
A taste of tofu and shrimp: an eclectic delicacy of tradition and innovation!

author:A culinary journey of sugar adzuki beans

Shrimp and tofu, a dish that combines the freshness of the ocean with the warmth of the fields, dates back to the Song Dynasty. In "Mengxi Writings", Shen Kuo once mentioned the cooking custom of fish and shrimp with tofu in the water towns of the south of the Yangtze River, although the name of "shrimp tofu" was not directly recorded, but it was enough to glimpse the ancients' love for the combination of these two ingredients. In the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Mei's "Suiyuan Food List" also has a record of the pairing of tofu and seafood, which shows that it has a long history. This dish not only carries the pursuit of the original taste of the ingredients, but also embodies the philosophy of "harmony and difference" in Chinese food culture, as if interpreting a dialogue between the taste buds that spans thousands of years.

A taste of tofu and shrimp: an eclectic delicacy of tradition and innovation!

Cooking Steps:

**Main Material**:

- Tender tofu 400g

- 200g fresh shrimp


- 2 green onions

- Ginger 1 small piece

- Garlic cloves: 3 cloves

- Coriander to taste


- Salt to taste (about 3 grams)

- Light soy sauce 15ml

- 10 ml cooking wine

- Ground white pepper a little

- Water starch to taste

- Essence of chicken (optional) 2 grams

- Stock/water 200ml

A taste of tofu and shrimp: an eclectic delicacy of tradition and innovation!

1. Cut the soft tofu into pieces about 2 cm square, gently blanch in boiling water with salt for 1 minute, then remove the water, drain the water and set aside.

2. Wash the shrimp, absorb the water with a kitchen paper towel, add a pinch of salt and white pepper and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Put oil in a pan, stir-fry the chopped green onion, ginger and garlic over low heat until fragrant, then add the shrimp and stir-fry quickly until it changes color.

4. Add the stock (or water), add the blanched tofu, add light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, and simmer for 5 minutes.

5. Mix well with water starch and pour it into the pot, stir gently, until the soup is slightly thickened, sprinkle with chopped green onion and coriander, and then remove from the pot.

A taste of tofu and shrimp: an eclectic delicacy of tradition and innovation!


- Add a small amount of salt when blanching tofu to make it firmer and less crumble.

- Use the back of the knife to pat the shrimp to make it easier to absorb the flavor and make it more tender.

- Adjust the heat to keep the soup boiling rather than boiling to help keep the tofu tender and the shrimp tender.

When the shrimp tofu is served on the table, the white and tender tofu and the pink shrimp complement each other, like a delicate ink painting. With a spoonful of tofu, the tofu melts in your mouth, the shrimp are delicious, and the flavor of the soup slowly blooms in your mouth, as if you can hear the sound of waves lapping on the shore and feel the freshness of the rice fields. This dish not only satisfies the taste buds, but also soothes the soul and allows people to find a sense of tranquility and harmony in their busy lives.

A taste of tofu and shrimp: an eclectic delicacy of tradition and innovation!

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