the damage.

The same is true for their athletic workouts, which are always inseparable and support each other. In addition to the deep bond between them, they also have a very good relationship with their children. Mr. Chen Jiurong often organizes club activities for the elderly, such as playing table tennis, practicing calligraphy, or signing up for senior tour groups to travel together.

Every time there is such an opportunity, Ms. Peng Yu is always with her throughout the whole process, never falling behind, and they will return to Shenyang regularly to reunite with Mr. Chen Jiurong's children and share the joy of family.

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

With the care of the children, Ms. Peng Yu and Mr. Chen Jiurong walked through the last journey of their lives hand in hand, and their later life was full of happiness and satisfaction. Although Ms. Peng Yu is in her 80s, she is still full of energy and spirit.

As long as you look closely at her recent photos, you can feel her kind, powerful, and full of positive energy.

finally found a Chen Jiurong as a lifelong soulmate, so that Ms. Peng Yu can no longer feel the erosion of loneliness when she enters her old age! With the love of her relatives and the companionship of her friends, her subsequent years are as comfortable as poetry and joy as songs!

Old drama bone Peng Yu: took care of her paralyzed husband for 8 years, was widowed at the age of 61, and married her brother-in-law who died in her second marriage

Just like the truth revealed at the beginning of the story, finding a soulmate in life will give us the warmest twilight time in the last years of our lives! This may be the secret of Ms. Peng Yu's happiness in her later years!

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