
Fengya Huaxia Hello China

author:Study Times

In the vast picture scroll of human history and civilization, China, with its thousands of years of cultural accumulation and vast geographical landscape, has drawn a rich and colorful cultural tourism scroll, inviting the world to read it carefully and deeply understand. With the development of the times, it is of great significance to share the story of China's cultural tourism on a global scale. It is not only a link between geography and culture, but also a bridge connecting the hearts of people from different countries and regions, and an in-depth dialogue across time and space. Telling the story of China's cultural tourism to the world aims to build a bridge of cultural exchanges and mutual learning, enhance the consensus of global civilizations, and make positive contributions to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The value of global dialogue in China's cultural tourism

Today, China is already the world's largest source of outbound tourists and the fourth largest destination for inbound tourists. Every year, hundreds of millions of inbound and outbound tourists are not only listeners of China's stories, but also tellers of China's stories. Tourism is an important carrier for the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, and telling its story will help the world understand China's profound historical heritage and rich cultural connotation. By telling the story of Chinese cultural tourism to the world, we can effectively show the unique folk customs and regional culture of various ethnic groups in China, and enhance the understanding and respect of the international community for Chinese culture.

The friendship between the countries lies in the people-to-people relationship, and the people-to-people relationship lies in frequent contacts. Frequent tourists should appreciate the beautiful land of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, comprehend the splendid culture of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years, and see the happy life of more than 1.4 billion people. China's cultural and tourism resources are rich and diverse, from world natural heritage sites such as the Three Parallel Rivers Nature Reserve in Yunnan, the Giant Panda Habitat in Sichuan and Hoh Xil in Qinghai, to the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Xi'an, and the Classical Gardens in Suzhou. China's cultural tourism experience space and consumption scene are changing with each passing day, from the barbecue in Zibo and the spicy tang in Tianshui, to the ice and snow in Harbin, the flowers in Quanzhou and the Ying song and dance in Chaoshan; From Shenzhen's Festival Avenue, Guangzhou's "Little Man's Waist", to Chengdu's Chunxi Road, Chongqing's Hongyadong, a number of tourism and leisure cities and neighborhoods with distinctive cultural characteristics are out of the circle. Telling the story of cultural tourism in the new era will help stimulate the enthusiasm of overseas tourists to travel to China and promote exchanges and cooperation around the world.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's cultural and tourism resources have been rationally utilized on the basis of effective protection and scientific planning, and domestic tourism, inbound tourism, outbound tourism and national leisure have developed in an all-round way, which has become an indispensable market support for the prosperity and development of the global tourism economy. In the field of tourism, industrial investment, resource development, business cultivation and market innovation are unprecedentedly active, and the market competitiveness and international influence of tourism enterprises such as China Tourism Group, Overseas Chinese Town, BTG, Jinjiang, Lingnan, Ctrip, Spring and Autumn, Kaiyuan, Huazhu, Fangte and Haichang Ocean Park have been continuously improved. It will talk about the practice and effectiveness of China's cultural tourism industry policy, development planning, project construction, cultural and tourism integration, scientific and technological innovation, etc., which will play a positive role in promoting the prosperity and development of the global cultural tourism market, the transformation and upgrading of the world's cultural tourism industry, and the optimization and reconstruction of the global tourism development pattern. Showcasing China's achievements and experience in heritage protection, green tourism, smart tourism, civilized tourism, as well as tourism promoting urban renewal and rural revitalization, is conducive to promoting the sustainable development and high-quality development of the global cultural and tourism industry.

Selection of the brilliant chapter of China's cultural tourism

The mainland has a vast land space, rich natural resources and profound historical and cultural resources, which constitute a solid foundation for the story of China's cultural tourism. Through the contemporary expression of China's excellent traditional culture and professional market promotion, relying on the system of national parks, nature reserves and natural parks under planning and construction, with the help of the Great Wall, the Grand Canal, the Long March, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, as well as the construction of the "Belt and Road", the protection and utilization of China's world natural heritage, cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage will be coordinated. Tourism is not only the beneficiary of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also the creator of contemporary culture and modern civilization. Cultural tourism projects such as Impression of Lijiang, Only Dream of Red Mansions, Memories of Yangzhou with Two Bright Moons, Happy Events in Nanjing, Yellow Crane Tower at Night, and Datang City That Never Sleeps, let more tourists at home and abroad understand a magnificent China from the Yellow Mountain to the Yellow River, and fall in love with an elegant and colorful China from the Book of Songs to the Dream of Red Mansions.

In the current period, in addition to the natural scenery and cultural history, China's well-off social lifestyle has also become a new driving force for cultural exchanges and tourism promotion. Landmark buildings such as Daxing Airport, CBD, Canton Tower, Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, Pudong New Area, and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge are becoming new carriers to show the country's tourism image together with the Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors, Yinxu, Liangzhu, etc. In this prosperous and powerful country, in this beautiful and rich land, the retired elderly exercise in the park and dance happily in the square, and the young people linger in museums, science and technology museums, art galleries and drama theaters, so that more tourists at home and abroad can understand a China that has moved from poverty and weakness to a well-off and self-improvement in an all-round way, love a China from the theater to the vegetable market, and the happiness of the people, and understand a China from "Chang'e" to the moon to "Tianyan" to explore and look up at the starry sky, and love the last China from the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". "China advocates building a community with a shared future for mankind and peaceful development.

Tourism is an off-site way of life. The new space for a better life composed of infrastructure, public services and business environment has become the common pursuit of modern cities, and it is also the key support for tourists' happiness, gain and satisfaction during travel. Many urban parks across the country have been or are in the process of being renovated and renovated in an open and share-oriented manner, returning recreational spaces such as green spaces, greenways, squares and parks to citizens and tourists. More and more cities are adhering to the concept of people-centered development, making public space and leisure activities more pleasant. Wide streets and magnificent buildings are elements of urban development, but they are not the whole story of urban leisure. Whether it is the construction of street landscape sketches, or public culture, transportation nodes, information services and tourist toilets, more and more cities are consciously reducing the concentration of spatial planning and integrating it into daily life scenes and leisure spaces. Starting from people-oriented tourism, let the story of China's cultural tourism tell the world that the height of the development of cities, neighborhoods and rural tourism never depends on the strength of service to a small number of people, but on the temperature of public services and business environment for local citizens and foreign tourists.

How to effectively reach a global audience

The construction of a professional team that tells the story of cultural tourism is crucial. This team needs to be composed of a group of people who are passionate about cultural tourism and have professional knowledge. They must not only have an in-depth understanding of the connotation and history of cultural tourism, but also have keen insight and innovative thinking, and be able to dig out the highlights of cultural tourism stories from a unique perspective. In terms of professional ability, they must have excellent expression and communication skills, and be able to vividly present cultural and tourism stories to the audience. At the same time, it is also necessary to master cross-cultural communication skills, respect different cultural backgrounds, and ensure that the story is accurately and effectively communicated.

In international communication, it is necessary to make full use of various channels to expand the influence of China's cultural tourism stories. Traditional media such as television and newspapers still play an important role in showcasing the charm of China's cultural tourism to the world through the production of high-quality documentaries and feature reports. At the same time, it is necessary to actively expand new media channels, such as social media platforms and video sharing websites, and take advantage of their strong interactivity and fast dissemination speed to publish attractive pictures, videos and text content to attract widespread attention.

A good understanding of the needs and interests of a global audience is the foundation of successful communication. Audiences in different countries and regions have different cultural backgrounds and preferences, so it is necessary to carry out targeted communication. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the interaction with the audience, listen to their voices and feedback, invite the audience to participate in the experience of Chinese cultural tourism by holding online and offline interactive activities, collect opinions and suggestions from the world, and continuously improve the content and methods of communication. It can also cultivate a group of international "fans" who are interested in Chinese cultural tourism, so that they can become messengers of communication and drive more people to understand and love Chinese cultural tourism. Through close interaction with the audience, the communication effect will be improved, so that the story of Chinese cultural tourism will have a greater influence in the world.

(The author is president of China Tourism Academy)

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