
Yuanqu County Zuojiawan Health Resort Master Plan Report Meeting was held

author:Fence Meltant
Yuanqu County Zuojiawan Health Resort Master Plan Report Meeting was held

On May 15, the overall planning report meeting of Zuojiawan Health Resort in Yuanqu County was held to discuss the improved planning and design and promote the early start of the project. Shi Yujiang, secretary of the county party committee, presided over and delivered a speech. Wang Xiaohu, Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Zhao Weicheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Guo Yaming, Zhang Jianling, Zhang Guangbin, Deputy County Magistrates, and heads of relevant departments such as the County Party Committee Office, the Government Office, and the Bureau of Culture and Tourism attended.

Yuanqu County Zuojiawan Health Resort Master Plan Report Meeting was held

Shi Yujiang pointed out that the overall planning of Zuojiawan Health Resort is in line with the work requirements of our county to promote the rural revitalization strategy, develop rural tourism, and build a cultural tourism and health care base in the Yellow River Golden Triangle. All departments at all levels should actively cooperate with the design institute to further refine and improve, lead the construction of health resorts with scientific planning, accurately meet the needs of different tourists, form a good development trend of attracting and retaining people, and lay the foundation for the better development of the resort in the later stage.

Shi Yujiang stressed that it is necessary to improve the political position. All relevant responsible units should attach great importance to the ideology, in line with the attitude of being responsible for the development of Yuanqu, find out the correct positioning in combination with the actual situation of Yuanqu, and earnestly come up with more specific and detailed amendments and suggestions to submit them to the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and feedback to the planning unit for revision and improvement, so as to ensure that this project that takes into account economic, social and ecological benefits will start construction as soon as possible. It is necessary to adhere to planning and guidance. The planning unit should fully absorb the opinions and suggestions put forward by all parties, strengthen communication and docking, enrich the specific content, do a good job in overall planning and detailed processing, and make the design plan more scientific, more perfect and more operational. To play to your strengths. Truly transform the ecological, cultural and resource advantages of Yuanqu into industrial advantages and development advantages. It is necessary to intensify efforts to attract investment. Introduce social capital, enrich the layout of business formats, diversify investment, highlight characteristics, and take action together to promote the agglomeration of Zuojiawan cultural tourism and health resort projects. It is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of key elements. Relevant functional departments should plan as soon as possible, take the initiative to serve, cooperate in the division of labor, coordinate and linkage, do detailed and practical work, investment, financing, project promotion, formalities and other related work, and effectively solve the difficulties and problems in the planning and design of the project and the promotion of construction with a first-class business service environment, and work together to promote the construction of Zuojiawan Cultural Tourism and Health Resort, and make positive contributions to the construction of a "beautiful mountain city and happy Yuanqu" with ecological beauty, industrial prosperity and people's wealth.

Yuanqu County Zuojiawan Health Resort Master Plan Report Meeting was held

At the meeting, Peng Li, researcher, associate professor and senior planner of the Tourism Research Institute of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, reported on the overall planning of Zuojiawan Health and Wellness Resort; The person in charge of the participating units made a speech; The leaders at the meeting discussed and spoke on the planning and design.

Text/Liu Jietu/Zhang Wenxuan

Yuanqu County Zuojiawan Health Resort Master Plan Report Meeting was held