
Investment and financial scams, targeting the pension money of the elderly in rural areas

author:Daddy Bao
Investment and financial scams, targeting the pension money of the elderly in rural areas

In recent years, banks have collectively lowered deposit interest rates in several rounds, and the interest rates on large certificates of deposit have also fallen again and again.

Recently, Minsheng Bank announced that it will stop selling large-value certificates of deposit products with a maturity of half a year or more from May 7.

According to its bank APP, the bank currently sells large-denomination certificates of deposit with a maturity of 1 month and 3 months, and the interest rate is 1.7%.

Investment and financial scams, targeting the pension money of the elderly in rural areas

The era of high-interest deposits is disappearing, and ordinary people want to find a good place to add value to their money.

Criminals take advantage of the situation and launch "principal-guaranteed and high-interest" wealth management products to attract consumers.

In particular, the elderly in rural areas are the hardest hit areas by investment fraud, such as the illegal fund-raising incident of Lijin Group reported by CCTV recently.

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The wind of investment and financial management blows to the small village

Lijin Group is a large-scale financial investment institution, attracting a large number of middle-aged and elderly investors with an interest rate of 7%-9%.

Many of these investors have taken out their life savings in the hope of obtaining stable returns through Lijin Group's investment projects.

But in April this year, Zibo Lijin Group suddenly announced a thunderstorm, in which investors mainly middle-aged and elderly people became the biggest victims of this financial turmoil.

According to multiple channels, the amount involved in the case of Lijin Group may be as high as 4 billion yuan.

In a recording of a conversation between a salesman and a Lijin executive, the executive said: "It's all calculated, the elderly over 70 years old (voted) 800 million, and the 80-year-old (voted) 80 million." ”

Investment and financial scams, targeting the pension money of the elderly in rural areas

In other common pension scams, criminals will also use words such as promising high dividends, guaranteed capital and high interest, and booking pension services.

To lure the elderly to invest in "pension services" projects, there are various types of fees, which are highly confusing, such as "VIP cards", "membership fees", "prepaid", etc.

However, these institutions simply have no ability to provide the promised pension services, and the operation and flow of funds are not transparent, and there is a high risk of running away from the fund-raising funds.

The frequent occurrence of "pension investment scams" is not only because of the lack of vigilance and prevention awareness of the elderly, but also because of the difficulty of providing for the elderly and the upgrading of social pension needs.

Especially in recent years, under the pressure of inflation, everyone is actually very anxious. The elderly are no exception, hoping that their money can make money and have enough funds to prepare for retirement.

Young people have more access to information, and they are generally known to be scammers for the various investment projects made up by scammers.

But because the elderly have little contact, they are easily deceived by scammers.

Therefore, the key to solving this kind of problem is to think about how to better solve the pension problem and help them choose the financial management method that suits them.


How to take care of pension money, which is both safe and profitable?

For older generations, their use of pension money tends to form two extremes:

Either they can't resist the temptation of the scammer's interests and invest all their money into it; Either you don't believe anything, except for your daily expenses, all in the bank.

And what we need to do, in addition to reminding the elderly to beware of being scammed, also tell them how to manage their money is the right one.

This can be done from both sides.

1. Always pay attention to pension scams and improve the awareness of the elderly

To prevent being scammed, you must first understand what could be a scam.

The Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau has exposed the "four major elderly scams", and we can pay more attention to:

1) Commitment pension fraud

Under the banner of "housing for the elderly", scammers induce the elderly to mortgage their real estate, and then let them use the mortgage funds to buy "wealth management products" and promise to pay high interest.

Once the scammer's financial chain is broken or the money escapes, the house may be forced to be auctioned.

2) Investment-based fraud

Scammers use emerging financial concepts such as "private equity crowdfunding", "partnership" and "overseas equity" to confuse the public, and the elderly become partners in shell companies after purchasing products, and they are easily exposed to the business risk of capital deficit.

3) Low-price shopping scams

Scammers advertise "miracle health supplements" through telemarketing, and claim that as long as they buy a certain amount, they can get a subsidy.

In fact, as soon as the money arrives, the scammer will disappear.

4) Pretending to be a fraud

Scammers illegally obtain information about the elderly, pretending to be relatives and friends to borrow money from the elderly for various reasons.

or impersonating a staff member of a judicial organ to commit fraud on the grounds that there is a problem with social security, medical insurance, or suspected of money laundering.

2. Choose the right way to manage money for the elderly

1) Basic pension

The most direct way is to solve it through social security and match it with appropriate commercial insurance.

However, some elderly people did not pay social security when they were young, so the pressure of subsequent pension will be great, and they need to rely on their own savings or children to support.

2) Value-added pensions

The elderly need to diversify their investments because of their asset appreciation.

In the choice of products, Daddy recommends choosing financial products that match your risk tolerance, and do not blindly pursue high returns and ignore risks.

In other words, the most important thing for the elderly to manage their finances is to be safe and sound.

At present, we have the most access to the following types of products that meet this requirement:

Investment and financial scams, targeting the pension money of the elderly in rural areas

The above products can basically meet the financial needs of the elderly.

Bank deposits, money needed for daily life, can survive;

Money that is not used in the short term can be saved for a fixed period, and the interest rate is generally the highest for 5 years.

When saving money, it is best to be accompanied by young family members, and do not use the money that should be saved for a fixed period to buy financial products.

In the case of government bonds, the yield of savings government bonds will be higher, but it should be noted that the liquidity will be relatively poor, and whether you can grab it depends on the speed of your hand.

As for insurance and financial management, dad recommends two kinds:

One is annuity insurance, buy the kind of product that is guaranteed for life, without universal accounts or dividends, which can ensure that parents can have a stable pension during the pension period, and live for as long as they want.

Moreover, there are insurance companies that can also provide services for the pension community, which solves the two major problems of pension and pension at once.

The other is increased whole life insurance, which has the function of reducing insurance, and you can take a part of it according to your needs on the way, such as the occasional travel of the elderly, and even the medical care expenses in case of need, which can be withdrawn from here.

In addition, Daddy does not recommend the elderly to study high-risk varieties such as stocks and futures.

It should be noted that the profitability, risk and flexibility of different products vary greatly, and you can choose according to your needs.

For specific product content, you can click here to schedule a free consultation

In addition to providing for the elderly, Daddy also recommends that the elderly do a good job of disease and accident risk protection in advance.

For example, continue to pay social security, and then with a little commercial insurance, such as million medical insurance, accident insurance, critical illness insurance, etc.,

If it is difficult to buy critical illness insurance and medical insurance because of your age, you can consider configuring cancer insurance and accident insurance.

After all, the body is the capital, and only with a good body can we have the opportunity to achieve a happy retirement.

What products are suitable for seniors? You can add a planner at the end of the article for 1v1 consultation.


Daddy concluded

The reason why there are old people who continue to fall into the trap set by scammers,

In fact, it is because the old have something to rely on and the old have support, and this ideal state of pension is not easy to achieve.

Daddy here should also continue to call for children, care more about the lives of parents, let them have the right to control their own pension money, and at the same time, we can also use our relevant knowledge to help them manage their money correctly.

Pension must be planned as early as possible, make more preparations, and provide more security for the elderly in the future.

If you have any questions about insurance, please click here.

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