
This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

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Zhou Yun is a 45-year-old hardworking lawyer. She spends her days traveling between the courtroom and the office, fighting for her clients.

She always felt tired and dizzy at times. Zhou Yun thought it was just caused by too much work pressure, and didn't pay much attention to it.

One day after work, Zhou Yun suddenly felt weak in her right hand, couldn't hold the pen tightly, and her speech was a little slurred.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

She realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately went to the hospital.

After a detailed examination, the emergency doctor told Zhou Yun that she had aura symptoms of cerebral infarction, and that if she was not treated in time, her life might be in danger.

The doctor explained that a transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a warning sign of a cerebral infarction.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

TIA is caused by a temporary blockage of blood vessels in the brain, resulting in transient ischemia and hypoxia of local brain tissue, and symptoms usually disappear within a few minutes to an hour.

Although the symptoms disappear quickly, if not intervened in time, the risk of ischemic stroke in less than one year is as high as 10%~20%.

Only then did Zhou Yun realize the seriousness of the problem.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

The doctor told her that the most common symptoms of TIA include: weakness and numbness in one limb or face, slurred speech, blurred vision, and unsteadiness in walking.

Many people mistakenly think that these symptoms are a sign of fatigue or aging, and they neglect to seek medical attention in time.

The doctor told Zhou Yun to attach great importance to it and asked her about her living habits in detail.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

Zhou Yun admits that she usually has a lot of work pressure, often stays up late, her eating habits are not very healthy, and she doesn't like to exercise. These are all high-risk factors for cerebral infarction.

The doctor advised Zhou Yun to make lifestyle changes from now on:

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

Reasonable diet, light and low salt, eat more vegetables and fruits;

Moderate exercise and weight control; Quit smoking and limit alcohol;

Get enough sleep and learn to relieve stress;

Regular physical examination to control chronic diseases such as the three highs.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

In addition, the doctor also prescribed some drugs to prevent cerebral infarction, and instructed Zhou Yun to take them on time and have regular follow-ups.

After this warning, Zhou Yun learned from the pain and made up her mind to pay attention to her health.

She has made reasonable adjustments to her work and life, and has adhered to a healthy lifestyle.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

After a few months, Zhou Yun felt refreshed and her work efficiency was greatly improved. She sincerely thanked the doctor for his careful treatment and reminders, which allowed her to regain her health when she was recovering from her death.

Zhou Yun's experience is a wake-up call for all of us: although cerebral infarction is terrible, prevention is better than cure.

We need to be vigilant, pay attention to the signals sent by the body, and develop healthy lifestyle habits.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

Once you find TIA symptoms, you must seek medical attention in time and let the doctor conduct a comprehensive examination, and do not take chances. Only by taking precautions can we stay away from the haze of cerebral infarction and embrace a healthy and happy life.

As the saying goes, "the body is the capital of the revolution", Zhou Yun's story once again confirms the importance of health.

In the fast-paced and high-pressure modern life, only by always paying attention to our own health and enhancing our awareness of health care can we devote full energy to work and life, realize our own value, and create a more brilliant tomorrow.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

Dr. Lui, an expert in neurology, said that there are countless cases of people like Zhou Yun who have avoided cerebral infarction because of timely medical treatment.

He called on everyone to raise awareness of TIA and to "make a big fuss" rather than take it lightly if symptoms appear.

He pointed out that compared with passive treatment after cerebral infarction, active prevention is the best policy. It is necessary to keep your mouth shut every day, open your legs, combine work and rest, and have regular physical examinations, which is the "golden rule" for preventing cerebral infarction.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

In addition, some diseases with high frequency such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc., are also the main culprits that induce cerebral infarction.

Dr. Lu emphasized that middle-aged and elderly people should do a good job in the prevention and treatment of these chronic diseases, take regular medications, and monitor indicators in order to control the disease and reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

Zhou Yun's story has aroused widespread discussion in her circle of friends.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

As a friend for many years, Qian Qianqian has deep feelings. She is a middle school teacher, and she inevitably works overtime on weekdays and neglects to exercise.

Zhou Yun's experience made her wake up and plan to learn from Zhou Yun and live a healthy life.

Qian Qianqian specially visited Zhou Yun and asked her for health care secrets.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

Zhou Yun unreservedly shared her "three steps" to health:

One is to get rid of bad habits and stay away from foods high in salt, sugar and oil;

the second is to walk between work exercises, using fragmented time to exercise; The third is to learn to relax and relieve work pressure.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

She also invited Qian Qianqian to participate in the weekend walking activity together, urging each other with practical actions. Qian Qianqian nodded again and again, saying that she must study hard and strive to be a health expert.

With the publicity of Zhou Yun and Qian Qianqian, more and more people are aware of the necessity of paying attention to cerebral infarction and TIA.

They have taken the initiative to learn relevant knowledge, participate in physical examinations, and take care of their health with practical actions.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

"Health is tied to life", let us learn lessons from Zhou Yun's story, be vigilant, do a good job of prevention, and stay away from the threat of cerebral infarction.

May everyone enhance their health awareness, develop good living habits, cherish the present, love life, and live a wonderful life!

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

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