
Empowered by both cold and hot engines, the ice wheel environment helps industrial and commercial businesses save energy and reduce carbon emissions

author:Industry Online

In the context of global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and achieve sustainable development, the industrial sector, as one of the important sources of energy consumption and carbon emissions, is facing great challenges.

As a manufacturer of industrial refrigeration solutions committed to the technological innovation of comprehensive energy utilization, at the 2024 China Refrigeration Exhibition, with the theme of "Insight into the Green Future, Digital Intelligence Empowering Cold and Warm", Moon Environment demonstrated its innovative strength in the form of "cold" and "hot" dual plate and double booth linkage. Industry Online interviewed Mr. Zhang Huiming, Vice President of Moon Environment, at the exhibition site to see how Ice Wheel can help industrial and commercial users save energy and reduce carbon emissions through industrial cold and hot linkage.

Empowered by both cold and hot engines, the ice wheel environment helps industrial and commercial businesses save energy and reduce carbon emissions

Deeply cultivated in the industrial field

Both hot and cold repairs meet the diversified needs of industrial scenarios

With the continuous development and upgrading of the industrial field, the demand for high-end, intelligent and environmentally friendly refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment is increasing. With the simultaneous development of cold and hot and the active expansion of energy conservation and environmental protection industry as the development strategy of the enterprise, the company seeks to provide the best temperature for users in various industries around the world in a more low-carbon way. Through years of deep cultivation in the industrial field, Moon Environment has made remarkable development achievements in the industrial field while meeting the diversified and refined needs of users in the industrial field.

In the field of industrial refrigeration, the mature products and solutions of Ice Wheel Environment are widely used in chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, energy and other industries. The rich product matrix can provide low-temperature refrigeration, central air conditioning, environmental protection refrigeration, energy and chemical equipment, precision casting and other categories of products and complete solutions, and actively explore the development of NH3, CO2, HC, He, H2O and other environmental protection working fluid technology applications.

In the field of industrial heating, Moon Environment continues to pay attention to the latest development of heat pump technology, especially high-temperature and ultra-high-temperature heat pumps, and continuously increases investment in product research and development and innovation; Actively accelerate the market layout, expand sales channels, open up the market at home and abroad, and establish cooperative relations with a number of internationally renowned enterprises. While focusing on the improvement of the product's own performance, it is also committed to providing users with comprehensive application solutions, by understanding the needs of different industries, combined with their own technical advantages, to provide users with customized industrial cooling and heating solutions, to help users improve energy efficiency, reduce operating costs, and achieve sustainable development.

Hot and cold homologous linkage

Build a low-carbon ecosystem with complementary and interconnected energy

In industrial scenarios, it is an excellent way to maximize energy utilization by connecting the heat energy generated in the industrial production process with the links that require cold energy through reasonable design and allocation, but in practical applications, the waste heat of the cooling medium is generally low, usually not exceeding 25~30 °C, and it is relatively difficult to recycle. However, the total amount of waste heat is huge and widely exists in various industries, if the heat energy can be effectively recovered and used to produce high-temperature hot water and steam, greater social and economic benefits will be obtained.

At this year's Refrigeration Exhibition, the 105K ultra-large temperature-rising steam heat pump centrifugal compressor of the Ice Wheel Environment won the title of "Innovative Product", which is the only gold medal product in the "Industrial Heat Pump" category of the 2024 China Refrigeration Exhibition. The industrial heat pump products of the ice wheel environment can be used for cascade quality improvement applications for low-grade waste heat resources, such as the recycling and utilization of waste heat resources in steel, petroleum, chemical, electric power, pharmaceutical, dairy and other industries, so as to realize the integrated application of cold and heat co-system in the fields of steam and hot water supply in industrial parks, heat pump distillation system in refineries, replace coal-fired and gas-fired boilers, improve comprehensive operation energy efficiency, and realize the integrated application of cold and hot co-system in the process system.

Empowered by both cold and hot engines, the ice wheel environment helps industrial and commercial businesses save energy and reduce carbon emissions

According to Vice President Zhang Huiming, the product adopts environmentally friendly working fluid, broadens the range of compressor application conditions through four-stage linkage pneumatic design, uses multi-stage compression to improve the pressure boost capacity of the compressor and improves operating efficiency, improves sealing performance and reliability through constant pressure compensation technology, and realizes the safe, stable and efficient operation of the system through intelligent control technology.

Specifically, the main innovations are as follows01

The temperature rises

A single main machine realizes four-stage compression and three-stage pressure progressive interstage air supply, the temperature rise of the whole machine can reach 105K, and the heating temperature can reach up to 140°C.


High efficiency

The interstage sealing of the compressor adopts constant pressure compensation and two-way multi-stage combined sealing technology to avoid the leakage of working fluid to the greatest extent, and combines the high-precision separation technology of lubricating oil and gas pressure reduction to ensure the stable operating oil level of the compressor and higher heat exchange efficiency.


Stable operation

Based on the importance and priority evaluation model of each control point, the variable working condition collaborative control technology of multi-stage compression and multi-stage air supply of compressor was developed, and the stable and efficient operation of multi-stage centrifugal compressor was realized.


High economic efficiency

Taking 140°C hot water as an example, the heating cost of the product is about 85% of that of coal-fired boilers, 55% of gas-fired boilers, and 30% of that of electric boilers, and it reduces carbon emissions by about 20,000 tons a year compared with coal-fired boilers, which is the preferred way to convert electricity into heat under the background of dual carbon goals.

The range of snow wheel environmental waste heat recovery solutions can cover 0-600°C to meet the cold and heat needs of various temperature ranges in industrial production, while reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution. Moon Environment has mastered the core technology of "full pressure, wide temperature zone, and multi-working fluid", and has carried out the industrial layout of cold and heat integration for many years, and can provide system solutions covering cold water, hot water, steam, electricity and other energy forms for specific scenarios, and is committed to realizing the green development of industrial cold and heat through technological innovation and system integration, and contributing to energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Industrial heat pumps have a bright future

The development of the industry requires the support of many parties

For the future development of industrial heat pumps, Vice President Zhang Huiming expressed his views, he believes that industrial heat pumps can effectively improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs. At present, there are very high requirements for energy saving, emission reduction and environmental protection in the world, and the demand for industrial heat pump products as a high-efficiency and energy-saving technology, especially in the industrial field, is expected to continue to grow.

In the future, with the continuous maturity of industrial heat pump technology and the continuous expansion of market applications, its market popularity will continue to increase, and it may become one of the standard equipment in the industrial field. In addition to the traditional industrial field, industrial heat pump products are likely to expand to more fields, such as construction, transportation, etc., and the market development of industrial heat pump products has a broad space.

Although the energy-saving potential of industrial heat pumps in industrial scenarios is considerable, the promotion process of new equipment is slowed down due to the characteristics of industrial projects that pursue process stability, pay attention to investment scale and return cycle. In the face of the current challenges of market expansion, Mr. Zhang believes that to overcome these challenges, we need to get assistance and support from many aspects.

Policy and financial support is indispensable, through policies to encourage the development of energy conservation and environmental protection in the industrial field, the establishment of special funds or the provision of tax incentives and other measures to reduce the economic pressure on enterprises to purchase new equipment; The cooperation between industry, academia and research is also crucial, and the popularization and application of new technologies and new products such as industrial heat pumps are promoted through the organization of technical seminars, product exhibitions and other activities; Through school-enterprise cooperation, develop advanced technology, improve product performance, jointly cultivate professional talents, and provide technical support and talent guarantee for market expansion; Enterprises in the same industry should also strengthen cooperation, a single flower is not spring, everyone picks up firewood and the flame is high, and jointly promote new technologies and new products, which can better achieve the win-win development of the industry.

Through this interview, the author deeply felt the determination and confidence of Moon Environment to devote itself to the innovation of artificial environment control technology and create a smart green energy ecology. In the modern manufacturing industry, which is characterized by innovative development, high-efficiency and energy-saving production mode, it is hoped that Moon Environment can continue to contribute to the transformation and upgrading of low-carbon energy, enhance the core competitiveness of industry, and implement the national dual-carbon development strategy.

Empowered by both cold and hot engines, the ice wheel environment helps industrial and commercial businesses save energy and reduce carbon emissions
Empowered by both cold and hot engines, the ice wheel environment helps industrial and commercial businesses save energy and reduce carbon emissions

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