
Chengcheng County farmland water conservancy fraud? The construction party installed the water pile privately, netizens: wireless irrigation system?

author:Jiajia trendy thing


In the vast land of China, the construction of high-standard farmland is an important part of the rural revitalization strategy, aiming to improve agricultural production efficiency and ensure national food security.

Pastoral doubts: the "mystery of water piles" in high-standard farmland


Recently, a piece of news from Chengcheng, Shaanxi Province, was like a pebble thrown into the calm countryside picture, causing ripples. Some villagers exposed on social platforms that the water conservancy facilities in the high-standard farmland of Fanjiawa Village, Zhaozhuang Town, actually appeared the strange phenomenon of "the water pile does not go into the water, and the cement pier is connected". As the old saying goes, "Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans", if what is sown in farmland construction is false and coped, what will be harvested?

Behind the scenes: the lack of supervision behind the illegal installation and the awakening of the public

The May wind, blowing through the fields of the Loess Plateau, was supposed to be the season of hope, but it was a little heavy because of a revelation. In Zhaozhuang Town, Chengcheng County, a villager's casual discovery is like lifting a fig leaf, exposing an absurd drama in the construction of high-standard farmland. The water piles that were supposed to connect the water source and moisten the crops turned out to be just a façade, and the bottom was not a water pipe, but a hard cement pier. This scene made many farmers shake their heads and smile bitterly, and also cast a layer of gloom on the public's hearts.

Chengcheng County farmland water conservancy fraud? The construction party installed the water pile privately, netizens: wireless irrigation system?

The Chengcheng County Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs reacted quickly, with a formal statement of the situation, clearly pointing out that these "problematic water piles" were installed by the construction party without permission, which is a blatant violation. In the face of such omissions, the relevant departments did not evade, but had the courage to take responsibility, instructed the construction unit to stop work, and promised to comprehensively investigate all projects under construction to ensure that similar problems would not be staged again. This series of actions is not only a remedy, but also a positive answer to the public's doubts.

Chengcheng County farmland water conservancy fraud? The construction party installed the water pile privately, netizens: wireless irrigation system?

The private installation of the construction party has exposed the loopholes in the project management, and people can't help but wonder, who gave them such audacity to dare to "build blocks" in front of everyone's eyes? And the villager who dared to speak out, his professional vision and sense of responsibility, undoubtedly added a bit of drama to this incident, and also reminded everyone: farmland construction cannot tolerate the slightest falsehood, because it is not only about the harvest of crops, but also about the country's food security and farmers' livelihood.

Chengcheng County farmland water conservancy fraud? The construction party installed the water pile privately, netizens: wireless irrigation system?

Interestingly, this incident also unexpectedly popularized the basic process of farmland water conservancy construction, and it turned out that the installation of water piles should be the finale of the whole project, rather than the opening remarks of quick success. The popularization of this common sense may make more people realize that every process has its scientific basis, and skipping it will leave hidden dangers.

See what netizens have to say

Netizens said: Corruption is not terrible, what is terrible is that no one cares about corruption when it is discovered

Chengcheng County farmland water conservancy fraud? The construction party installed the water pile privately, netizens: wireless irrigation system?

Netizens said: Is it a wireless irrigation system? Awesome[Like]

Chengcheng County farmland water conservancy fraud? The construction party installed the water pile privately, netizens: wireless irrigation system?

Looking forward to the future: build a foundation of integrity and draw a magnificent picture of rural revitalization

Farmland is the lifeblood of the country, and the construction of high-standard farmland is the responsibility entrusted by the times, and there is no room for slackness. Although the "water pile turmoil" is ridiculous, it is also like a mirror, reflecting various problems in the construction of the project and illuminating the way forward. It reminds us that no matter how the times change, integrity and responsibility are the most precious cornerstones and indispensable spiritual food for building a beautiful countryside.

Chengcheng County farmland water conservancy fraud? The construction party installed the water pile privately, netizens: wireless irrigation system?

Drawing lessons from this incident, we should pay more attention to the improvement of the regulatory mechanism, so that every policy and every project can be implemented, truly benefit farmers, and make high-standard farmland a solid cornerstone of the country's granary. As the old saying goes: "No pain, no gain", only by cultivating with heart can we reap the real fruit. In the future of farmland construction, we expect to see patches of promising green fields, rather than empty cement piles.

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