
The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design


Guangzhou Leopards' China B League this year can be said to have set off a lot of storms, and the central figure is none other than Xia Dalong! This big man of mixed Chinese and Japanese descent, who has been running around the playground in Japan since he was a child, has plunged into the football field in China when he grows up, and not only that, he is also a hipster who has studied fashion design!

Imagine a tall and dark-skinned buddy hitting the opponent's defense line like a tiger descending a mountain on the court, and the scene is absolutely shocking! Xia Dalong's performance this season is simply the secret weapon of the Guangzhou Leopards. After eight rounds, he has scored six goals and helped the team maintain a proud record of winning all of them, which is a very rare feat in the second league.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

But don't look at Xia Dalong so fierce on the court, he is a completely different scenery off the court. At a café in Guangzhou called HNA Westin, he changed into casual clothes and looked suave, just like his image on the court. Xia Dalong is not only humorous, but also very easy-going. For his Chinese, although he only began to learn systematically at the age of 18, his Chinese with a Japanese accent is very fluent, and it sounds particularly tasteful.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

What's even more interesting is that although Xia Dalong grew up in Japan, he has always maintained his Chinese nationality and has always held a Chinese passport. This background allows him to navigate between Chinese and Japanese cultures, and also allows him to blend two very different styles of football on the football field.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

For Chadallon, football may be his profession, but fashion design is another part of his world. It is not difficult to imagine that a football player with a unique opinion on clothing must have an unusual taste in life. It may be that in the near future, we will see the name of Chadharon at a fashion week, but he may not be showing off fancy football skills, but a series of clothing lines designed by him himself.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

The stadium and the catwalk, two seemingly unrelated fields, coexist harmoniously in the world of Xia Dalong. In his own way, he proves that there is no fixed pattern for pursuing dreams, and that even very different fields can find a meeting point if you dare to try.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

Xia Dalong's story tells us that whether it is in the international environment or in the small world of individuals, integration and innovation can always create new sparks. Whether it's charging on the football field or designing elaborate clothes, Xia Dalong has lived a wonderful attitude to life in his own way, which is not only admirable, but also infectious.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

Judging from the performance of the Guangzhou Leopards this season, Xia Dalong's joining is undoubtedly a successful move. He not only brought valuable victories to the team, but also brought fresh energy and attention to the entire Chinese Second League. Looking at his passionate performances on the pitch, it is not difficult to predict that his football career and clothing design will go further.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

For the future, Xia Dalong has his own plans and dreams. He hopes to continue his career in football without giving up his passion for fashion design. He firmly believes that whether it is in the stadium or in the design studio, he can find his own piece of the sky.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

Xia Dalong's story shows how a multi-talented young man finds himself and expresses himself at the intersection of different cultures. His lifestyle and career choices show us a new possibility of life, that is, we can have multiple identities and diverse lives on the road to pursue our passions and dreams.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

Combined with his personal experience and professional performance, Xia Dalong is undoubtedly a bright star in the Guangzhou Leopards and even the entire China Second League. Not only did he show extraordinary talent on the football field, but he also showed his multifaceted self in life. From a small playground in Japan to a big stage in China, Xia Dalong has proved in his own way that the blending of cultures and individual efforts can create infinite possibilities.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

For the Guangzhou Leopards, Xia Dalong's addition is not only an improvement in performance, but also a spiritual encouragement. His story and performances have undoubtedly brought new motivation and inspiration to his teammates, and more and more people have begun to pay attention to this dynamic team.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

In conclusion, the story of Chadalong is one of passion, innovation and cultural convergence. From a young footballer to a multi-talented young man, Xia Dalong has used his own experience to show us that no matter where we are, we can create a wonderful world through our own efforts and talents. The future is both a challenge and an opportunity for Shadallon, whether it's football or clothing design, he is ready to take on a new storm.

The Chinese-Japanese mixed-race Fengba "stirs up the middle B"! He has been practicing in Japan since he was 5 years old, and he has a bachelor's degree in fashion design

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