
How France is pushing for the modernization of equipment and consumer goods

author:Study Times

In the context of global sustainable development, the timely upgrading of equipment and consumer goods is of great significance for countries to improve resource utilization efficiency, reduce environmental pollution, and promote industrial upgrading. As a country with a complete range of industries, France has made great efforts to promote the upgrading process of equipment and consumer goods in recent years, and has shown a positive attitude and action in this process.

Establish an incentive mechanism for equipment consumption updates. Under the guidance of the large-scale investment plan "France 2030", the French government has adopted a diversified financial incentive and subsidy policy to systematically promote the upgrading of equipment and consumer goods. First, the implementation of an eco-bonus program to provide direct subsidies to consumers who purchase energy-efficient household appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines that meet energy efficiency standards, to encourage households to phase out old equipment with high energy consumption and switch to more environmentally friendly products. Second, the introduction of investment tax credits to provide tax incentives for companies that purchase energy-efficient or renewable energy production equipment. Eligible investment projects can enjoy a certain percentage (e.g. 15% to 45%) of tax credits, reducing the cost of green investment and motivating enterprises to upgrade equipment and adopt clean technologies. Such policies can help companies reduce their financial burden and accelerate the industrialization of green technologies. Thirdly, France has adopted the Future Investment Plan, which provides low-interest loans, guarantees and venture capital investments from the National Investment Bank to help small and medium-sized enterprises introduce advanced equipment and carry out R&D activities to modernize and green their production processes. Finally, a special fund will be set up to support enterprises to develop and promote renewable energy technologies, such as solar photovoltaics, wind energy, biomass energy, etc., to promote the reform of energy consumption structure. In addition, the French government has also provided subsidies for consumers who buy electric vehicles, up to tens of thousands of euros, and provided free or discounted public charging services in some areas to promote the transition to clean energy consumption.

Launched measures to strengthen green regulations and standards. France has adopted a number of measures at the legislative level to encourage various entities to participate in the country's green growth and energy transition, which provides a strong legal basis, practical foundation and international arena for promoting the upgrading of equipment and consumer goods. In 2015, France passed the Green Growth Energy Transition Law, which set binding energy targets for key sectors such as transport, housing and renewable energy, and guided financial institutions to participate in sustainable development, which strongly promoted domestic green growth and energy transition. In the same year, it hosted the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris and promoted countries to sign the Paris Agreement, successfully projecting its norms and standards to the world, thereby expanding the field of equipment and consumer goods upgrading. In 2019, France promulgated the "Energy and Climate Law" to promote low-carbon development and energy transition, clearly pointing out that it supports the development of renewable energy, gradually and mandatorily reduces greenhouse gas emissions for high-energy housing buildings, monitors and evaluates the specific implementation of climate policies through the introduction of a national low-carbon strategy and a "green budget" system, and realizes the diversification of the power structure. With the process of reindustrialization and ecological transformation in France, and in response to global green industrial competition, France passed the "Green Industry Act" in 2023, proposing to promote the development of green industries in terms of investment and tax exemptions, administrative examination and approval reform, green industry financing, vocational training and talent training, green technology development and international cooperation.

Improve the R&D and technological innovation support system. The French government supports R&D and innovation by providing research funding and innovation incentives, encouraging companies to adopt more advanced and environmentally friendly technologies, and encouraging enterprises to develop high-end, intelligent, environmentally friendly and energy-saving equipment and consumer goods to improve product quality and performance and meet relevant emission standards and energy efficiency requirements. The "France 2030 Investment Plan" aims at seven key areas with research advantages and strategic significance: energy, hydrogen energy, carbon capture and storage, semiconductors, mineral resources and bio-based resources, biopharmaceuticals, and space, focusing on France's competitive advantages in the fields of natural hydrogen, small nuclear reactors, nuclear fusion and superconducting magnets to achieve disruptive innovation, and regard artificial intelligence chips as key technologies for key development. Increase R&D investment and support in the field of artificial intelligence, build European and even world-class artificial intelligence clusters, and develop a new "AI Booster France 2030" artificial intelligence system to support the digital transformation of French enterprises, so as to realize the modernization and intelligent upgrading of enterprise production equipment and products. The Green Industry Act supports R&D and innovation projects through tax credits, and promotes the development of five major decarbonization technologies, including wind power, photovoltaics, heat pumps, batteries and hydrogen energy, to promote industrial decarbonization and green business operations. At the same time, the French government continues to deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system, adjust and introduce relevant scientific and technological policies and incentives, in order to maintain the vitality of scientific and technological innovation.

Implement circular economy waste management actions. By publishing a national circular economy roadmap, France has set out key objectives and related measures in production, consumption, waste management and mobilization to promote sustainable production and consumption. France encourages the reuse of resources and the recycling of waste, improves the waste classification and recycling system through technological innovation, legal and regulatory constraints and supervision of environmental protection departments, expands the scale of waste treatment and reuse, and promotes the construction of a recycling system. The French Environmental Code clarifies the principle that producers must be responsible for the recycling of their products, and the French recycling authority (Environment and Energy Management Agency) implements recycling management through the "Extended Producer Responsibility Declaration System" established by the French Waste Recycling Authority. The French recycling specialist has also launched a mobile app called "Sorting Guide" to make it easier for people to learn more about the sorting criteria. At the same time, France supports the circulation and trading of second-hand goods, the second-hand commodity market has developed steadily, the variety of commodities is rich, the circulation channels cover online and offline, the online second-hand trading network platform has developed rapidly, and the second-hand product counter has been set up in the offline counter to promote follow-up consumption in the form of trade-in. For example, sports brands offer used bikes and gym equipment and start recycling e-bikes.

Strengthen public environmental protection education and publicity measures. The French government and relevant institutions are raising public awareness and capacity to participate in the ecological transition through media campaigns and public events. The French Ministry of National Education and Youth has launched the "Twenty Actions for Education for Ecological Transition" to promote the awareness and active participation of primary and secondary school students in the challenges of the ecological transition. These actions include the publication of the Ecological Transition Competency Framework, the integration of ecological transition teaching into technical curricula, and the provision of comprehensive training on education for sustainable development. By 2027, the French government plans to train all Ministry of Education staff on the ecological transition and allocate 500 million euros to support ESD projects. In the field of higher education, more and more universities and colleges are incorporating sustainability into their existing curricula, introducing new courses on ecological transition, and integrating ecological transition into the overall development strategy of their schools.

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