
Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

author:Wind and thunder talk about the world

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Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

With the sun shining and the greenery vibrant, today is undoubtedly a grand day for the whole family to be ecstatic. Although Wang Liyun's age has surpassed the age of ancient times, she is still radiant, her demeanor has not diminished, and her beauty that is difficult to cover shows her nobility and elegance.

Just as she was deeply admiring the beautiful scenery around her and immersing herself in the warm atmosphere of this family, a familiar figure suddenly came into view - it was her ex-husband, Che Xiaotong.

They hadn't seen each other since they parted more than 20 years ago. At this moment, Wang Liyun suddenly showed a surprised expression, she didn't expect that the person who had accompanied her through the best time of her life would appear on the special day of her seventieth birthday.

And the affection in Che Xiaotong's eyes can't be concealed, as if they have never been separated.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

The moment their eyes met, a warm current instantly came to their hearts, and the past flashed through their minds like a movie picture.

"Liyun, I've come to celebrate your birthday." Che Xiaotong stepped forward with a smile, and the familiar face made Wang Liyun's heart tremble.

She felt an unprecedented complex emotion churning through her body, with joy, anger, sadness, joy, and other emotions intertwined.

The former couple stood quietly like this, but their eyes silently conveyed endless thoughts. The scenes of those years that they had spent together appeared in front of them, and they seemed to have returned to their youth, as if they were in a different world.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

Suddenly, Che Xiaotong opened his arms and hugged Wang Liyun tightly. "Happy birthday, Liyun." His voice was slightly hoarse, but full of endless love.

Wang Liyun's tears couldn't help but fall down anymore, she buried her head deep in Che Xiaotong's arms, feeling the long-lost warmth, and her heart was mixed.

Indeed, although they are now only in the relationship of "ex-husband and ex-wife", the past feelings have not faded, but have become deeper.

It was an ordinary day twenty years ago, and the sunlight poured through the window into the room, illuminating a golden world. However, Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong fell into silence and cold war under such a beautiful scenery.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

They are in the final "negotiations" for one thing - divorce. The atmosphere was tense and oppressive, like an invisible giant net, binding the once beloved couple tightly.

"Liyun, are we really going to break off like this?" Che Xiaotong's voice was full of endless despair, his gaze was gloomy, and he still seemed to have a glimmer of life.

Wang Liyun turned her face away, avoiding his eager gaze, lest she change her mind if she was soft-hearted.

How could the two who were once like glue fall into such a situation now? If you want to go back to the past, then you have to mention the time when Wang Liyun gave birth to Che Xiao after ten months of pregnancy.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

Since that time, the barriers between Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong have become thicker and thicker, and the contradictions have gradually intensified.

Cha Xiaotong is a poetic idealist, while Wang Liyun is a rigorous and practical woman. Their personality differences finally transcend the limits of each other's tolerance.

What made Wang Liyun even more unbearable was that Che Xiaotong turned a blind eye to the pain she endured during pregnancy, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

Once upon a time, when Wang Liyun was in pain due to pregnancy reactions, Che Xiaotong said indifferently: "Since you can vomit everything, why do you continue to eat?" This sentence was like a sharp dagger, deeply piercing Wang Liyun's heart.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

She was stunned at the time, afraid that she would be the next object to be ruthlessly abandoned by Che Xiaotong.

Since then, the two have lived separately. However, in order to create a complete family environment for their newborn daughter, Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong struggled to maintain a nominal marriage relationship.

However, more than ten years have passed in a flash, and Wang Liyun found that she had already lost all her trust and love for Che Xiaotong.

Therefore, when their daughter Che Xiao entered the university campus and left her hometown to study, the two finally decided to end this marriage.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

Although they tried to save this marriage, in the face of the cruel reality of personality incompatibility and relationship breakdown, Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong finally chose to part ways.

They didn't give each other a final hug, but just silently turned away, as if everything was destined to be a tragic ending.

However, what is surprising is that although Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong finally chose to divorce, they still get along with each other as if they have never been separated.

For many couples, divorce often means a complete breakup, and even the most intimate relationships will disappear with it. However, Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong are different, they still live in the same room as before, and they are even more intimate than during their marriage.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

Here, let's witness a story that amazes and amazes everyone - when Ms. Wang Liyun goes out to work, she always entrusts the keys to her home to Ms. Che Xiaotong.

So, is Che Xiaotong just a role in the custody of the keys in the house? No, whenever Wang Liyun encounters difficulties and asks for help, Che Xiaotong is always the first person she thinks of.

Relatives and friends showed their surprise and appreciation for this incident, and they praised the way Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong got along with each other in a unique way.

What's even more striking is that although the two have been divorced for many years, when Wang Liyun or Che Xiaotong's relatives and friends meet again, they will still affectionately call each other "brother-in-law" and "eldest sister", as if the history of divorce is just a piece of waste paper, which cannot affect the deep relationship between them at all.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

This approach to relationships is nothing short of a miracle to the onlooker. Some even directly expressed their desire to see Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong work together for the rest of their lives.

However, the former couple never showed such thoughts, on the contrary, they seem to have adapted to the current state of life and found a way to live in harmony.

The family was also very relieved to see all this. They believe that instead of treating divorce as a shame, it is better to understand it as a new way of life, to regain that deep emotion after untying the knot.

As one of Wang's relatives and friends put it: "In any case, they are the parents of the children, which means that they are inseparable."

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Wang Liyun has spent 70 springs, summers, autumns and winters. In order to celebrate the life course of this great woman, her daughter Che Xiao specially prepared a low-key and warm birthday party for her mother.

The party was simply set up, with no fancy decorations, just a bouquet of delicate roses and a delicate birthday cake.

The table is filled with a few home-cooked vegetarian dishes, although they seem ordinary, but they just reflect the family's incomparable cherishment of this long-lost reunion.

In this warm atmosphere, one item stands out in particular – a bottle of Moutai with an amber sheen. It has almost become the only "luxury" on the scene, attracting the attention of many guests.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

At this exciting birthday party, many netizens were attracted by the set of birthday party photos posted by Che Xiao, and they @车晓彤询问这瓶神秘的美酒究竟出自何处 in the comment area? After a while, Che Xiaotong personally responded publicly: "This is not an ordinary wine, but a precious aged wine that my mother has personally treasured for many years!" Today coincided with her 70th birthday, and she was so happy that she invited the whole family to join in the celebration.

From Che Xiaotong's detailed answer, we can see that Wang Liyun's cherishing of this bottle of wine is extraordinary. On this special day, she hopes to share this joy with her loved ones.

However, some people have questioned this: "Women drinking? That's rude, isn't it? "Alcohol is extremely harmful to the health of the elderly, how can it be drunk so casually?" "A wine so precious should be in a museum or art gallery for people to see, not on a table!"

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

In the face of these doubts, Che Xiao and Wang Liyun did not pay much attention to it. For Wang Liyun, happiness and warmth are the most important thing at this moment, and she longs to spend a happy and relaxing birthday with her family.

As Che Xiaotong said in a private message: "Mother has entered the old age, time flies, it's time to learn to enjoy life and relax."

Indeed, when people enter old age, the focus of life is often no longer to pursue career success, but to learn to slow down and feel the good things around them.

Wang Liyun is such a person who knows this well, and she hopes to enjoy every moment with her closest family members in the limited time of the rest of her life, even if it is just a few sips of fine wine, which is the best reward for her hard work.

Wang Liyun celebrates her 70th birthday! The ex-husband sent roses to steal the spotlight, his eyes were spoiled, and netizens who drank Moutai were hotly discussed

This seemingly ordinary birthday party is actually full of sincere emotions. The family sat together, laughing and laughing, sometimes raising a glass to celebrate the hostess's old age.

When life passes like a white horse, they truly realize the importance of cherishing the present, rather than blindly pursuing those illusory material possessions.

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