
"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite

author:Huinong Circle - Sister Azhen

I want to ask you a question, do you look at the time at home, do you look at your phone or look at the watch on the wall?

I'd say I mostly pick up my phone and look at my watch, and even though I have a clock on the wall in my living room, I always forget that it exists.

As one of the must-have items for home decoration, many people will buy a delicate and beautiful clock to hang in the living room.

But don't forget, the clock also has a specific meaning in feng shui, so for the feng shui of the home, you also need to pay attention to the position when hanging the clock.

As the saying goes, "the clock is hung three times and three are not hung, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", which 3 places can the clock be hung at that time? What are the 3 places that can't be hung? Does that make sense?

"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite

"Three hangings"

1. Hang it on the wall of the living room

Clocks, as ornaments to record time, have become an indispensable part of home decoration with their unique charm and practicality.

As the core area of family life, the living room can highlight the practicality and decoration of the clock by hanging it on the wall.

First of all, the clock is hung on the wall of the living room, which makes it easy for family members to check the time at any time.

The living room serves as a place for family members' daily activities and gatherings, and a clock is hung so that you can easily keep track of your time and avoid missing important appointments or matters, whether you are watching TV, chatting, or doing other activities.

At the same time, for those family members who have strict requirements for time, such as office workers, students, etc., the clock on the wall is a reminder and supervision, allowing them to arrange and manage their time more efficiently.

"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite

Secondly, as a home decoration, the design style and appearance of the clock can often become the finishing touch of the living room space.

Modern clocks come in a variety of designs, from simple and elegant models to artsy retro styles.

Choosing a clock that harmonizes with the overall style of the living room will not only enhance the taste and grade of the home, but also add a unique charm and beauty to the space.

At the same time, some creative and characteristic clocks, such as clocks with music, lighting and other functions, can bring more fun and vitality to the living room.

In addition, the clock on the wall also has a certain cultural significance.

In traditional Chinese culture, the clock is often regarded as a mascot, implying the flow of time and the continuation of life.

Hanging the clock on the wall of the living room is not only a respect and cherishment of time, but also an expectation and wish for family harmony and happiness.

At the same time, by observing and feeling the passage of time, people can also cherish the present more, grasp the future, and face life with a more positive and optimistic attitude.

"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite

2. Hang it on the wall of the restaurant

In the busy daily life, the restaurant serves as a place for family and friends to gather, and hanging clocks of different shapes here can create a special atmosphere for the restaurant.

In terms of practicality, the most basic function of the clock is to display the time, and hanging it on the wall of the restaurant can make it easy for everyone to see the time.

Sometimes when we are cooking, we need to time, at this time it is inevitable that there will be dirty things or water on our hands, and it is inconvenient to operate the mobile phone.

In addition, when eating, you can also check the time to avoid uncomfortable feelings to the host or others due to the long or short dining time.

Some elderly people have the habit of taking medicine all year round, and they need to drink water when taking medicine, and at this time, the restaurant has a watch, which can let the elderly know more clearly the time and interval of taking medicine.

From the perspective of decorating and beautifying the restaurant, the clock can also be used as a decoration to hang in the restaurant, and now the designer has many ideas, and the design of the clock has different styles and shapes, which can make the restaurant present different styles.

Like a simple and modern style or a retro traditional style, it can add a bright spot to your restaurant and highlight the owner's taste.

"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite

3. Hang it on the wall of the study

Some people like to read, or in order to provide a good learning environment for children, they will make the small bedroom at home into a study, at this time, if there is a clock in the study, it will undoubtedly make the atmosphere of the study better.

First of all, the ticking of the clock can also tell people that time is slowly passing, so that children can cherish time more and learn more knowledge with limited time.

The clock in the study room can also help us to arrange our study and work time reasonably and avoid procrastination and waste of time.

At the same time, for those who like to read, the clock can also help them keep track of their reading progress and better plan their reading schedule.

The clock in the study can remind people when to read, and if you read for too long, you can go out for a spin, relax, rest your eyes, and avoid excessive fatigue.

Secondly, as an ornament, the clock can play a role in enhancing the taste in the study.

Whether it is an elegant pendulum clock or a simple modern clock, it has its own unique charm, as a decoration, it can make the study more artistic or cultural atmosphere.

"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite

"Three don't hang"

1. The position of not hanging into the door

According to traditional Feng Shui theory, the clock should be placed in the auspicious position of the home to absorb auspicious energy and help improve the fortune of the family.

Placing a clock at the doorway is considered a taboo in Feng Shui, and this is not an unfounded idea, but a conclusion based on long-term observation and practice.

According to the theory of Feng Shui, the doorway is an important passage for air flow in and out, and it is also a gathering place for family fortunes.

Placing the clock at the door can easily upset the balance of the aura and lead to fluctuations and instability in the family's fortune.

As the old saying goes, "The door is an air outlet, and it is better to be quiet than to move". Placing a clock at the door, its ticking sound not only tends to break the quiet atmosphere of the home, but can also have a negative effect on the nervous system of family members.

In addition, as a symbol of time, the position of the clock also represents the family's attitude and concept of time.

The location of the doorway is too conspicuous, which is easy to cause anxiety and stress.

Therefore, when placing the clock, it should be avoided in the doorway position.

If you do need to place a clock near your doorway, you can choose some styles with simple shapes and light colors to reduce its impact on Feng Shui.

At the same time, other feng shui adjustment methods, such as placing green plants and hanging feng shui paintings, can also be used to resolve the possible adverse effects of placing a clock at the door.

"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite

2. Do not hang the bedroom

As the most important place to rest in our daily life, the bedroom is furnished and decorated to directly affect our sleep quality and physical and mental health.

In this intimate space, every detail deserves our careful consideration, among which the selection and placement of the clock is a part that cannot be ignored.

First of all, the existence of the clock reminds us of the passage of time all the time.

In a resting place like the bedroom, we seek tranquility and relaxation, and the ticking of the clock is often easy to break this tranquility, making it impossible for people to sleep peacefully.

Especially in the dead of night, the subtle ticking sound can become extraordinarily harsh and interfere with our sleep.

Secondly, from a psychological point of view, hanging a clock in the bedroom may cause us a certain amount of stress.

We know that modern people's lives are fast-paced, work is stressful, and many people have the problem of time anxiety.

As a safe haven from the outside world, the bedroom should be a place where we can forget time and relax.

However, if we have a clock hanging in our bedroom, we may unconsciously pay attention to the time, which can exacerbate time anxiety and affect the quality of our rest.

"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite

In addition, the decoration style of the bedroom should also be comfortable and warm.

As a more functional object, the design style of the clock tends to be modern and minimalist or retro, which may not match the warm atmosphere of the bedroom.

And having too many functional items in the bedroom can make the bedroom look too stiff and cold, which is not conducive to creating a relaxing and resting environment.

Therefore, when decorating the bedroom, we can choose other accessories that are more suitable and conducive to relaxation, such as soft lighting, comfortable bedding and artistic paintings, to create a peaceful and welcoming resting space.

3. Don't hang on the sofa

Some people like to hang something above the sofa, or they will feel that the wall above the sofa is empty, and the clock is the best choice, but it is not wise to hang the clock above the sofa.

First of all, from the point of view of ease of use, hanging the clock above the sofa makes it inconvenient for people to see the time.

When family members or guests sit in the living room and want to know the time, they have to look up or turn around to see the clock, which brings great inconvenience to people.

In addition, from a safety point of view, the clock hangs above the sofa, and if it falls off, it can cause injury to the person sitting on the sofa.

Especially in families with small children, children often crawl around on the sofa, jumping around, it is easy to cause the clock to fall off, thus bringing harm to the child.

Finally, from the perspective of Feng Shui doctrine, having a clock on the couch can have a negative impact on the family.

The rotation of the clock hands represents the passage and change of time, while the sofa is a place for people to rest and relax.

Hanging the clock above the sofa may give people the impression that time is tight and stressful, which is not conducive to physical and mental health.

"The clock is 3 hanging and 3 are not hanging, and the days will be prosperous if you are not rich", an article makes it clear that the clock is exquisite


As the most common object in our daily life, the clock is related to the convenience of our life, so we must pay attention to the position of the clock.

The placement of the clock should not only be determined by feng shui, but also according to the actual needs of the home and the layout of the space.

When choosing the location of the clock, it is necessary to consider the convenience of checking the time, but also pay attention to the aesthetics and practicality, so as not to make the clock become a "chicken rib".

I hope the editor's explanation can provide you with some useful references when placing the clock, if you want to understand the placement of other items, you can pay attention to ~~

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