
My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

author:The Covenant of the Rose

The afternoon sun shines through the light gauze curtains in the private dining room for the party. As soon as Zhang Hua walked in the door, he was greeted by a lively shouting and scolding.

"Zhang Hua, you guy is finally willing to show up!" The squad leader Du Ming smiled and patted Zhang Hua on the shoulder.

Zhang Huahan responded with a smile, "Oh, squad leader Du, it's not that I won't come, I'm too busy with work." "

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Everyone cheered, and the air was filled with laughter. A variety of delicacies fill the table, whetting their appetite.

"Let's not get drunk today!" Some classmates proposed.

Everyone cheered and poured Zhang Hua a cup before letting him sit down.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

"You're late, you've got to get a big dish!" Li Qiang said jokingly.

Zhang Hua glanced at the prices on the menu, and couldn't help but feel nervous. He failed to start a business at the beginning of this year, and he was heavily in debt, and he had to pay carefully for every penny. Seeing that the dishes of other classmates were more advanced than the other, and the usual pride disappeared, he said tentatively: "Let me order a pot of meat, the traditional dishes of our Northeast, I have been hungry!" ”

It's a little embarrassing to say this by himself, but the pot meat is indeed something he can afford.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Li Qiang raised his eyebrows, obviously feeling that the behavior of this order was a bit against the arrogant atmosphere of the party, but he didn't say much.

When the pot wrapped meat was served, the golden and crispy appearance made Zhang Hua's appetite great. He pretended to easily clip a few pieces and grinned: "Ha, this killer feature must be the best today!" ”

In the dining room, everyone is busy catching up and sharing. Zhang Hua listened to their interesting stories and successful experiences, and felt a lot of emotion, thinking that he was still struggling on the edge of life.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Towards the end of the party, Zhang Hua looked at the half-eaten pot wrapped meat, and said in a heart: "Waiter, pack." ”

Du Ming looked at him unexpectedly: "Zhang Hua, why are you so "provincial"? ”

"Haha, it's not a province, this delicious food, save it for tomorrow, call it breakfast!" Zhang Hua ridiculed half-truthfully, hiding the embarrassment of his poverty.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

The students laughed or talked, but the atmosphere was slightly subtle. Zhang Hua didn't think much about it, waved goodbye, and stepped out of the door with a packing box containing pot-wrapped meat, full of ambition to change his current situation.

And he didn't know that this night's packing not only packed the food, but also packed the fate that was about to change.

The next day, Zhang Hua's phone flashed with several unread messages, all photos and videos of classmates partying, and their happiness last night and Zhang Hua's packing behavior were recorded.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

"Haha, Zhang Hua, your 'environmental behavior' yesterday was quite interesting," a joking message popped out of the WeChat group.

He replied with an embarrassing meme, only to find that Li Qiang had blocked him. The message says "This user is not in your WeChat friends list".

Zhang Hua's mood suddenly became gloomy, he didn't expect Li Qiang to cut off contact because of this trivial matter. This gave him a great psychological shock, and he began to seriously reflect on his current situation and decided that something had to change.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

In a dimly lit rental house, Zhang Hua looked at the worn wallet in his hand, and barely squeezed out a smile and said to himself: "I have to find a breakthrough, I can't go on like this!" "

In the next few days, Zhang Hua seemed to be a different person. He started throwing his resume everywhere and even went to several supermarkets to ask if he had a part-time job. At the same time, he began to learn how to manage money, and went to the library to borrow many books on investing and managing money.

During this period, he called Du Ming and wanted to explain his behavior to Li Qiang, but was told that Li Qiang had a cold attitude recently and seemed to ignore no one.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

"Zhang Hua, don't take it too seriously, Li Qiang has always been ruthless, and anyone dares to offend." Du Ming comforted him.

Zhang Hua took a deep breath: "Well, but this incident also alerted me, I have to quickly stand up." "

In this way, every time in the dead of night, Zhang Hua would ignite his fighting spirit, look at the starlight outside the window, and secretly vow to change his life.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

The turning point finally came on a sunny afternoon. Zhang Hua attended a free lecture on herbal knowledge and found some information about lesser-known ancient medicinal herbs.

After the lecture, he found the lecturer and asked modestly, "Teacher, if I want to know more about these ancient medicinal materials, how do I get started?" ”

The teacher looked at him, and a hint of approval flashed in his eyes: "Young man, you are very wise!" You can go to the market and talk to the experts. If you have the chance, you might be pleasantly surprised. ”

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Zhang Hua was excited for a while, he decided to dig deeper into this opportunity, and began to frequently appear in the market of various medicinal materials, carefully studying and understanding various medicinal materials.

In the process, he unexpectedly found a seemingly inconspicuous but very rare medicinal herb in a small pharmacy, and with the knowledge he learned in the lecture the day before yesterday, he realized that this might be his chance to turn around.

Zhang Hua almost did everything he had and bought this medicinal herb. And the story that happened began without Zhang Hua knowing it.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

When Zhang Hua brought that seemingly ordinary ancient medicinal herb to the medicinal herb market, it did not attract too many people's attention. However, when a knowledgeable old Chinese medicine doctor walked by, he was as excited as if he had discovered a new world.

"Young man, where did you get this herb? Do you know what this is? The old Chinese medicine doctor's eyes sparkled, and his tone was urgent.

Zhang Hua pretended to be at a loss: "Uh, isn't it just ordinary herbs?" I saw it looked special, so I bought it. "

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

"Tell you, this is the legendary 'Ganoderma lucidum grass', which can detoxify all kinds of poisons, and it is a rare treasure that cannot be found on the market now!" The old Chinese medicine doctor is like a treasure, holding on to the herbs and refusing to let go.

The news quickly spread throughout the market like wings. Many pharmacists flocked to the plant, and everyone rushed to bid for this Ganoderma lucidum grass, and the price was constantly raised.

In this way, Zhang Hua changed from a poor boy with high debts to a wealthy medicinal herb merchant overnight, and his fate changed dramatically.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Just when Zhang Hua was selling Ganoderma lucidum grass and preparing to rectify his new life, he received a message from Li Qiang asking for help. It turned out that Li Qiang was fired because of a fierce conflict with his boss at work, and fell into a huge confusion.

"Zhang Hua, I heard that you have recently made a fortune, can you lend me some money to turn around? I'm really desperate right now. Li Qiang's tone carried a hint of pleading.

Zhang Hua was shocked by Li Qiang's transformation, but he didn't reply immediately, knowing that he needed time to think about how to deal with this friendship that had deteriorated due to money.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Du Ming also learned about Li Qiang's situation, so he called Zhang Hua and told him: "Zhang Hua, you are now a celebrity in the medicinal materials industry, and you should help Li Qiang to participate in this medicinal material exchange meeting." "

Zhang Hua fell into deep thought, and finally he knew that his success was not only a personal ability, but also a gift of opportunity, and that there should be the most basic sympathy and support between people.

The decision has been decided, Zhang Hua dialed Li Qiang's phone: "Brother Qiang, don't worry, let's meet tomorrow and talk about the specific matters in person." "

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Zhang Hua knows that when the climax of life is repeated, he should not forget his original intention and lend a hand, which is the moment to prove his inner strength.

One early morning, Zhang Hua and Li Qiang sat in a quiet teahouse. After a night of thinking, Zhang Hua decided to lend a hand.

"Brother Qiang, this incident can be regarded as a lesson for the two of us." Zhang Hua said earnestly.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Li Qiang looked a little cramped and uneasy: "It's because I was too impulsive at the beginning, I'm sorry for you." ”

"It's okay, we're all young, and who hasn't made a mistake." Zhang Hua replied with a smile, and then he took out a plan: "I plan to fund you to start over, not for nothing, but to work together." ”

"Cooperation? What to work with? Li Qiang asked curiously.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

"'Cherish resources, be proud of thrift' public welfare activities." Zhang Hua explained, "I want to work with you to start this activity in the community to promote conservation and improve everyone's consumption perception. ”

"That's a good idea!" Li Qiang's eyes lit up, "I'll help plan, and we'll do it together." ”

The event was soon launched in the local community, and the two joined forces to organise and distribute brochures explaining the importance of saving. The event was well received and supported by everyone, with many residents participating and sharing their own saving tips.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

At an event, Zhang Hua told the residents: "In today's society, we are prone to fall into the cycle of blind consumption, but we forget that cherishing the resources in our hands is wisdom." ”

"Teacher Zhang is right, what we should save is not only money, but also a sense of responsibility." An old woman said approvingly.

Through this activity, the friendship between Zhang Hua and Li Qiang was rebuilt, and the two of them also contributed to the community and found a new direction in life.

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

Eventually, the two stood in front of the community's bulletin board, looking at the bulletin board with photos of their activities, and were filled with emotion.

Li Qiang patted Zhang Hua lightly on the shoulder: "Who would have thought that a packaged episode would trigger so many changes?" ”

Zhang Hua smiled, his eyes were firm, and he turned to Li Qiang: "Yes, sometimes, what changes your life may be those casual choices in life." ”

My classmates invited me to dinner, I asked for a plate of pot-wrapped meat to take away, and the next day my classmates blocked my phone

The eyes of the two meet in the sun, and the future is full of infinite possibilities.

Are those seemingly inconspicuous little things leading us to a completely different path in life?

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