
Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

author:Hole Ball Emperor

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about Qi Shufang, who was once known as the "Goddess of Peking Opera", her legendary life is really bloody!

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

In 1988, Qi Shufang, who was in her early 30s, took a group of Peking Opera performers to the United States. Who knew that this would become a big turning point in her life!

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

At the time, everyone thought it was just a short-term commercial performance. But who would have thought that as soon as the performance ended, Qi Shufang would simply not return to China?!

This frightened her husband Gong Guotai, who was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Mr. Gong called overnight to question, but his wife refused: "I want to stay in the United States, if you want to divorce, just mention it!"

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Gong was completely dumbfounded. They have been in love for decades, why are they so deciding?

What's even more bloody is that Qi Shufang took root in the United States directly, cut off contact with her husband, and the two eventually ended up getting married.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

Some people say that she is fascinated by the land of the United States, and some people say that she has to give up her feelings for the sake of her dreams. Anyway, this matter is so big that it shocks the entire opera circle!

As a result, all kinds of doubts and nonsense followed. Some people say that she is a "traitor" who has turned her back on the motherland, and some people call her an "ungrateful" villain.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

However, compared with the people around her, Qi Shufang's heart is really made of iron. Unaffected, she still insisted on developing her Peking Opera career in the United States.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

Art is her life, and she will not give up until she achieves her goal.

A dignified generation of Peking Opera masters, do you think Qi Shufang can be obedient? Her heart is to promote Peking Opera to the world. For this goal, she is willing to leave everything behind, even if she is spurned and opposed!

Although the road was full of ups and downs, Qi Shufang still gritted her teeth and persevered.

To be honest, who in the United States understands Peking Opera? When Qi Shufang first arrived, she had no money and no drama to sing, so she could only do odd jobs in Chinatown to make a living.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

Fortunately, I met a warm-hearted person who generously funded her and helped her hold several large-scale performances in the United States. This allowed Qi Shufang to stand on the stage again and live the life she dreamed of.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

But just when her career was booming, Qi Shufang's family suffered a catastrophe. Her marriage with her husband Gong Guotai lost trust due to long-term separation, and finally had to choose to divorce.

Qi Shufang must have been in great pain at that time. It is not her character to give up her career and return to China, but she can't give up her long-term friendship between husband and wife.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

In the end, she could only bury all her feelings in her heart and continue to pursue her dreams alone.

Since then, Qi Shufang has truly become a person who "eats inside and out".

Soon, however, she also made a name for herself in the United States. With her love and dedication to Peking Opera, she founded her own Peking Opera Troupe, bringing this ancient quintessence to the world.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

For a while, this Chinese actress was in the limelight! Her performance shows her obsession with art everywhere, and her gestures reveal a strong oriental charm.

The audience was fascinated and deeply moved by her performance. Some even praised her as the "Marilyn Monroe of the East"!

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

In this way, Qi Shufang gradually became a rising star overseas. She led her own art troupe and toured all over the world, fully showing the unique charm of Peking Opera to foreign audiences.

Of course, it is inevitable that people will be questioned and blamed in the process. The gang of people who called her a "traitor" were always gloating and mocking her: Look, isn't this a betrayal of the motherland!

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

However, Qi Shufang has always been calm. She said that art knows no borders, and the greatness of Peking Opera lies in its cross-cultural influence. I have shown the world the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture, shouldn't I be even more proud of it?

That's a good way to put it! It seems that she is really a woman with backbone. With this domineering, Qi Shufang successfully took root overseas and was invited by theaters from all over the world.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

In 2000, she was awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award" by the U.S. government, which can be said to be highly recognized!

Along the way, Qi Shufang has experienced too many hardships and doubts, and has paid too much price. But she never gave up her dream and persevered to spread Chinese culture to the world.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

Now at an advanced age, she has returned to her motherland, but she has won the understanding and affirmation of some people. Some people say that she is the pride of the nation and has spread the culture of the motherland to all over the world; There are also people who admire her artistic pursuit and courage.

Her experience is really eye-catching, and it can be called a clear stream in the Liyuan theater. Born in a family of operas, she has been immersed in the artistic atmosphere since she was a child, and she has a lot of admiration for Peking Opera. Naughty, she sometimes secretly imitates her family's performances, and her immature appearance is really cute.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

As a young man, Qi Shufang soared into the drama with her extraordinary talent and diligence. Under the tutelage of famous artists, she has a deeper understanding of the art of opera, and under the study of hard work, her basic skills have become more and more solid, and she is good at singing and making proofs. Back then, she was regarded by the teachers as a "popular fried chicken in the college"!

At the age of 22, she had her first dream of touring on the international stage. The venue was full, and the audience was all impressed by her superb acting skills and beautiful demeanor. Young and complacent, she swayed the energy of youth uncontrollably. It's been decades, which shows how popular she is!

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

However, at this moment, a decision related to "life and death" appeared in front of her - whether to stay overseas to continue to develop, or return to China? The road ahead is uncertain and fraught with risks, which is a difficult choice for a world-renowned superstar.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

In the end, Qi Shufang resolutely chose to "break away". resigned from his job in the system and embarked on a wandering road with 30 actors. This decision undoubtedly caused an uproar, and family and friends were all heartbroken. However, she personally responded: "Art has no borders, and it is my dream to promote Peking Opera." It seems that this strong woman has put the pursuit of art at the highest level of her life!

When I arrived in the U.S., everything started from scratch. Living in poverty and an unfamiliar environment, Qi Shufang and the troupe began to make a living as street performers. There is no stage, so you can only perform on the streets; There is no place to stay, so you can only pitch a tent in the park. A group of celebrities have fallen to such a state, you can imagine how depressed they were at that time.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

At the height of the predicament, a wealthy man generously donated money to fund this "Distressed Art Troupe". With this life-saving money, Qi Shufang finally had a chance to regain her footing. She founded her own Peking Opera Troupe and began touring the United States.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

With its outstanding performances, the Peking Opera Art Troupe is gradually showing its edge. Naturally, the Chinese audience was deeply attracted to it, and even the native Americans were impressed by this new and interesting art form. For a time, Qi Shufang became the darling of the American entertainment industry, and it was a full house everywhere.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

However, this brilliance did not last long. The breakup of her marriage was a huge blow to her. After being separated from her husband for a long time, the relationship finally lost its heat, and the two chose to divorce. Faced with this sudden change, Qi Shufang was in pain for a while.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

Fortunately, art gave her strength, and she decided to devote all her energy to her career. As a result, we saw a Qi Shufang who was desperate and tireless in her career. She traveled everywhere, day and night, just to let Peking Opera take root and grow overseas.

And this effort finally paid off in 2000. Qi Shufang received the "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the U.S. government, which is the highest honor for Peking Opera in the United States. The audience spoke highly of her outstanding achievements, and some praised her as "the Marilyn Monroe of the East".

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

In this way, Qi Shufang took root in the United States and worked for more than 20 years. During this period, she also returned to China to live, but she was still accused of being a "traitor" and "ungrateful" by some people in China. Interestingly, overseas, she has not only won the respect of the international community, but also is regarded as a messenger of national culture!

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

Now that she has returned to her motherland, she still responds calmly and calmly to her doubts: "Art has no borders, and Peking Opera should go to the world." It seems that the artistic pursuit and self-confidence of this veteran actor have never wavered.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

I have to say that Qi Shufang's life experience is really legendary. She is not only a generation of Peking Opera masters, but also a pioneer who has the courage to pursue her dreams and dare to act. It is with pioneers like her that the ancient traditional culture has been revitalized in the modern society.

Eating inside and out? vowed never to return to China, led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, how are you doing now?

Qi Shufang's story tells us that life may be clueless, but as long as you follow your heart's desire to move forward, you will definitely be able to live a wonderful life!