
Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

author:The two cows are talking about things

In today's China, as they grow older and more experienced, many people begin to miss their classmates in their youth, especially after their careers and families are stable. Class reunions are a great opportunity to relive old dreams and connect with each other. However, in these meetings, it is not difficult to find that some people are always missing, while others are always with them. This article will take you inside a real class reunion, experience the food and camaraderie, and explore the stories behind the students who don't come and don't always come.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

The background of a class reunion

Summer and winter are the peak seasons for class reunions. Whether it's high school or college students, everyone chooses to take time out of these two holidays to meet at a familiar restaurant or a newly opened online celebrity restaurant to share a hearty dinner. In this kind of gathering, food is not only an embellishment on the table, but also a medium for everyone to relive the old times and strengthen the relationship.

A typical class reunion usually consists of the following parts: a warm greeting when seated, a selection and tasting of dishes, and a lively chat and laughter during the meal. People talk about the past, share their lives in the present, and dream about their dreams for the future. Gastronomy serves as a bridge that connects everyone's memories with reality.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

Culinary experience: the heart of a class reunion

I remember the last time we met at a long-established restaurant in the heart of the city, where there are classic regional dishes as well as innovative and trendy dishes. The décor of the restaurant is both retro and modern, and the walls are covered with all kinds of old photos, making you feel like you are back in time when you were a carefree student. We ordered a table of classic dishes such as braised pork, mapo tofu and sweet and sour fish, as well as some popular creative snacks such as popping cheese balls and crispy roast duck rolls.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

In such an atmosphere, each dish carries our memories and emotions. The melt-in-your-mouth taste of braised pork instantly brought us back to the era when we hurriedly went to the cafeteria to grab food after class every day; The spicy and fresh aroma of mapo tofu reminds us of the days when we stayed up late to prepare for exams and eat supper together.

Although we old classmates have families and careers, we can always find the innocence and happiness of the past every time we get together. Everyone brought their own stories, some told about their career achievements, some shared the small troubles in life, and more were nostalgic and lamenting the campus life back then. Behind each dish, there seems to be an unforgettable memory and emotion, which makes us cherish every time we get together even more. However, in this kind of warm gathering, there are always some classmates who will not show up.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

Four categories of people who never attend class reunions

1. People who work in the public service

After graduating, these students entered the civil service, and the discipline and principles made it difficult for them to attend such gatherings. After all, it's inevitable that someone in the party will turn to them for help because of their profession. To avoid such embarrassment and unnecessary trouble, they usually choose not to participate.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

Public officials live a relatively conservative life, and their working environment also determines that their social circles are more fixed and closed. For them, class reunions are not only a hectic burden, but also a potential risk. Because in this kind of gathering, it is inevitable to encounter some "old friends" who ask for help or untimely requests, which makes them have to be cautious. No matter how much nostalgia and emotion they have in their hearts, they can only be expressed in other ways.

2. People who don't fit in when they go to school

When they were in school, this kind of student appeared to be a maverick, and after entering the society, this trait may be more prominent. They tend not to attend meetings and live less well-known.

This type of student was the "invisible person" in the class when they were students, they were used to being alone and liked their own little world. This lonely lifestyle may be even more pronounced after entering society. They have little interest in class reunions, either because they don't like the noise and excitement, or because they feel that they and their classmates have completely different life trajectories. For them, alone time is even more precious.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

3. People who have a successful career

Time management is extremely strict for people who have a successful career. They often think of class reunions as useless social gatherings, and differences in personality and insight make them lack interest in such gatherings.

Successful people tend to have very busy lives, and their time is occupied by various important meetings and affairs. For them, class reunions can seem a bit boring and a waste of time. In their eyes, such gatherings not only fail to bring practical benefits, but may even make them feel uncomfortable. Because at class reunions, it is inevitable to encounter some scenes of "showing off" and "comparing", which makes them feel at a loss.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

4. People who do not smoke or drink

Such students take their health very seriously, and their regular work and rest and lack of tobacco and alcohol make them stay away from the lively scenes of class reunions. They prefer to set aside time for their families or activities they enjoy.

In modern society, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to health and quality of life. They quit smoking and alcohol and pursue a healthy lifestyle, which makes them shy away from class reunions that smell of tobacco and alcohol. They are more likely to spend their time and energy with their families or engaging in wholesome activities rather than spending time in the hustle and bustle and smoke.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

Two types of uninvited party enthusiasts

On the contrary, some people are always enthusiastic about class reunions.

1. People who make a little money and don't have anything to pursue

This kind of student has an average or upper economic condition and lives a happy life. They love to show off their small achievements at parties and crave approval from their classmates.

This type of student is very active in life and likes to show his achievements and life status. At class reunions, they are always full of enthusiasm and energy, hoping to win everyone's appreciation and recognition through their stories and experiences. Their attitude towards life is positive, and although they do not have particularly high pursuits, they are content with the status quo and enjoy every little blessing in life.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited

2. Idlers who have nothing to do

This kind of student has nothing to do because of their better family background or worry-free life, and the party has become a good way for them to pass the time. Especially the female classmates, they often dress up in fancy clothes and become the center of attention at the party.

Idlers who have nothing to do tend to have plenty of time and resources, and they like to spend time and have fun through class reunions. For them, the reunion is not only an opportunity to relive the old days, but also a stage to show themselves. They are well-dressed and want to get noticed at the party and enjoy the feeling of being surrounded.

Did you find any? Class reunions are a "strange phenomenon", 4 types of people never attend, and 2 types of people come uninvited


Overall, the class reunion is a culinary journey about youth and friendship. It allows us to find a moment of tranquility in our busy lives and relive that carefree time. I hope that through this article, more people can cherish this friendship and find more meaning and fun in future gatherings. If we can understand and tolerate everyone's choices, I believe that every gathering will be more exciting and memorable.

So, are you ready for the next class reunion?

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