
The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

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When Wang Gang walked into the school hospital, his face was pale and his legs were weak.

As a freshman, he was supposed to enjoy his college life on campus, but at the moment, an HIV-positive test sheet weighed heavily on his heart.

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

Doctor Li Ming looked at the test sheet and frowned. "Classmate Wang Gang, have you had any high-risk behaviors recently?"

Wang Gang hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded with determination. "Last month, I went to a bar with my friends and got drunk and had sex with a guy and we didn't do any precautions at the time.

I was scared afterwards, but I was lucky that I didn't think I should be so unlucky......"

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

"The early symptoms of AIDS are fever, fatigue, weight loss, etc., which are easy to ignore."

Dr. Li sighed, "You are now experiencing symptoms of fever that does not go away, and with the results of the test sheet, you can basically be diagnosed as HIV-infected." "

"So what should I do?" Wang Gang asked desperately.

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

"Don't be discouraged, AIDS can now be controlled by drugs and life can be prolonged.

You should start taking your medication as soon as possible, and at the same time take care to protect yourself and others from spreading the virus. Dr. Lee reassured.

Wang Gang lowered his head, tears sliding silently. His reckless behavior not only ruined his future, but also brought danger to the people around him. He regretted it, but it was irretrievable.

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

Back in the dormitory, Wang Gang locked himself in his room, did not eat or drink, and washed his face with tears all day long. He didn't know how to deal with his family and friends, or what to do in the future.

Just as he was in despair, a phone call broke the silence of the dormitory. It was Wang Gang's high school classmate Zhao Ting. "Brother Gang, long time no see! I heard that you are sick, so I came to see you. "

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

Wang Gang wanted to refuse, but Zhao Ting's words moved him. "Brother Gang, I know you have AIDS, but I don't care.

No matter what happens, we will always be good friends. You have to be strong, you have to live well, and there are many people who are supporting you and loving you. "

Tears blurred Wang Gang's eyes. He knew that with the support of his family and friends, he would be able to overcome even the greatest difficulties.

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

A few days later, accompanied by Dr. Li and Zhao Ting, Wang Gang confessed everything to his family. Unexpectedly, instead of scolding him, his parents gave him a big hug.

"Silly child, if you are sick, you have to take care of it, and we will talk about other things later."

In this way, under the care of everyone, Wang Gang rekindled the hope of life. He began to take his medications regularly, eat reasonably, and exercise. Gradually, his condition was brought under control and his body recovered.

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

A year later, Wang Gang returned to school to continue his studies. He became more mature, stronger, and more valuing life.

He knows that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as he takes one step at a time, he will one day come out of the haze and usher in the sunshine.

From Wang Gang's story, we need to learn a lesson: AIDS can be prevented. Proper use of condoms and avoidance of high-risk behaviors are the most effective measures to prevent HIV.

At the same time, we need to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS. Like us, they are ordinary people in need of love and help.

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

Don't panic if you're unfortunate enough to be infected with HIV. With regular medication and an optimistic and positive mindset under the guidance of a doctor, people living with HIV can live a normal and meaningful life.

AIDS is not the end of the world, cherishing life is the attitude we should have. Let us join hands to fight AIDS and build a healthy and harmonious society.

The first-year boy has a fever that does not go away, is HIV positive, and confesses: After high-risk behaviors, there should be no luck

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)