
There was an opportunity to overthrow President Jiang's "bulk" Cantonese system, and a good card was played to pieces

author:Chief of the Military Aircraft Division

Because Mr. Sun had used Guangdong as a revolutionary base, the Cantonese faction had both a traditional position and a strong military strength in the Kuomintang, and was regarded as an extremely important local faction in the Chiang Chung-zheng era.

The main political forces of the Cantonese faction were Hu Hanmin, Wang Jingwei's "reorganization faction", and Sun Ke's "reengineering faction", and Zou Lu, the head of the Xishan Conference faction, was also a Cantonese, and the overall energy accounted for more than half of the Kuomintang.

The military strength of the Guangdong system is mainly composed of the army forces such as Chen Mingshu's "19th Route Army", Chen Jitang's (later succeeded by Yu Hanmou), and Zhang Fakui's "Fourth Army", as well as the Guangdong Air Force and the Guangdong Navy.

With such a "luxury" military and political foundation, if the internal system can be ironclad, it is really possible for the Cantonese family to pull down the Chiang clan and rewrite the entire history.

There was an opportunity to overthrow President Jiang's "bulk" Cantonese system, and a good card was played to pieces

Chen Jitang, Chen Mingshu

It is a pity that the Cantonese system, which is extremely loose and even in the same room, perfectly missed the historical time window left to them from 1931 to 1936, and finally collapsed one by one.

On February 28, 1931, Hu Hanmin was placed under house arrest by Chiang in Tangshan, Nanjing, which triggered an unprecedented huddle in the Cantonese family for warmth.

The Hu Hanmin faction, the Wang Jingwei faction, the Sun Ke faction, and the Xishan Conference faction gathered in Guangzhou, raised the banner of anti-Chiang, and established a separate Nationalist Government in Guangzhou. Chen Jitang, Zhang Fakui, Guangxi Gui and other military generals were also vigorously armed, ready to arm against Chiang.

The only powerful Cantonese faction that did not respond to anti-Chiang was the 19th Route Army led by Chen Mingshu. At that time, they were still willing to be driven by the Jiang family.

The sudden outbreak of "918" made the confluence of Ning and Guangdong a reality on the surface, but the contradictions between the Cantonese and Chiang clans still could not be reconciled.

After that, under the coordination of Hu and Han people's residences, northern generals such as Feng Yuxiang, Song Zheyuan, Han Fuyu, and Shi Yousan, as well as southern generals such as Li Bai, Liu Xiang, Long Yun, and Wang Jialie in Guangxi, all expressed their willingness to overthrow Chiang together with the Cantonese faction.

There was an opportunity to overthrow President Jiang's "bulk" Cantonese system, and a good card was played to pieces

Chen Jitang, Chen Mingshu

Roughly calculated, if these forces really joined forces to cause an incident, the Jiang clan would definitely not be able to parry, and there was only one way out of the gloomy wilderness.

In fact, as a prerequisite for the confluence of Ningbo and Guangdong, Chiang did announce his resignation in December 1931. But just a few months later, he was back in office.

It was none other than Wang Jingwei and his faction who assisted Jiang's comeback.

After the Jiang family went into the wilderness, due to the uneven distribution of "spoils", the Cantonese system became a pot of porridge. The Wang Jingwei faction went to Shanghai, the Sun Ke faction and the Xishan Conference faction also went to Shanghai, and the Hu Hanmin faction stayed in Guangzhou.

The Cantonese department who went to Shanghai finally chose to cooperate with the Jiang family, Sun Ke and Wang Jingwei also served as the premier, and Chen Mingshu served as the vice president and acting president of the Executive Yuan.

As a result, the Cantonese military and political forces remaining in Guangzhou will not be able to stir up too much of a storm.

The period between 1931 and 1932 before and after the confluence of Ningbo and Guangdong was indeed the best window period in history for the Cantonese to join forces with various local powerful factions to completely wipe out Chiang's political and military resources.

However, because the interests of the various small groups of the Cantonese group were not consistent, they closed the window with their own hands, and nailed it to life forever, and never opened it again.

There was an opportunity to overthrow President Jiang's "bulk" Cantonese system, and a good card was played to pieces

Hu Hanmin, Sun Ke, etc

By December 1933, the 19th Route Army set off the anti-Chiang incident in Fujian, and in 1936, Chen Jitang led the "June 1 anti-Chiang incident".

At this point, the Cantonese military forces either withdrew from the stage of history, or were integrated into the ranks of Chiang's Central Army, and gradually became the role of soy sauce.

Cantonese politicians either died with hatred, became Chiang's political playthings, or switched to our side, and their influence in the Kuomintang was declining day by day.

After 1936, the Kuomintang essentially had no more Cantonese factions, and the Chiang clan won the hemp.

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