
Yunshi Affiliated Primary School integrates Chinese character education into the classroom, so that children can grow up in the literacy of "characters".

author:Top sea breeze l

"Hello everyone, 'Teacher Yang's Character Origin Literacy Course' is taught again, and we learn together: grass, home, is, car, sheep, walk, also, these 7 Chinese characters. The first kanji: 草. 'Leaving the grass on the plain, one year old and one withered...... This well-known ancient poem allows us to see the 'grass' in the eyes of the young Bai Juyi and the feelings of borrowing 'grass'. The 'grass' in nature is one by one. The early small seal glyph has become the current '艹'. In the later period, the word 'grass' was added to become a phonetic word. Now there are Chinese characters for '艹', which are mostly related to plants...... "This is the micro-lesson scene of the Chinese character education and promotion public welfare course of the Primary School Affiliated to Yuncheng Normal School (hereinafter referred to as "Yunshi Affiliated Primary School"). Such micro-lessons not only broaden students' horizons, but also improve the professional quality of teachers, and also improve parents' ability to understand Chinese characters, which is widely loved by everyone.

Yunshi Affiliated Primary School integrates Chinese character education into the classroom, so that children can grow up in the literacy of "characters".

In the classroom of the primary school attached to Yunshi, Chinese character education is deeply loved by children.

Chinese characters are a symbol of the inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture. In order to inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, lay a solid foundation for students' growth, and improve the quality of education and teaching, since 2013, the Primary School Affiliated to Yunshi has carried out innovative practice and exploration of Chinese character education. The school chooses to start with Chinese characters and uses Chinese character education as a medium to lead students to get a glimpse of the origin of Chinese characters, understand the evolution of Chinese characters, experience the interest of Chinese characters, feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese characters, inherit the fine Chinese traditions, strengthen the sense of national cultural identity, and let students receive systematic Chinese character education. After more than ten years of classroom teaching practice, the school has achieved excellent teaching results, and in the "2023 Shanxi Provincial Basic Education Achievement Award List" announced by the Shanxi Provincial Department of Education this year, the school's Chinese character education won the "2023 Shanxi Provincial Basic Education Achievement Award First Prize".

Chinese Character Education – Interesting and Featured Courses

"The Crow Drinks Water is a classic fable about a crow who can observe and think carefully when faced with difficulties. There are interesting stories in the fables, and there are also interesting Chinese characters......" This is the scene of Gao Liefeng, a Chinese teacher at the Primary School attached to Yunshi, giving a Chinese open class to first-grade students.

In the classroom, Gao Liefeng introduced stories naturally and let the children read Chinese characters. Read it, circle it, recognize it, and set up various situations to let students meet and remember new words repeatedly. Then appropriately use the methods of word source literacy, side literacy, life literacy, nursery rhyme rhyme literacy and other methods to help children learn about literacy, happy literacy, and literacy in play. This class ignited the children's interest in literacy, taught them some literacy methods, inherited the culture of Chinese characters, and let the teachers and students feel the meaning, sound and shape of Chinese characters.

Make the Chinese classroom interesting and make interesting Chinese characters vivid. Chinese characters are the essence of Chinese culture, and every Chinese character has a fresh life and wonderful story. The school offers special courses to let children know more about the stories of Chinese characters, so that they can learn Chinese characters better.

In the practice of education and teaching, the Chinese teachers of the primary school attached to Yunshi use flexible and diverse methods to classify literacy teaching, such as going to the source of Chinese characters to trace the source and know the stories behind them; Go into life to read and feel the wonderful use of Chinese characters; Use pictures to read words, simple and intuitive; With the help of syllables, literacy through word formation and speaking, laying the foundation for children's future learning, as well as guessing riddles, adding one, subtracting one, changing sides, children's rhyme literacy, etc., these novel teaching methods make children feel the fun of literacy and produce enthusiasm for independent literacy.

At the same time, in view of the fact that the second-grade students already have a certain writing foundation and do not need word-by-word guidance in class, the teacher will focus on guiding students to observe Chinese characters and discover the rules of Chinese character writing, so as to improve students' writing ability, and guide students to follow the literacy method of "one speaking pronunciation, two speaking structure, three speaking partial, four speaking group words, five speaking idioms, six speaking sentences, seven talking about stroke characteristics, and eight speaking placeholders", so that every child can prepare for pre-class preview and confidently show themselves in class. In this way, it not only helps students to fully grasp new words, but also exercises children's expression skills, enhances their learning initiative, and receives good classroom results.

In the teaching practice, the Chinese teaching team of the first and second grades of the school determined the research objectives from four perspectives: pre-class preparation, annotation methods, literacy methods, and writing methods, and improved the literacy and writing teaching process of the lower grades of the primary school attached to the Yunshi Elementary School. In the context of "double reduction", the method of pre-class preview and the process of students' independent learning in the classroom are clarified, so as to achieve students' in-depth cognition and understanding of Chinese characters.

In addition to continuously enriching the resources of Chinese character education courses, the school continues to pay attention to how to improve the quality of Chinese character education classrooms. Through a variety of activities such as "literacy and writing", teaching practice of Chinese characters, etc., the new methods and applications of Chinese character education that have been practiced in the classroom for many years are constantly summarized, so that the quality of Chinese character education can be effectively improved. Since 2013, after more than ten years of classroom practice, the school has summed up a new method of "guessing, seeing, speaking, drawing, and distinguishing" Chinese character education classroom, and combined with the school's "Minxue Wisdom Classroom" model to promote and apply.

Yang Wenjuan, the vice principal of Yunshi Affiliated Primary School, is the creator of "Teacher Yang's Character Source Literacy Course", and has devoted herself to Chinese character education in the front line for many years, and has reaped outstanding results, making Chinese character education a unique teaching achievement of Yunshi Affiliated Primary School.

She told reporters that Chinese characters originated thousands of years ago and have a long history, and the wisdom contained in them is impressive. In the education of Chinese characters, students can understand "why Chinese characters are written like this", pay attention to the glyphs of Chinese characters, explore the relationship between the pronunciation, shape and meaning of Chinese characters, lead students to spy on the origin of Chinese characters, understand the evolution of Chinese characters, experience the interest of Chinese characters, feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese characters, and lead students into the world of Chinese characters, and see the poetry and distance in the world of Chinese characters.

Promotion of Chinese Characters - Remarkable Teaching Results

In recent years, Yunshi Primary School has adhered to the reform of education and teaching, innovated Chinese character education, and built a platform for the growth of teachers and students.

"In view of the fact that students and most teachers have not received systematic Chinese character education, in the process of Chinese character teaching, we need to solve the problem of insufficient professional ability of teachers in Chinese character education; At the same time, after solving the problem of 'double reduction', how can children be interested and quality in learning Chinese characters, and can consciously become the inheritors of cultural inheritance. Yang Wenjuan said.

Since 2013, after more than 7 years, the school has sorted out the curriculum resource "Origin of Common Chinese Characters for Primary School Students" to serve Chinese character education. This set of books is based on the "Literacy List", a textbook for grades 1 to 3 of primary school Chinese, in accordance with the order in which children learn Chinese characters, and compiles the Chinese characters that can be found in the etymology of the characters according to 7 parts, including pronunciation, glyphs, word-making methods, glyph evolution, etymological evolution, small knowledge and drawing, and was officially published in October 2020.

It is reported that this innovative achievement has practical value, providing a teaching guide for the teaching of Chinese characters in primary schools in our city, so that teachers can have scientific methods and professional basis in Chinese character education, and have distinctive innovative highlights.

Highlight 1: Universality for beginners. For the learning of Chinese characters from the first grade to the third grade, the school summarized 784 Chinese character origins, and sent Chinese characters from the desks of professional research scholars to the front-line teachers and students of Chinese character education. At the same time, lectures and micro-lessons introducing Chinese characters will be disseminated on various platforms, so that ancient Chinese characters can enter ordinary families.

Highlight 2: The cheapness of the front line of service. In view of the lack of professional training of front-line teachers and the characteristics of children's learning like intuitive graphics, the school has matched the learning sequence of new words in textbooks in terms of content arrangement, focusing on the relevant interpretation of the evolution of glyphs, improving the cheapness of serving front-line teachers and students, and making up for the lack of introduction to the phonetics, shapes and meanings of Chinese characters in children's Chinese character readers, or the inconvenience of using them without interpretation.

Highlight 3: The expansiveness of thinking quality. The school's education and teaching method of "guessing, seeing, speaking, drawing, and distinguishing" is in line with the cognitive characteristics of children and the needs of Chinese character education. At the same time, the integration of Chinese, art, history, science and other disciplines allows children to understand the culture of Chinese characters, and at the same time develop their thinking of induction, analysis and association, and expand and improve their thinking quality.

Highlight 4: Visibility of Chinese character education. The visibility of Chinese character glyphs helps children discover the laws of glyph evolution, stimulate interest, and break through difficulties; Let the students be liberated from the heavy learning of mechanical reading and copying, and obtain the happiness of learning Chinese characters; Discover the rules of Chinese character formation, and enhance the understanding and cognition of Chinese character culture. And this kind of visibility, even if children can't read the sounds of words in reading, can understand the meaning of words according to the shape of the words, help children learn, and lay the foundation for children's lifelong reading and writing.

In practice, the school has also launched a course for the promotion of Chinese character education - "Teacher Yang's Character Source Literacy Course", so that teachers, parents and children can listen to the stories behind the changes in the glyphs in the evolution of Chinese characters and receive cultural information about Chinese characters. Let children's Chinese character learning be interesting and quality, improve the quality and efficiency of the Chinese character education classroom after the "double reduction", provide an implementation path for replication and reference, lay a solid foundation for students in the process of learning Chinese characters, and improve their own literacy.

Chinese Character Writing – Improving Artistic Literacy

A standard word, a Chinese feeling; A Mandarin mouth, a Chinese heart!

In recent years, in addition to allowing students to learn Chinese character knowledge and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, Yunshi Affiliated Primary School has also allowed children to speak and write Chinese characters well, and further improved the awareness of language and writing standards among teachers and students in the school through various activities, and created an atmosphere of speaking Mandarin and writing standardized characters on campus.

"At the end of the day, the Yellow River flows into the sea. If you want to be poor, go to the next level", "The lotus leaves are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers are different red", "The warbler is crying green and red, and the water village mountain Guo wine flag wind" ...... Not long ago, at the annual "Ancient Poetry Recitation" contest of the primary school attached to the teacher, the children recited classical poems with affection, showing the demeanor of teenagers in the new era.

For a long time, in order to further improve the school's language and writing standard construction system, further enhance the awareness of all teachers and students in language and writing standards and promote Putonghua participation awareness, and better play the basic role of the school in the construction of language and writing standards in the whole society, in school education and teaching, the primary school attached to Yunshi is guided by the spirit of the "National Standard Language Law" and the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission's "Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardization of Putonghua and Words in Schools", combined with the actual education and teaching. Every year, we organize and carry out Putonghua promotion week activities for all teachers and students, and let children build dreams in the new era and strive to be good teenagers in the new era by carrying out the "ancient poetry recitation" contest and the red scarf preaching red activities.

Horizontal and vertical, appreciate the charm of Chinese characters; One stroke at a time, pouring out the love for the motherland's writing. In recent years, in order to inherit and carry forward the Chinese calligraphy culture, enhance the awareness of teachers and students to write and use standardized characters, and create a campus cultural atmosphere, the school holds a competition for teachers and students to write standardized Chinese characters every year and a hard pen writing activity for senior students to help children further strengthen their awareness of standardized writing.

In the competition, the works written by teachers and students have smooth strokes, horizontal and vertical, symmetrical structure, and overall beauty. Through the calligraphy competition, the professional quality of teachers and the quality of students have been improved.

Liu Junjie, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of the Primary School Attached to Yunshi, said that the various writing competitions and calligraphy activities not only provided a platform for students and teachers to show their own style, but also stimulated the strong interest of teachers and students in practicing calligraphy. However, improving students' handwriting skills is not a one-day effort, but a matter of perseverance. The competition is over, and the practice should continue. In the next step, the school will also take each competition as an opportunity to drive the teachers and students of the school to set off an upsurge of learning to write standardized characters and promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, create a good atmosphere for practicing characters, and form a situation in which writing teaching and Chinese character education are jointly managed.

Children are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Ten years as a day, in the classroom, in teaching, and in the front-line education, to lay a deep language foundation for the growth of students, so that they can establish deep cultural self-confidence, and contribute to the inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture and the high-quality development of education in our city.

[Source: Yuncheng News Network]

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