
Yuanqu County carried out a concentrated publicity campaign on the second anniversary of the implementation of the "Regulations on Letters and Visits".

author:Fence Meltant

On May 16, six units, including the County Public Security Bureau, the County Letters and Visits Bureau, and the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, jointly launched a concentrated publicity campaign for the second anniversary of the implementation of the "Regulations on Letters and Visits", so that the masses can learn, know, understand and abide by the law while safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests. Liu Xiangnian, deputy county magistrate and director of the county public security bureau, attended.

Yuanqu County carried out a concentrated publicity campaign on the second anniversary of the implementation of the "Regulations on Letters and Visits".

At the event site, all units publicized and interpreted the content of the "Regulations on Letters and Visits" to the masses through the distribution of publicity materials and the establishment of consultation desks, popularized the knowledge of letters and visits, and patiently explained the issues such as the process of letters and visits that the masses are concerned about and the protection of rights in the process of letters and visits, so as to effectively guide the masses to correctly understand their rights and interests and legally protect their rights and interests.

Yuanqu County carried out a concentrated publicity campaign on the second anniversary of the implementation of the "Regulations on Letters and Visits".

In this event, more than 1,500 copies of publicity materials were distributed by various units, and more than 300 people's inquiries were answered on the spot. Through concentrated publicity, the legal awareness of the broad masses of the people to rationally express their interests and demands in accordance with the law has been further enhanced, and a good rule of law orientation has been established to handle matters in accordance with the law, to find the law when encountering problems, to solve problems and to resolve contradictions, and to rely on the law to resolve contradictions, and to create a legal atmosphere in which the whole people can petition in accordance with the law.

Text / Picture / Shi Zekai

Yuanqu County carried out a concentrated publicity campaign on the second anniversary of the implementation of the "Regulations on Letters and Visits".

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