
Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

author:Happy kitten 5V

Recently, a news in Pengjia Village, Fujia Town, Zibo, Shandong Province sparked heated discussions on the Internet. It turned out that without the knowledge of most of the villagers, the local government actually sold the land in the village, and the more than 30 million yuan of land requisition money was also used for "financial management". As soon as this incident came out, it immediately caused an uproar among the villagers. The reaction of village cadres and officials is even more intriguing, and people can't help but ask: What is behind this?

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Event Recap:

1. [Initial contradictions] The villagers accidentally learned that the land had been expropriated

It all started with the stumbling upon discovery of a few villagers. Not long ago, they accidentally saw a public notice posted in the village, and only then did they learn that their original land had been expropriated for some time. And the details of this, the village did not know the slightest, which is puzzling.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

1. [Suspicious] The whereabouts of the land requisition money are a mystery, and the villagers ask for explanations

After the news spread, it immediately caused an uproar among the villagers. Everyone asked the village committee to explain the situation: how much of the land was expropriated? How is the compensation distributed? However, to everyone's astonishment, the village cadres were struggling and refused to reveal the truth.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

2. [Cover the lid] The village cadres shook the pot and "decided in the district", avoiding the important and light

Seeing the escalation of the situation, the deputy mayor of Fujia Town had to respond. He explained that this time, a total of two plots of land in the village were expropriated, and more than 30 million yuan was compensated. However, the money did not enter the village account, but was directly taken by the Zibo Economic Development Zone Management Committee for "financial management". As for why he didn't discuss with the villagers, the deputy mayor was vague, saying only that "I'm afraid the villagers won't understand."

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

3. [Fingerprints as evidence] The village cadres said that they had asked for the consent of the villagers, and the authenticity was questioned

In the face of the villagers' questioning, the village cadres produced a "letter for soliciting opinions" signed with the villagers' signatures and fingerprints, claiming that the villagers had agreed to the land requisition. However, a closer look reveals that the opinion has only a few signatures, and it is doubtful whether it represents the wishes of all the villagers.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

4. [Where are the benefits] The authenticity of "6% high-interest wealth management" has been questioned, and there is another hidden story behind it?

Regarding the whereabouts of the money, the village party secretary also said vaguely, only saying that the funds were "all in the district", and he had never seen it. The 6% high-interest financial management in the mouth of the deputy mayor has aroused the vigilance of the villagers. In the current economic situation, is such a yield real and credible? Are there any other benefits to be transferred? All kinds of doubts will not be dispersed for a long time.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Question Analysis:

Question 1: Why are most of the villagers unaware? Is the land acquisition process compliant?

Judging from the reaction of the villagers, it is clear that this land acquisition is not "well known" as claimed by the village cadres. On the contrary, many villagers did not suddenly realize it until they saw the announcement. So, what exactly are the procedures that were fulfilled during land acquisition? Why are most of the villagers unaware? Is there someone deliberately hiding it? These problems need to be clarified urgently.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Netizen's point of view: "Land acquisition and demolition is a big deal, but it is unreasonable to not know the villagers!" Even if the procedure is legal, it can't be so opaque. "If you don't publicize what should be publicized, and if you don't discuss what you should discuss, you obviously want to hide from the world!"

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Question 2: Why do I need to use land requisition money for financial management? Who pays for the risk?

It stands to reason that the compensation for land requisition is the asset of the village collective, and it should be earmarked for the development and construction of the village. But now, before the money is in the pocket, it is used for investment and financial management, and the risks can be imagined.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Once the loss of money is lost, what will be the interests of the villagers? And who made the decision behind this? All kinds of doubts have to make people vigilant.

Netizen's opinion: "Even if it is financial management, it must be approved by the villagers, right?" In case the money is gone, who will give an explanation to the villagers?" With such a large amount of money, it is too casual to manage money by reasoning. "

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Question 3: How real is High Interest Banking? Will there be any other benefits to be conveyed?

The annualized rate of return of 6% can be called "high-interest wealth management" in the current economic situation. However, there is no such thing as a free lunch. With such a high return, there must be a lot of hidden risks behind it.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

What's more, there is still no clear statement on where and what the money is actually going to be used for. All kinds of doubts lead people to reverie: Will someone take the opportunity to enrich their own pockets? Or is it the transfer of undesirable interests? The truth is yet to be further investigated.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Netizen's opinion: "Even if it is a fixed deposit, there is no such high interest rate now." "Maybe it's in your pocket." "Whether there is some shady deal behind it, I don't know."

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it


From land acquisition to financial management, from opaque information to benefit distribution, this incident in Pengjia Village has exposed many chaos in some rural governance. It is true that there is nothing wrong with realizing rural revitalization and developing the collective economy. But the key is that this process must put the interests of the villagers first, be based on democratic consultation, and be open and transparent. Otherwise, it will only arouse public anger and damage the relationship between cadres and the masses.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

In this regard, we have to ask: what role did local officials play in this? Why do you avoid talking about the villagers' doubts? Whether there are other hidden circumstances remains to be further investigated. Here, we hope that the relevant departments can intervene in the investigation and find out the truth as soon as possible, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the villagers to the greatest extent.

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Netizens also have their own opinions on this matter.

Some people say: This land originally belonged to all the villagers, and the ownership belongs to us. It's really good to help villagers manage their finances, but you haven't said anything about the risks of financial management, if you lose, can you lose money? Also, where did all that interest go?

Some netizens asked: When you buy financial management, can you tell us in advance and ask us if we agree? Think about it, if it is your bank deposit and the bank staff buys the wealth management without your knowledge, how do you feel?

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

Someone bluntly said: It is estimated that the principal will not be able to be kept within two years, it is useless to ask anything, and it is certain that the loss will be a mess.

Some netizens lamented that there is also this kind of problem in their village, don't ask, it must be a big loss!

Some people joked that if you don't lose money, how can you be embarrassed to reconcile accounts with everyone!

Wild! Land requisitioned! The money is sent! But the villagers don't know! The money was actually taken by the government to manage it

As ordinary citizens, we must also actively exercise our right to know, participate and supervise. Defend their vital interests by applying for disclosure, participating in hearings, and defending their rights in accordance with the law. Only with everyone's participation and co-construction and co-governance can power run in the sun, let behind-the-scenes transactions have nowhere to hide, and let rural governance return to the original intention of the people.

Finally, I would like to ask you: in the face of such incidents, how should we protect our rights and interests as ordinary villagers? How to participate in rural governance, supervise power, and prevent and prevent accidents? Let us work together to contribute to the construction of transparent, standardized and honest rural governance!

【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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