
"If you don't hang the clock in three places, the days will get richer and richer", which three places can't be hung? Does that make sense? Actually, it's not superstition

author:Sharp-eyed life

"Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle." It profoundly depicts the rapid passage of time, as well as people's helplessness and emotion about the passage of time. And clocks, as a tool for modern humans to record time, have penetrated into all aspects of our lives.

However, in today's pursuit of quality of life and home beauty, have we ever thought deeply about the position of clocks?

"If you don't hang the clock in three places, the days will get richer and richer", which three places can't be hung? Does that make sense? Actually, it's not superstition

The ancestor said: "If the clock is not hung in three places, the days will get richer and richer." This sentence seems to tell us that the arrangement of clocks and watches is not arbitrary, but contains some profound truth.

So, what are the three places where you can't hang a clock? Why avoid these three? How can we practice this wisdom in our lives so that we can live more and more abundantly?

"If you don't hang the clock in three places, the days will get richer and richer", which three places can't be hung? Does that make sense? Actually, it's not superstition


1. Above the door

In traditional Feng Shui, the door is seen as the entrance to the aura of the home, which carries the luck and energy flow of the home. The upper part of the door, especially directly opposite the door, is considered to be a sensitive area for the flow of aura.

If the clock is hung here, it may disturb the otherwise stable flow of aura, and then affect the harmony and stability of the family.

In addition, hanging objects above the door are visually depressing, making people feel that there is a heavy object above their heads, which will also affect the mood and state of mind of the occupants on a psychological level.

The older generation even believes that the wall clock above the door has a metaphor for the end of life, and this symbolic meaning will undoubtedly bring unnecessary psychological burden to people.

"If you don't hang the clock in three places, the days will get richer and richer", which three places can't be hung? Does that make sense? Actually, it's not superstition

In real life, when family members or guests enter and leave the house, the clock above the door can become an unsafe hazard. If you accidentally bump into it, it can not only damage the clock, but also pose a threat to personal safety.

2. Bedrooms

The bedroom is a private space for us to relax and rejuvenate. In this space, we want to create as little distraction as possible and create a peaceful, comfortable environment to rest.

However, if a clock is placed in the bedroom, especially at the head or foot of the bed, its constant "ticking" sound is likely to break this tranquility and affect the quality of our sleep.

Scientific studies have proven that our brains respond to external sound stimuli even during sleep. The "ticking" sound of the clock, although faint, can be amplified in the dead of night and become a noise that interferes with deep sleep.

"If you don't hang the clock in three places, the days will get richer and richer", which three places can't be hung? Does that make sense? Actually, it's not superstition

Resting in such an environment for a long time may lead to a decrease in sleep quality, which in turn can affect the mental state and productivity of the next day.

In addition, from a Feng Shui point of view, a clock in the bedroom can also cause additional stress and a sense of restraint, which is not conducive to the physical and mental health of the occupants.

3. Above the couch

In Chinese culture, "bell" is homophonic with "end", which makes many people taboo about the wall clock above the sofa. Because the sofa is a place for family members to rest and gather every day, if you hang a clock here, it is easy to think of the bad omen that "there is an end behind it".

Although this perception is more based on cultural and psychological considerations, it does have an impact on the psychology of some people.

More practically, there are certain safety risks associated with hanging clocks above the sofa. The sofa serves as a place for us to rest on a daily basis, and sometimes we even lie comfortably on it to rest or watch TV.

"If you don't hang the clock in three places, the days will get richer and richer", which three places can't be hung? Does that make sense? Actually, it's not superstition

If the clock is accidentally dropped, it is likely to cause injury to the person sitting on the sofa. Especially for families with young children, this risk cannot be ignored.


1. Living room

The living room, as an area where family members are most active and where guests are entertained, is ideal for placing clocks.

Not only does it allow us to keep track of the time while we are entertaining, but it can also be used as part of the home décor to enhance the overall aesthetic of the room.

An elegantly shaped clock in a prominent place in the living room can not only reflect the owner's taste, but also add a touch of color to family life.

"If you don't hang the clock in three places, the days will get richer and richer", which three places can't be hung? Does that make sense? Actually, it's not superstition

2. Study

The study room is an important space for us to study and work. Placing a watch here not only helps us manage our time better and improve our work efficiency, but also creates an atmosphere of cherishing time and pursuing efficiency.

This is undoubtedly a very practical option for people who need to work or study in their study for long periods of time.

In our daily lives, we should pay attention to these small details, avoid hanging clocks above doors, bedrooms and sofas, and choose more suitable locations such as living rooms or studies.

This not only makes the home environment more harmonious, but also helps to improve our quality of life and work efficiency. Remember, respecting the wisdom of time and space, our lives will be better.

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