
Let discipline become the "self-command" of party members

author:Study Times

Strict discipline is the fine tradition of the Communist Party of China and the unique advantage and valuable experience of our party in the past century. Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has strictly followed the Marxist principle of party building and written discipline and rules on its banner. The reason why discipline is particularly important to the Communist Party of China is related to the nature, mission, and fundamental purpose of the Communist Party of China, as well as the environment in which it has been operating since its establishment.

The Communist Party of China is a proletarian political party with strict discipline

First of all, the Communist Party of China is a Marxist party. Strict discipline is a conspicuous sign of a proletarian political party, and Marxists advocate that a proletarian political party must have a strict organization and iron discipline, and the strict requirements for discipline are reflected in the programmatic documents of the Marxist political party to the classic works of Marx, Engels, and Lenin on party building. Since the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the Communist Party of China has positioned itself as the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the Chinese people, and the Chinese nation. This positioning means that the party's organizations and members must be advanced elements in society and be able to play a vanguard and exemplary role. Mao Zedong believed that the vanguard and exemplary role of the Communist Party should be reflected in all aspects of its own work. Specifically, in the work of the army, one should become a model of heroic combat, a model of carrying out orders, a model of observing discipline, and a model of political work; In government work, you should be a model who is very clean, does not use personal information, does more work, and gets less paid; In united front work, we should be a model in carrying out the tasks of the War of Resistance and in handling the relations between various parties; In production and construction, we should become a model of labor. In addition, it is necessary to be a model of learning and unity. What is the guarantee that party members will become such models? In addition to the advanced ideological education and political training within the party, a very important and indispensable way is to strictly discipline the requirements. We often say that party discipline is stricter than state law, precisely because only when the requirements of party members within the party are higher than the requirements of the law for ordinary members of society, can they become advanced elements who play a vanguard and exemplary role.

Second, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a political party shouldering its own special historical mission. If the party wants to lead the Chinese people to realize the great national rejuvenation, it must have strong combat effectiveness. General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Speech at the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" highly summarized the fighting spirit of the Communist Party of China in the four periods of history, that is, "bloody struggle, perseverance, self-reliance, indignation, emancipation of the mind, forge ahead, self-confidence, self-improvement, integrity and innovation". Just imagine, how can a political party always maintain this fighting spirit and strong combat effectiveness in the course of more than 100 years of development? In addition to such factors as advanced theoretical armament and firm ideals and convictions, an equally important reason is iron discipline. The strength of the party comes from the organization, and the organization must be maintained and consolidated by strict discipline. If an organization wants to be effective, it must be able to ensure a high degree of unity and unity within the organization. It must be able to ensure that the organization as a whole operates in a coordinated manner and that government decrees are unimpeded; It must be able to ensure that the members of the organization are honest and conscientious, and all this must be premised on strict discipline. An organization without discipline cannot and cannot do anything. Mao Zedong said that our party is "a party that is disciplined, armed with Marxist-Leninist theory, adopts the method of self-criticism, and is in touch with the masses of the people." When quoting this passage, Zhou Enlai emphatically emphasized: "It is no accident that Comrade Mao Zedong put discipline in the forefront. This is because this is the most important condition for determining whether the party can persist in the revolution, defeat the enemy, and strive for victory. ”

Finally, the Communist Party of China is a political party that regards serving the people wholeheartedly as the fundamental purpose of all its work. How to ensure that the party's fundamental purpose is always implemented and that the party and the masses of the people maintain close ties depends on the fundamental system of the state and the party's various lines, principles, and policies, and on the awareness of the purpose of the party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members in their practical work. And these two aspects are inseparable from the party's discipline guarantee. The fundamental political system of our country is the system of people's congresses, and the fundamental starting point and end goal of our party's line, principles, and policies are the interests of the people. How to ensure the concrete embodiment of this system in reality and ensure that the party's line, principles, and policies are implemented to the letter in reality depends on the party's discipline. If party members and cadres do not have a bottom line of discipline, then the rights granted to the broad masses of the people by the system will not be fully realized, and the fundamental interests of the people will be harmed. If our party members and cadres lack a sense of discipline, then the party's line, principles, and policies will not be effectively implemented. The work attitude, work style, and work discipline of party members and cadres are closely related to the realization of the people's interests. In order to ensure the implementation of the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, it is necessary to emphasize party discipline.

Discipline education is an important part of our inner-party education

The importance of discipline to the party determines that we must put discipline in an important position in party building and party work. The majority of party members and cadres continue to strengthen their sense of discipline, clarify discipline requirements, and achieve discipline in their hearts and discipline in their actions. "And to do this, discipline education has become an important part of our party's education.

The first is to enhance the education of discipline awareness. It is to make discipline truly become a "charged high-voltage line" in the hearts of party members and a "self-command" in the consciousness of party members. The basic role of discipline is to regulate and restrain the phenomenon of crossing the red line and to prevent the occurrence of all kinds of adverse consequences. Only when such norms and constraints are truly understood and accepted by everyone and turned into a conscious mode of action can the preventive function of discipline be better brought into play. Over the years, we can see from some realistic cases that the reason why some party members and cadres have problems is because they have a weak sense of discipline, and even have no discipline in their minds, no sense of awe for discipline, and do things their own way. When we conduct education on discipline awareness, we must enable party members and cadres to have a deeper understanding that the Communist Party of China, as an advanced Marxist political party, has discipline and rules. As members of this organization, we must act in accordance with the discipline and rules of this organization, and no organization or individual can be special.

The second is to clarify the requirements of discipline and education. The Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China divide the Party's discipline into six aspects, namely, political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline. These disciplines have set clear requirements and norms for the behavior of Party organizations and Party members in all aspects. This is what General Secretary Xi Jinping said, the party's organizations and party members "what can be done, what can not be done, what things should be done this way, what things should be done that way, what things can be done from individuals to organizations or organizations to individuals, what things must be organized to organizations, what things can be simplified procedures, what things can only be done according to procedures, what things should be carried forward with democracy, what things should be insisted on centralization, what things should be decided by themselves, and what things should be asked for instructions and reports, all of which must be clearly stipulated." With clear regulations, Party organizations and Party members have clear compliance. But to follow, we must know what to follow, and discipline requires education, that is, to let party members know what basic discipline requirements the party has in all aspects.

The third is to strengthen the education on discipline enforcement responsibility. The reason why discipline works is that discipline is a mandatory requirement and a rigid requirement. The "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" set out a negative list of various violations of discipline, and clarified the punishment for various disciplinary violations, which is to tell everyone that if discipline is violated, they will be punished accordingly, so as to demonstrate the seriousness and authority of discipline, and make discipline better serve as a warning. If discipline is violated and not punished, then discipline becomes a "scarecrow". Therefore, responsibility in the enforcement of discipline is very important. In the past, some problems occurred not because there were no relevant regulations, but because such regulations were not enforced. What should be even more alarming is that if discipline is not effectively enforced, it will cause a series of consequences and bring harm to the cause of the party and the people. Therefore, it is an important task of discipline education to strengthen the education of party members and cadres who are responsible for leadership and supervision.