
Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

author:Big head talks about literature

1. The initial call originated from the feelings of the sea

In this bustling and noisy modern society, Li Naiwen can always skillfully adjust his pace and listen to the purest sound of nature. He has a unique and deep affection for the sea, and sees that deep blue as a refuge for the soul.

Growing up in the environment of the troupe since childhood, Li Naiwen spent his childhood in the bright lights of the stage and the surging sound of the waves. His mother often took him to the seaside and taught him about the gift of nature.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

Perhaps it was from that time that the breath of the sea was deeply imprinted in his heart.

As the years passed, when Li Naiwen gradually reached the peak of his acting career, his love for the ocean never diminished in the slightest. He often finds time to go to the seashore and meditate in front of the vast blue ocean.

The magnificence of the sea gives him the impetus to move forward, and the rhythm of the waves makes his mind sometimes passionate, sometimes calm.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

With the prosperity of his career, Li Naiwen also turned his attention to the cause of marine environmental protection. He has practiced the lofty mission of "Messenger of Marine Culture Public Welfare" with practical actions.

Whenever he sees the pollution of the beach and the destruction of the marine ecology, he feels so sad that he wishes he could go into the water and pick up every plastic bag himself.

Indeed, for Li Naiwen, the ocean is not only a feeling, but also the purest desire in his heart. Here, he expressed his admiration for nature, his love for life, and his firm belief in public welfare.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

This firm belief has become an inexhaustible source of strength in his life.

2. The artistic love triggered by a play

Looking back, Lee's passion for the performing arts can be traced back to his childhood. At that time, his mother was a veteran actress and had been performing in the troupe for a long time. Li Naiwen spent his childhood backstage in the theater, and has experienced the ever-changing drama since he was a child.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

His mother often led him backstage to watch the rehearsals, or patiently interpreted the performance at home. She personally instructed Li Naiwen how to control emotions, grasp the tone, and how to vividly present the inner world of the character in front of the audience.

Under the influence of his mother, Li Naiwen had an endless yearning for the colorful stage world.

When witnessing his mother's extraordinary performance, Li Naiwen's eyes will always shine with brilliance! He seemed to be able to feel his mother's inner emotions at this moment, and deeply felt how she was engrossed in the role she played.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

Mother often said: "Each character has his own unique life journey, and only by deeply understanding his joys and sorrows can he truly bring them to life on the stage." Such a profound teaching, Li Naiwen remembered it in his heart like a treasure.

Perhaps because of this, although he has experienced ups and downs on the road of acting, he has never given up the dream hidden deep in his heart.

His mother's demonstration taught him that if he wants to be an outstanding actor, he needs to be full of enthusiasm and reflect the brilliance of each role with his own heart. As a result, under the careful cultivation of his mother, Li Naiwen's love for performing arts has become deeper and deeper.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

When he really embarked on this path, his mother was still his most solid backing and endless source of motivation.

Whenever he encountered difficulties or fell into a low ebb on stage, his mother always appeared at the right time to give him encouragement, guidance, and spiritual and technical nourishment. The far-reaching influence of his mother has made Li Naiwen always maintain an innocent and innocent heart on the road of acting.

In his own words: "Every time I stand in the center of the stage, I will recall my mother's earnest teachings and use the most sincere emotions to shape every role" This original intention is the biggest motivation for him to move forward firmly.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

3. The tortuous road to the showbiz

The first TV series "What to Move, Don't Move Feelings" undoubtedly marks Li Naiwen's official entry into the bright stage of his career. Despite being only a supporting role, his affectionate interpretation allows the audience to see an excellent actor with a rich inner world.

In this series, he successfully portrays a middle-aged man with a strange personality, who rediscovers hope and courage in life under the love and care of his family. Li Naiwen accurately grasped the complex emotions of anger, confusion and longing to be loved in the depths of the character's heart, and created a lifelike and moving character.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

And the wonderful interpretation of this role is naturally inseparable from the careful guidance of the mother. In between filming, Li Naiwen often called his mother and asked her for advice on the emotional changes and delicate emotional control of the character.

Mother is always patient and gives valuable advice.

Once upon a time, Li Naiwen asked his mother for advice on how to portray the dramatic emotional outburst of the remarkable characters in the play, and his mother told him in simple terms: "Anger is only a temporary appearance, but what is hidden in it is deep pain and helplessness."

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

You need to think deeply about why this person is so angry and how he has been hurt, and only by really capturing these details can you express the emotions of the character in a real and touching way."

Li Naiwen knew his mother's teachings very well, and in that emotionally intense scene, he did not choose to roar simply and roughly, but first took a long deep breath to gradually enter the crazy state of the character.

Immediately afterwards, he began to wave his arms vigorously, and loudly questioned why the crowd could not understand his predicament, which was a kind of grief and indignation from the bottom of his heart.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

This wonderful performance immediately won warm applause and high praise from the producer and director. The jury praised: "His acting skills are far beyond his actual age, and he has a deep grasp of the delicate feelings and inner monologues of the characters, which can be called a rare rookie."

With the popularity of the TV series, Li Naiwen's acting career is also on the right track. The family watched his outstanding performance on the screen, and although they didn't know the hardships behind him, their hearts were full of relief to see him realize his dream.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

With the firm support and full affirmation of his family, Li Naiwen is full of endless expectations and confidence for the future. He is determined to move forward steadily on this path, fully implement and practice the performance concepts taught to him by his mother, and be recognized by more audiences.

However, just when his career was booming, Li Naiwen fell into a "scandal" storm that troubled him. This turmoil originated in 2005, when he co-starred with well-known actress Yan Bingyan in the movie "Teeth of Love".

In this film, the two have many intimate kiss scenes and hugging scenes. Faced with these scenes, Li Naiwen felt shy for a while, and Yan Bingyan teased him in a joking tone: "Are you also so shy when you kiss your girlfriend?" Now recalling that experience, Li Naiwen secretly congratulated himself for being reserved at that time, otherwise he would have already told his heart.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

In the following time, these two excellent actors co-starred in the film "Come Again". What is surprising is that in this work, the character played by Li Naiwen once again showed the strong emotional shock brought by kissing Yan Bingyan with excellent acting skills, and even made Yan Bingyan's lips slightly red and swollen! We can't help but sigh at the continuous sharpening and improvement of his acting skills.

On the shooting site, their tacit cooperation can always attract many media reports and photographers' fanatical attention.

Watching from the sidelines, people can feel the strong human friendship between them. Yan Bingyan will always generously recommend all kinds of excellent scripts to Li Naiwen and sincerely invite him to participate in them.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

Among them, including "Ten Thousand Arrows Through the Heart", which later won her numerous honors.

There is no doubt that Yan Bingyan has given Li Naiwen's superb acting skills a very high evaluation and full recognition.

However, just when everyone was looking forward to their sweet embrace on and off the screen, Li Naiwen suddenly announced in an exclusive interview: He has already entered the marriage hall and has a son! This news was like a bombshell, instantly detonating the shock and doubts of the audience.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

It turned out that Li Naiwen's wife was just an ordinary woman, and they met and fell in love through the introduction of a friend. In order to protect the privacy of the family, Li Naiwen chose to get married in a low-key manner and never mentioned his family situation in public.

Now, the truth has finally been revealed, and the audience suddenly realized that Li Naiwen has been silently guarding the privacy of his family.

Li Naiwen's low-key married life is in stark contrast to his image on the screen. Therefore, the rumors about him and Yan Bingyan also disappeared. Some people joked that this is "the highest level of pretending to be blind", which actually proves Li Naiwen's deep affection for his wife from another angle.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

Although the episode did not have any negative impact on their close collaboration in their careers, speculation about their personal relationship is difficult to determine. After all, in the world of love, many past events have passed away with the wind.

Part 5: The road to public welfare

In addition to his busy acting career, Li Naiwen is also actively engaged in environmental protection and public welfare. This deep love for nature stems from his deep affection for the ocean from an early age.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

The venerable Mr. Li Naiwen, his public welfare journey originated from a seemingly ordinary beach clean-up activity. However, when he witnessed the shocking sight of the beach covered in plastic bags, drink bottles and other waste, he instantly felt a deep pain in his heart.

As an artist who has won the honor of "Marine Culture Public Welfare Communication Messenger", Li Naiwen is deeply aware that he has a greater responsibility and mission on his shoulders. Instead of hesitating, he inspired a stronger determination to launch a vigorous beach clean-up campaign, calling on the masses to join the fight for the planet.

He took the lead in picking up garbage in the sea, revealing the seriousness of marine pollution to the public with practical actions, and arousing everyone's attention to environmental protection issues.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

Soon after, the action spread like a snowball effect across the country, arousing the enthusiasm of the whole people to participate in the protection of the ecological environment. On this basis, Li Naiwen is not satisfied with the status quo, but continues to promote his own environmental protection concept.

In the many film and television works he participated in next, he deeply excavated and highlighted the theme of environmental protection, hoping to convey positive energy with the wide dissemination of the program.

For example, in the TV series "Jinshui Bridge", he successfully portrayed a police character with a sense of justice and enthusiasm, vividly showing a positive character who is passionate about both work and life.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Li Naiwen has successfully integrated public welfare undertakings with his own acting career, infecting and inspiring more people with practical actions, and he firmly believes that everyone can exert positive energy in their respective fields and become an important force to promote world change.

And it is through his passionate performances that he conveys this concept to countless audiences. In fact, Mr. Li Naiwen has always been firmly moving forward on the road of public welfare and has never stopped.

He is not only concerned about the problem of marine pollution, but also devotes a lot of effort to the vulnerable groups affected by environmental degradation, and he has used his personal influence to raise funds for poor or disaster-stricken areas, and do his best to contribute to the improvement of their living environment.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

It is precisely because of this spirit of selfless dedication that Mr. Li Naiwen has won the high praise of "Sea Guardian". Whenever someone called him a "charity star", he always replied humbly: "I just found the best way to combine art and charity."

Environmental protection and public welfare should be the responsibility of each and every one of us."

Looking at Li Naiwen's rich and magnificent life, people can't help but admire! He is not only an artist who is unswervingly committed to the pursuit of art, but also a filial son who is well versed in filial piety and repays the society, and a messenger who is keen to devote himself to public welfare.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

His life journey vividly shows us that the help of family and friends is crucial on the road to realizing our dreams; And to live the true meaning of life, we need to put it into action.

After the baptism of wind and rain, Li Naiwen has always adhered to his original intention, upheld his mother's firm teachings, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the shaping process of each role. For public welfare, he personally practiced, calling on the public to love and attach importance to environmental protection, and use practical influence to give back to the society endless care.

His words and deeds are always writing a unique chapter of life and interpreting his personal values.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

Looking back on the past years, the reason why Li Naiwen was able to move forward firmly on the road of chasing his dreams is undoubtedly the selfless encouragement and support of his family. In particular, his mother, a veteran theater actor, not only taught him superb acting skills, but also became the most solid spiritual pillar in his life journey.

Whenever he encountered difficulties on stage, his mother was always the first to lend a helping hand, giving him valuable experience sharing and guiding him to deeply understand the connotation of the role. Whenever he felt lost about the future, his mother would always give him endless encouragement and motivate him to stick to his ideals and beliefs.

It is this love and strength from his loved ones that enables Li Naiwen to gain a firm foothold in his acting career and give full play to his talents. Today, Li Naiwen has become a bright star in the limelight, but he has never forgotten the deep affection of his family and always has a grateful heart.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

His wife has always been silently with him when he was in financial distress and gave him selfless support, and now, the couple has a good time together and lives happily ever after.

It is true that the greatest wealth of Li Naiwen's life is the love and expectations of his relatives and friends. It is this warm nourishment that makes him move forward bravely on the road of pursuing his dreams.

At the same time, he is also well aware of the importance of passing on this warmth to the society, actively participating in environmental protection and public welfare undertakings, arousing more people's attention with practical actions, and injecting full of positive energy into the world.

Li Naiwen: His career was bumpy and unsuccessful, and his grievances with Yan Bingyan were difficult to solve, and he finally fell in love at the age of 48

Li Naiwen's life is like a passionate symphony, persistent and full of benevolence. His story tells us that although dreams may seem unattainable, as long as we persevere, we will eventually achieve something; Life may be full of hardships, but as long as we cherish it with our hearts, we will surely usher in prosperity.

This dedication and love are the precious qualities that have been passed down from generation to generation in their family.

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