
The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress investigates the protection of intangible cultural heritage

author:Shantai Liquefy

Recently, Su Ye, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, led some members of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress and representatives of the National People's Congress to investigate the protection of the intangible cultural heritage (hereinafter referred to as intangible cultural heritage) in the region.

The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress investigates the protection of intangible cultural heritage

The research team successively came to the Western Suburbs Memory Cultural and Creative Characteristic Block, Tangying Village Intangible Cultural Heritage Handicraft Workshop, and Longjiang Central Primary School, and inspected the intangible cultural heritage products in our district, the operation of the intangible cultural heritage workshop, the intangible cultural heritage inheritance into the campus and the provincial intangible cultural heritage "Longjiang Dragon Dance Props Making Skills" of Longjiang Cultural Station, and comprehensively understood the intangible cultural heritage protection work in our district through on-site inspection, listening to reports, discussions and exchanges.

The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress investigates the protection of intangible cultural heritage

At the symposium, they listened to the report on the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage in Hantai District; Intangible cultural heritage experts, representative inheritors, and representatives of the meeting put forward constructive opinions and suggestions on the development of intangible cultural heritage projects, the introduction of intangible cultural heritage into campuses, and the integrated development of intangible cultural heritage and tourism.

The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress investigates the protection of intangible cultural heritage

Su Ye emphasized

❖ It is necessary to strengthen cultural self-confidence and raise the awareness of intangible cultural heritage protection among the whole people. The district government should attach great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the protection of intangible cultural heritage, and continuously enhance the sense of responsibility and mission for the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage. With the help of various emerging media, we will carry out multi-form and all-round publicity and reporting on representative items and inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, increase the promotion of intangible cultural heritage items, and actively hold exhibitions and performances of artistic achievements, so as to create a good atmosphere for protection.

❖ It is necessary to do a good job in basic support work and enhance the momentum of intangible cultural heritage inheritance and development. Identify the shortcomings in the protection and utilization of intangible cultural heritage, support, guide and regulate the participation of social forces in the protection and utilization of intangible cultural heritage, encourage private capital to invest in intangible cultural heritage, and build a linkage mechanism for the participation of the whole society. We will continue to strengthen the construction of intangible cultural heritage talents, formulate a training plan for inheritors of productive protection, establish an incentive mechanism for the cultivation of outstanding inheritors, and attach importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage inheritors and the cultivation of young communicators, so that intangible cultural heritage can be passed on from generation to generation. Increase financial and project support, research and formulate effective policies, improve the supporting capacity of industrialization, and improve the momentum for the sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage.

❖ It is necessary to pay attention to diversification and integration, and activate the vitality of intangible cultural heritage innovation and development. While increasing protection, we attach great importance to the development and utilization of intangible cultural heritage, do a good job in intangible cultural heritage services, learn from excellent successful cases and advanced experience, and actively explore the integrated development of diversified cultural new formats such as "intangible cultural heritage + performing arts", "intangible cultural heritage + tourism" and "intangible cultural heritage + cultural creativity". Promote the integration of intangible cultural heritage protection into tourist attractions, resorts, leisure blocks, key villages and towns of rural tourism, and red tourist attractions, and increase the protection of intangible cultural heritage in an all-round, lively, and productive manner, so that intangible cultural heritage and tourism can integrate and coexist.

❖ It is necessary to give full play to the advantages and cohesion to promote the high-quality development of intangible cultural heritage. The government and relevant departments should continue to expand the connotation and extension of intangible cultural heritage, and comprehensively use various means such as inheritance and innovation, publicity and promotion, brand image building, and marketing to achieve the unity of social value and cultural value. Support and encourage intangible cultural heritage inheritors to give full play to their own advantages, forge a number of high-quality and high-quality intangible cultural heritage brands, attract social capital investment, continuously improve the scale and professionalism of intangible cultural heritage inheritance, and extend the industrial chain. Give full play to the advantages of industry representatives, actively make suggestions and suggestions for the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage in the whole region, and jointly promote the legislative work of intangible cultural heritage through the supervision of the National People's Congress, so as to escort the intangible cultural heritage industry to move forward steadily on the road of carrying forward and inheriting.

(District People's Congress Office, Wang Kai, District Rong Media Center, Zhao Wenqing)

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