
Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

author:Big head talks about literature

1. Li Yuchun has gone through hardships, and his mother has done her best to support and help each other

Li Yuchun has lived in an ordinary family since he was a child, his father Li Shengmin is a railway policeman who selflessly dedicates himself to the safety of rail transit, and his mother Xu Shengyun is a primary school teacher who works silently in the education post.

The family lives in a cramped two-bedroom apartment in the center of Chengdu, and their parents cycle to and from work every day.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

At the age of 12, Li Yuchun began to study in boarding schools, excelled in his studies, won many awards in various campus literary and artistic activities, and showed extraordinary singing talent. In 2002, when she was about to finish her high school career, she successfully held her first solo concert.

In the same year, she was successfully admitted to the Sichuan Conservatory of Music with the second place in her professional score.

After entering the palace of art, Xu Shengyun and her husband had to be careful and thrifty in order to pay the high tuition fees. Whenever Li Yuchun returns from the Spring Festival, Xu Shengyun will always teach her to cherish life and be diligent and thrifty.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

She would even store the leftover meat in the well water to prevent spoilage, just to save the cost of buying a new refrigerator Once, Li Yuchun witnessed this scene and was deeply moved to ask his mother why she didn't buy a new refrigerator, Xu Shengyun reluctantly told the embarrassment of the family's financial situation.

In 2005, Li Yuchun, who was only 21 years old, bravely signed up for the Hunan Satellite TV talent show "Super Girl". Xu Shengyun was full of worries and resolutely decided to accompany his daughter to Changsha to compete.

Along the way, the mother and daughter only bought the most affordable hard-seat tickets, and were even reluctant to buy mineral water in order to save money. After arriving in Changsha, they chose to stay in a small hotel with the lowest price, eat simple and simple street lunches every day, and live a very frugal life, hoping to create a safe environment for Li Yuchun to prepare for the competition.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

Second, Xu Shengyun is worried that her daughter has passed away and is still unmarried

Who could have foreseen that Li Yuchun became a blockbuster in the "Super Girl" competition, and since then his career has been in full swing, and he has quickly climbed to the top of his life. Xu Shengyun originally expected her daughter's life to improve after she became famous, but the reality made her face many unexpected troubles.

On the one hand, as Li Yuchun's popularity is increasing, relatives and friends around him have distanced themselves from Xu Shengyun, and they either turn a blind eye or speak coldly when they meet on the street. Even the attitude of her colleagues towards her has changed, and they always keep their distance from her for some reason.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

On the other hand, many companies and institutions have come to Xu Shengyun's house in the hope of obtaining donations from Li Yuchun, and if this hope is not fulfilled, they have begun to criticize him.

Some relatives and friends even asked Xu Shengyun for financial assistance for various reasons, and if they did not get a corresponding response, they began to speak ill of Xu and maliciously slandered him.

This phenomenon made Xu Shengyun feel very troubled, and he felt confused about how to get along with these people.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

What's worse is that Xu Shengyun is deeply worried that her daughter has reached the age of 32 in her life, but her married life is still far away. She has been running around many times for her daughter's lifelong events, actively arranging blind dates, but the results are always unsatisfactory.

The following is her personal experience: In Beijing's hometowns, whenever someone asks to get to know Li Yuchun, people always immediately refuse, and say that Li Yuchun, as a big-name star, has a noble status, which is really difficult to match; Once, Xu Shengyun went to the blind date corner in Chaoyang Park, and when she publicly identified herself as Li Yuchun's mother, some people questioned her as a liar and even threatened to send her to the police station.

Despite this, someone is finally willing to match Li Yuchun and find a suitable partner for her recently. However, when he learned that Li Yuchun had suffered from "ankylosing spondylitis", the enthusiastic person suddenly changed his mind and chose to give up introducing her to a partner.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

The daughter's marriage has not yet been resolved, and Xu Shengyun has never been able to feel at ease. Her only wish is to hope that Li Yuchun can find her own happiness as soon as possible and establish a warm and happy family.

3. Xu Shengyun witnessed his daughter's fame and glory

Xu Shengyun still vividly remembers that moment in 2005, when the 21-year-old Li Yuchun won the championship in the finals of "Super Girl", achieving a glorious moment in her life.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

When the host announced that Li Yuchun had won the championship, Xu Shengyun was so excited that tears instantly welled up in his eyes.

As an ordinary elementary school teacher, she never imagined that her daughter would one day be able to make a name for herself on the national stage.

At the last moment of the competition, Li Yuchun won more than 3 million audience votes, far ahead of the runner-up Zhou Bichang's more than 200,000 votes, which shows her lofty status in the eyes of the audience.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

In the same year, she also appeared on the cover of the Asian edition of the well-known American magazine "Time", becoming the first Chinese mainland singer to win this award.

In addition, she is also the first Chinese singer to appear on the cover of Xinhua News Agency's "Globe" magazine.

In the face of the amazing breakthrough made by his daughter Li Yuchun, Xu Shengyun felt extremely proud and proud of it from the bottom of his heart! Looking back, when her daughter was about to enter college, she and her husband even struggled to raise money for school fees.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

Whenever her daughter returns from the holidays, she always reminds her to always maintain the good habit of thrift and avoid wasting a penny.

Now, with her outstanding strength, her daughter has broken through a world in the domestic film and television music scene, Xu Shengyun is finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and sit at home to enjoy her daughter's shining demeanor on the stage.

Looking at her daughter's dazzling light, her heart was filled with endless joy and satisfaction.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

All these brilliant achievements come from Li Yuchun's outstanding singing talent since she was a child, as well as Xu Shengyun's meticulous care and care for her as a mother.

It was her mother's earnest teachings that made Li Yuchun establish a correct outlook on life and values, and laid a solid foundation for her to pursue her acting dream in the future.

However, in the early morning of the next day, Li Yuchun would still hum cheerful songs with a smile on her face, refreshed herself, and stepped into the company with her bags, devoting herself to the new day's work with full enthusiasm, as if yesterday's hard work had never left traces on her.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

Such perseverance and professionalism are truly admirable!

At the same time, Li Yuchun has always paid attention to and enthusiastically participated in public welfare and charity. According to incomplete statistics, she has successively sponsored 33 children with leukemia and 131 children with hearing impairment, and helped build 5 fraternity health stations in Anhui, Sichuan, Gansu and other regions, giving back to the society with practical actions.

However, fate brought an unexpected challenge to Li Yuchun in 2021. She was unfortunately diagnosed with "ankylosing spondylitis". According to doctors, this is a rare rheumatic disease that can lead to paralysis of the whole body if the condition continues to worsen.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

For a while, the outside world discussed this matter, and all kinds of rumors poured in like a tide, depicting Li Yuchun's physical condition as more serious than reality.

There are false reports claiming that Li Yuchun has difficulty moving and needs to rely on a wheelchair to get around; There are even rumors maliciously speculating that she may be paralyzed at any time and lose confidence in life.

Although these absurd remarks were quickly debunked, they quickly spread on the Internet, leaving Xu Shengyun and his wife worried.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

What is embarrassing is that a doctoral student who originally planned to tie the knot with Li Yuchun changed his mind temporarily after hearing these baseless rumors and persuaded the intermediary agency to terminate the blind date arrangement.

Seeing that these unwarranted rumors had such a huge negative impact on her daughter's life events, Xu Shengyun couldn't help but burst into tears, and pleaded hoarsely with public opinion to let her daughter go and stop spreading those maliciously fabricated rumors about her health.

Part 5 Li Yuchun's filial piety and care for his parents

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

Although Li Yuchun has made brilliant achievements in her career and won many honors, she has always remembered her roots. In 2014, she did not hesitate to spend 60 million yuan to buy a luxury villa in Beijing, and made a special trip to support her elderly parents to live together.

Nestled in a staggering 1,400 square metres of luxury in the city's exclusive residential area, this villa features 6 spacious and comfortable bedrooms, 4 elegant halls and 7 fully equipped bathrooms.

Mr. and Mrs. Xu had never lived in such a luxurious house in their lives, and at first they felt very uncomfortable with it. The daughter also considered hiring a maid to take care of the housework for them, but Xu Shengyun felt sorry for this extra expense and insisted on taking on the housework with her husband, often being so busy that she was exhausted.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

Perhaps because he has become accustomed to the simple lifestyle of the past, Xu Shengyun always feels more free to live in that small and dilapidated old house in Chengdu.

However, her daughter's filial piety to her parents touched her deeply.

In addition to providing excellent living conditions, Li Yuchun is also always concerned about the daily needs of his parents. She would take care of the house, do needlework, wipe her parents' shoes, and sometimes even cook with them.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

Xu Shengyun often sincerely praises her daughter's virtuous and kind, and hopes that this filial and accomplished good daughter can enter the marriage hall as soon as possible and live a happy life.

It is worth mentioning that although Li Yuchun is dressed in neutral clothes on the stage, she still maintains a unique feminine coquettish temperament in life. Privately, she's a keen admirer of handsome guys, a die-hard football fan, and whenever the World Cup comes, she keeps her eyes on her favorite stars.

She once confessed that she hoped that her future partner would also be a handsome and burly man.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

In addition to showing outstanding talent and promising potential in the field of music, Li Yuchun has also made remarkable achievements in his acting career. She played the role of "Fang Hong" in the movie "October Siege", and won many awards and honors, including the Best New Actor Award at the College Student Film Festival and many other blockbuster nominations, fully demonstrating her extraordinary acting strength.

Part 6: Xu Shengyun looks forward to her daughter entering the marriage hall as soon as possible

For a long time, her daughter's marriage and love problems have always worried Xu Shengyun and regarded her as a problem for her confidants. She deeply understands and understands that Li Yuchun is busy with work and has a tight personal time, and it is difficult to contact more friends of the opposite sex.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

More importantly, due to her daughter's popularity and high income, many ordinary men are discouraged, and even if they have a good impression of her, they often lack the courage to pursue it.

In order to solve his daughter's marriage and love problems, Xu Shengyun once ran around, actively looking for a suitable partner for his daughter, but he was repeatedly frustrated. Once, she took the initiative to join a group of fellow villagers in Beijing, hoping to match her daughter with the help of acquaintances.

However, whenever it is mentioned that his daughter is Li Yuchun, he will not hesitate to refuse, admitting that he and the daughter of this superstar star are really not in the right household.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

Another time, Xu Shengyun made a desperate gamble and personally went to the blind date corner in Chaoyang Park to find his future son-in-law. However, when she revealed that she was Li Yuchun's mother, some people at the scene questioned her as a liar and even threatened to send her to the police station.

Although someone was finally willing to introduce Li Yuchun to a partner recently, after learning that she had a history of "ankylosing spondylitis", the other party inevitably had doubts and finally chose to give up.

Seeing that his daughter's marriage was in trouble again, Xu Shengyun couldn't help but feel sad and burst into tears.

Li Yuchun's mother Xu Shengyun: Worried about her daughter's marriage, she begged the media to let her daughter go

Her daughter's lifelong events are undecided, and she can't feel at ease. Xu Shengyun is looking forward to her daughter being able to find a wishful husband as soon as possible and build a happy family. Only in this way can she, as a mother, be able to unload the burden of her heart.

Sometimes, Xu Shengyun even envies those ordinary housewives, although their children may not be outstanding, but at least they have entered the palace of marriage and lived a comfortable and stable life.

However, as the mother of a well-known artist, Xu Shengyun has always been burdened with heavy pressure and anxiety.

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