
Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

author:Yang Yang Shi

The gunfire is terrifying! Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fiko was shot and wounded at a public event!

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

According to reports, the incident occurred while the prime minister was attending a public event. At that time, Fico was speaking on the stage, and the scene was peaceful. But at this moment, a man with a gun suddenly burst out of the crowd and fired continuously in the direction of the prime minister. The bodyguards reacted quickly and protected Fico, but he was still unfortunately shot and wounded.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

According to eyewitnesses at the scene, the incident occurred after the conclusion of a high-level government meeting. At that time, Fico, a ministerial, was talking to several colleagues at the entrance of the venue. At this moment, a masked gangster suddenly rushed out of the shadows, armed with a black pistol, and fired at Fico indiscriminately.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

The sound of "bang-bang-bang" gunfire echoed at the entrance of the venue, and the scene suddenly fell into chaos. The entourage and bodyguards reacted quickly, used their bodies to shield Fico, and quickly escorted him to the extended bulletproof car.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

"All I saw was a figure flashing by, and then there was a dense burst of gunfire." An eyewitness said, "After the gunfire stopped, I saw blood stains on Minister Fico and his aides were bandaging his wounds. "

Soon, a large number of armed police arrived at the scene, and they quickly arrested the suspect, a young man named Jack, and conducted a thorough search and interrogation of him.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

The incident has aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad, and people from all walks of life have condemned and appealed for the incident.

Domestic impact

The Slovak government reacted quickly to the incident. The parliament immediately adjourned, and the President, Ms. Petra Caputova, immediately made a public statement, condemning the "despicable and outrageous violent attack" and expressing her sincere condolences to Minister Fico and his family.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

"Violence in no way solves anything, on the contrary it only brings more sadness and panic." "Of course, we must respect different statements and opinions, but we must not tolerate such extreme and illegal acts," President Caputova said. "

Czech Prime Minister Pyotr Fiala also spoke out on social media, describing the attack as a "blatant provocation to our democratic society" and calling on society to stand together against all extremist acts.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

Domestic public opinion also reacted strongly to this matter. This was reported and commented on by several mainstream media outlets on the front page, with most expressing outrage and condemnation of the actions of the violent elements.

"I am shocked and outraged that something like this happened in our country." A Slovak citizen said, "We want to stand together to maintain the security and stability of society. "

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

EU reaction

As a neighbor and close partner of Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and other countries have also strongly condemned the incident.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen issued a statement on the same day, in which she called the violence "undoubtedly a blatant challenge to European values" and called on EU member states to strengthen cooperation in countering terrorism and extremism.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

"The EU is a peaceful, democratic and free homeland, and we will never allow anyone to undermine this order with violence." "It is only through rational dialogue and mutual respect that we can truly resolve our differences and achieve lasting peace," von der Leyen said. "

Dignitaries from many countries also expressed their condolences to the Slovak government and people, and reaffirmed that they will stand shoulder to shoulder with them and jointly respond to all violent provocations.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

In his latest statement, the President of the European Council stated solemnly that there can be no justification for any form of violent attack, whether domestic or transnational. He stressed that violence was never the way to solve the problem and could not be used as a justification for any political, religious or ideological justification.

The President further noted that Europe has always attached great importance to and advocated peace, stability and the preservation of democratic values. He pointed out that European countries have experienced painful wars and conflicts throughout history, which has made them more deeply understand and value the importance of peace.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

He also mentioned that the Council of Europe actively promotes international cooperation and is committed to building inclusive and harmonious societies to ensure that everyone can enjoy the rights of security, dignity and equality. He stressed that it was through dialogue, consultation and democratic procedures that differences and disputes could be truly resolved and lasting peace could be achieved.

Finally, the President of the Council of Europe urged the international community to work together to strengthen cooperation against terrorism and to combat the root causes of extremism and violence. He stressed the need for an integrated and comprehensive approach, including the provision of education, employment and social support, to prevent and reduce the occurrence of violence.

Suddenly: The Slovak Prime Minister was attacked, shot in the abdomen, his life was in danger, and European leaders panicked!

The President of the European Council once again reaffirmed that no form of violent attack can be justified and that lasting and stable social development and human well-being can only be achieved through peaceful means.

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