
Doctors repeatedly emphasized: After the age of 60, you should eat less rice and eat more of these three things, and many old people do not listen to persuasion

author:Lao Li popular science talk

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Uncle Wang is 63 years old this year, some time ago I felt not well, so I went to the hospital for examination, the doctor asked him what he had eaten recently, Uncle Wang said: "I have always eaten very simple, a bowl of white rice porridge in the morning, two bowls of rice at noon and night, and the dishes can be fried casually." "

The doctor shook his head again and again: "Uncle Wang, I told you that you are 60 years old, you should eat less rice, eat more coarse grains, vegetables and foods rich in high-quality protein, you eat like this for a long time, be careful of three highs," Uncle Wang disagreed: "Doctor, I have eaten rice all my life, don't I live to such an old age, what's wrong with rice?" "

Doctors repeatedly emphasized: After the age of 60, you should eat less rice and eat more of these three things, and many old people do not listen to persuasion

The doctor patiently explained: "Uncle Wang, with the growth of age, all body functions are declining, too much consumption of refined rice noodles and other high-sugar foods, easy to cause blood sugar fluctuations, increase the burden of pancreatic islets, induce diabetes, and rice is high in calories, nutrition is relatively simple, long-term consumption of a large number of may also cause malnutrition, affect immunity, you look at your physical examination report, fasting blood sugar is already higher than the normal value, if you don't pay attention, I'm afraid it won't take long to take hypoglycemic drugs." "

When Uncle Wang heard this, his face changed, and he hurriedly asked, "Then doctor, what should I eat?" "

Doctors repeatedly emphasized: After the age of 60, you should eat less rice and eat more of these three things, and many old people do not listen to persuasion

The doctor replied: "First of all, we should appropriately increase the intake of coarse grains, such as oats, corn, sweet potatoes, beans, etc., which are rich in dietary fiber, which helps to improve intestinal health, and can also delay sugar absorption, which is beneficial to blood sugar control, and secondly, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which can enhance resistance and prevent chronic diseases, and thirdly, we must ensure the supply of high-quality protein, eat more lean meat, fish and shrimp, eggs and milk, soy products, etc., to meet the needs of body repair and metabolism, I recommend that you replace some of your rice with some whole grains or grains at each meal, and then pair it with vegetables, meat, and eggs for a more complete nutrition. "

Doctors repeatedly emphasized: After the age of 60, you should eat less rice and eat more of these three things, and many old people do not listen to persuasion

Uncle Wang nodded thoughtfully, and the doctor added: "It is important to have a balanced diet, moderate exercise is also important, walking, tai chi, and square dancing are all good choices. "

After listening to the doctor's words, Uncle Wang suddenly opened his mouth and said yes again and again, and he vowed to get rid of the bad habit of picky eating from now on, strive to achieve a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and take good care of his body.

Doctors repeatedly emphasized: After the age of 60, you should eat less rice and eat more of these three things, and many old people do not listen to persuasion

In fact, Uncle Wang's story is just a microcosm of countless cases, in my outpatient clinic, there are not a few elderly patients like Uncle Wang who don't care much about diet and still go their own way, they often hold the luck psychology of "eating for a lifetime", and are unwilling to accept changes, but they don't know that when people reach middle and old age, their physiological conditions are very different from when they were young, and if their eating habits are not adjusted, it is easy to cause serious diseases.

Take diabetes as an example, it is the health of the elderly "number one killer", according to statistics, the prevalence of diabetes among the elderly over 60 years old in mainland China is as high as 20%, and a considerable part of them are closely related to unreasonable dietary habits, long-term consumption of a large number of high-sugar foods such as refined rice and noodles, not only will lead to a spike in blood sugar, but also make the pancreatic islet function gradually fail, and eventually lead to diabetes, and once diabetes is formed, it is not only difficult to cure, but also may cause a series of complications, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, kidney disease, retinopathy, etc., It seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly.

Doctors repeatedly emphasized: After the age of 60, you should eat less rice and eat more of these three things, and many old people do not listen to persuasion

There are chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, etc., which are also closely related to diet, the elderly have decreased gastrointestinal function, excessive intake of high-oil and high-salt food, it is easy to induce three highs, once suffering from such diseases, not only to take medicine for a long time, but also to bear a heavy economic burden, children are also worried, and through reasonable dietary regulation, most chronic diseases can actually be prevented.

Of course, I also understand that the way of life that has been cultivated over the years, how easy it is to change it, rice has been eaten for decades, and it has already been integrated into life, where can I say it for a while? The key is to gradually develop healthy eating habits, such as starting with reducing the amount of rice at each meal by 1/4 and replacing it with whole grains; Then try swapping half a bowl of rice for a vegetable salad; Appropriately increase the intake of high-quality protein, and through a period of persistence, I believe that everyone will be able to taste the health benefits brought by "eating less rice and eating more three things".

Doctors repeatedly emphasized: After the age of 60, you should eat less rice and eat more of these three things, and many old people do not listen to persuasion

In addition, the support of children and family members is also very important, if the family can lead by example, actively advocate healthy eating, the elders will be easier to accept, I have seen a case, an old couple, son and daughter-in-law to make nutritious meals every day, under the influence of the ears and eyes, the old couple also fell in love with coarse grain dishes, blood sugar and blood lipids have been lowered, the body is great, on the other hand, those children do not care, let the elderly eat in the family, the health of the elderly is often worried.

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[Disclaimer: The content of the article is a fictional story, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

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